55 research outputs found

    Postmortem Animal Attacks on Human Corpses

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    Postmortem animal activity is an important step in incorporating protein, fat, and carbohydrates in corpses to the food chain. Many animal species are members of this food chain. Outdoor corpses may be attacked by many predacious and scavenger animals and exposed to complete destruction, and bones and belongings of the dead person may be scattered all over a large area due to postmortem animal activity. Indoor corpses may be attacked by pets, domestic dogs, cats, ants, and rodents during postmortem period. Besides, if the corpse is in shallow water, other terrestrial predators may harm the corpse. The most important issue in the presence of lesions on the corpse caused by animals is to accurately discriminate between antemortem and postmortem wounds. The extent of the lesions caused by the animals varies according to the sizes of their dentition and jaws, but they share some common characteristics. Lack of bleeding from bitten tissue excepting small amount of extravasated blood, absence of active bleeding, edema, and erythema on the edges of the wound are among these shared characteristics. In this chapter, the subject of postmortem animal attacks on human corpses will be evaluated by revising the recent references

    The Raping and Importance of the Hymen at Forensic Medicine

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    Sexuel offences are classified in six groups and the most serious one is raping. If defloration is accompained with this offence, the punishment will increase seriously. In this paper, the raping on the woman was violated through vagina have been investigated and at the offence fixation, the importance of the hymen have been determined

    Evaluation of intentional and unintentional injuries in children and adolescents with trauma scoring systems

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    Aim: To evaluate the general characteristics of cases under the age of 18 years who presented at our forensic medicine clinic due to intentional or unintentional trauma and to evaluate the severity of injury using trauma scoring systems. Methods: This study included all cases under the age of 18 years with a forensic report prepared due to trauma in the forensic medicine clinic between 2017-2021. The cases included in the study were evaluated in terms of the following parameters: “gender, age, forensic event, cause of accidental injury, intentional or unintentional injury, injury site, location of traffic accident victims, safety belt using, degree of forensic injury, trauma scores [Injury Severity Score (ISS) and New Injury Severity Score (NISS)]. The ISS and NISS were calculated using the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS)   2008 update. The results were statistically compared and evaluated. Results: The majority of the cases were male (n=281, 75.13%), and the mean age was 12.03±4.83 years. More than half of the cases (n:190, 50.80%) were unintentional injuries. The victims were injured most frequently due to battery (n=180, 48.10%). The most common injury sites were the head and neck (n=136, 36.40%). The majority of child and adolescent victims of traffic accidents under the age of 18 did not use helmets, seat belts, and protective equipment. The mean injury severity score (ISS) of the cases was 3.66±5.79, and the mean new-injury severity score (NISS) was 5.03±7.58. The ISS and NISS values were significantly higher in unintentional injuries than in intentional injuries. Conclusion: More severe injuries were caused unintentionally in children and adolescents. Pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists were at the greatest risk for serious injury. It is necessary to provide necessary training on the importance of protective equipment for this age group and to increase the controls

    A 16-Year Retrospective Study Examining Socio-Demographic Factors among Suicide Decedents in Bolu Province, Northwestern Turkey

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    This study aimed to examine the socio-demographic features of completed suicides in Bolu province, northwestern Turkey, between 2003 and 2019, using corpse examinations and autopsy reports to provide epidemiological data with a view to helping prevent suicidal behavior. Of the 108 suicides examined, males accounted for 84.3%, and females accounted for 15.7%. The suicide rate was the highest in the 25–34 age groups and among those of an unknown marital status. Suicide in an unknown location in the group aged 24 years and below was significantly higher than among age groups, while the workplace was significantly higher in those aged 35–64 years. In both genders, the home and its surroundings comprised the leading location of the suicide event, with an unknown location found to be significantly higher in males. The most common suicide method was identified as hanging, with no statistically significant difference between demographic groups with respect to method, and the highest suicide rate was observed in 2016–2019. With regard to time of year, winter was found to be significantly higher among those aged 24–34 years, whereas those aged 65 years and above were likelier to die in spring or summer (p=0.014). Several risk factors were identified, most of which could be detected and resolved before the suicidal act. Studies such as this are extremely valuable for their contribution to preventing suicide by identifying such risk factors

    Evaluation of genital condyloma accuminata seen during pediatric age as for sexual abuse: Case report

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    Anogenital wart is the most frequently seen during sexually transmitted disease in sexually active adults caused by Human Papillomavirus. The transmission with sexual contact has been defined for anogenital warts which emerge during childhood, however other routes of infection are also considered. We presented a case of a female child who had two genital warts. There is no history or suspicion of sexual abuse and the girl was infected by her mother. In the cases of condyloma accuminata seen in childhood, taking history and physical examination for sexual abuse of the child should be done by the clinician in a detailed way. Opinions should be achieved from forensic experts about the case and the legal authorities should be notified of the suspicion

    Evaluation of the deaths secondary to entrapment under the debris in the Van earthquake

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    AbstractIntroductionAn earthquake occurred on October 23, 2011 at 13:41 in the Van city of Turkey. According to the Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, the magnitude of this earthquake was measured as 7.2 on the Richter scale. The earthquake caused deaths and injuries due to entrapment under the debris. This study has been planned in order to evaluate the features of these deaths and to discuss the obtained data comparatively with the literature.Materials and methodsExternal examination of the corpses and autopsy reports drawn up for Van Attorney Generalship in the city center were evaluated retrospectively.ResultsTotally 51 deaths secondary to the entrapment under the debris were analyzed. Twenty-seven cases (52.9%) were females and 24 cases (47.1%) were males. All the deaths occurred in houses or workplaces. The causes of deaths were as follows: head trauma together with visceral organ laceration in 30 cases (58.8%), mechanic asphyxia in 14 cases (27.5%) and the crush syndrome in seven cases (13.7%). Deaths due to the crush syndrome occurred after victims’ were rescued alive after having been under the debris.ConclusionTraumatic findings are usually generalized and extensive in deaths related with earthquakes. Multiple fractures of cranial bones, ribs, extremities and injuries of visceral organs and major vessels are determined in the external examination. On the other hand, forensic pathologists should not disregard the diagnosis of the crush syndrome in traumatic deaths, especially if the trauma is secondary to the entrapment under the debris following an earthquake

