45 research outputs found

    Glasbeni arhiv starejših rokopisov v cerkvi sv. Danijela v Celju

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    The article describes the process of organizing and cataloguing the collection of early music manuscripts held by the archive of Celje abbey and parish (SI-Co) and certain new discoveries regarding its stylistic composition and most notable copyists. Significant progress in technology and improved research conditions have prompted a fresh examination, which has revealed an intriguing, multi-faceted potential for future in-depth research, particularly on account of signs of a different provenance and purpose of the repertoire.Prispevek predstavlja potek urejanja in evidentiranja glasbene zbirke starejših rokopisov iz arhiva Opatijsko-mestne župnije Celje (SI-Co) ter nekatere novosti o slogovni podobi ohranjene glasbe ter njenih najpomembnejših prepisovalcih. Napredek v tehnologiji ter izboljšani raziskovalni pogoji so spodbudili ponovno obravnavo, ki je razkrila zanimiv, večplasten potencial za prihodnje poglobljene raziskave, zlasti zaradi sledi, ki nakazujejo na raznolik izvor gradiva in namembnost repertoarja

    RISM and Inventorying Early Music Manuscripts in Slovenia

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    Since its inception, the project Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) has played a major role in the creation of an inventory of preserved early music heritage in Slovenia. This article presents the background and the current state of cooperation between Slovenian musicology and the RISM project, focusing on the latest additions to the online catalogue from the music collection of the Church of St Daniel in Celje

    RISM and Inventorying Early Music Manuscripts in Slovenia

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    Since its inception, the project Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) has played a major role in the creation of an inventory of preserved early music heritage in Slovenia. This article presents the background and the current state of cooperation between Slovenian musicology and the RISM project, focusing on the latest additions to the online catalogue from the music collection of the Church of St Daniel in Celje

    Towards the Evaluation of Possible Indicators for the Provision of Green Spaces in Settlements to Promote Physical Activity among the Population

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    Publicly accessible and usable green spaces in cities and smaller settlements are important for promoting physical activity and consequently for maintaining and improving public health. Adequate provision of such spaces is crucial for planning of a quality living environment. Research to date has identified different aspects in linking public health and green spaces. However, the problems of existing approaches and methods include inconsistencies in evaluating different aspects of public spaces for physical activity, lack of inclusion of social and health benefits of green spaces in green space indicators, and lack of integrated approaches towards defining the provision