    Two Physical Child Abuse Cases with Lethal Outcome [Olumle Sonuclanan Iki Fiziksel Cocuk Istismari Olgusu]

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    The study presents two cases of child abuse, one being molested by his father and stepmother, the second one by his stepmother. This study also aims to draw attention to taking necessary precautions in order to prevent similar cases from happening. The external examination of both cases revealed traumatic findings in different ages and cigarette burns; in addition, the second case had a large burn scar area starting from the left shoulder towards the rib curve. The first case is claimed to be hung by his father at times onto a tree in the garden of their house and the external examination showed scars on both upper arms, supporting this claims. The second case was in an advanced state of cachexia. The internal examination revealed that the first case had chronic subdural hematoma on the right fronto-temporal region, fresh subdural hematoma on the left temporal region and purulent menengitis; whereas, the second case had chronic subdural hematoma on the right parietal region and subarachnoidal bleeding on the both parietal and partially on the temporal area. The reports of the Council of Forensic Medicine indicated that the death cause of both cases was cerebral hemorrhage and developping complications. It is rather important to increase multidisciplinary studies on preventing child abuse that has multiple causes and a big impact on not only children but society as a whole. It is crucial to encourage collaboration among the government and the civil associations on the subject for increasing social sensitivity. [Med-Science 2014; 3(2.000): 1277-88

    Kesici ve Kesici Delici Alet ile İntihar İki Olgu Sunumu

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    Yazıda, kesici ve kesici-delici alet yaralanması yöntemleri ile intihar eden iki olgu sunulmuştur. Olgularımızın ilki 68 yaşında bir erkek olup, ekmek bıçağının keskin kenarı ile sol dirsek bölgesinde kemiğe nafiz derin keşi oluşturmuş, bu bölgedeki arter-ven-sinir-adaleleri total olarak keserek, brakial damarlardan meydana gelen dış kanama sonucunda ölmüştür, ikinci olgu ise, 23 yaşında bir kadın olup, göbek üst kısmında oluşturduğu biri batına nafiz, diğerleri yüzeyel olmak üzere, intihar orijinli dört adet kesici-delici alet yaralanmasına bağlı vena cava inferior keşişi sonucunda kaybedilmiştir. Belirtilen iki intihar olgusu, kullanılan yöntemlerin ölümle sonuçlanan intihar girişimlerinde sık görülmemesi nedeniyle sunulmuş, bulgular bu konudaki literatür bilgileri ışığında tartışılmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: İntihar, kesici alet yaralanması, kesici-delici alet yaralanması, orijin

    Prison deaths in Kahramanmaraş city

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    Cezaevinde meydana gelen ölümler, gerek ülkemizde gerekse yurtdışında özellik taşımaktadır. Çalışmada Kahramanmaraş İli'nde cezaevinde meydana gelen ölümlerin özelliklerinin ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır. 1992-2002 yılları arasında Kahramanmaraş İl Merkezi'ndeki cezaevinde tutuklu veya hükümlü olarak bulunan, ölümünü müteakip Kahramanmaraş Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı tarafından ölü muayenesi ve otopsisi yapılan olgular, yaş, cinsiyet, işlediği iddia edilen suç, ölüm nedeni, ölüm yeri, ölüm orijini yönünden değerlendirildi. Toplam 8 olgunun tümü erkekti. Doğal nedenlerle kaybedilen 4 olgudan üçünün "kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı", "akut myokard infarktüsü" ve "akciğer kanseri" sonucu öldüğü, son olgunun ise "nüks mide Ca" tanısıyla hastanede tedavi altında bulunduğu sırada kaybedildiği belirlendi. Üç olgudan ikisinin tuvalette şalvar uçkuru ile birinin koğuşun kapısına yırttığı çarşaf parçasını geçirerek "ası" yöntemini kullanmak suretiyle intihar ettiği görüldü. Son olgunun ise küçük yaşta çocuğun fiili livata yöntemi ile ırzına geçmek suçundan hükümlü olup, iki mahkum tarafından kesici alet ile öldürüldüğü saptandı. Tutuklu ve hükümlülerin ölüm nedenlerine yönelik olarak alınacak tedbirlerin, bu grupta görülen ölümlerin sayısını azaltacağı düşünüldü.Objective: Deaths in prison have speciality in our country as in the other countries. In this study, it is aimed to find out properties of this cases, occurred in Kahramanmaraş prison. Material and Methods: The prisoner death cases, whose external examination and autopsy was performed by Kahramanmaraş attorney in Kahramanmaraş prison between 1992-2002 , evaluated according to age, sex, crime, death cause, death locale, origine. Results: All of the 8 cases were male. 4 cases were natural deaths, which threes were due to 'chronic obstructive lung disease', 'acute myocardial infarct' and 'lung cancer'. It was determined that the last case has dead in the hospital because of the relapsing gastric cancer treatment Three cases were suicidal hanging, two were in toilet by baggy trousers' rope. One case hanged himself on the domitory's gate with a torn sheet. The last case was homicidal death with sharp instrument by other two prisoners, because his crime was sexual abuse of a child. Conclusion: It was given a thought that, precautions intended to the death causes of prisoners, will decrease death cases in this group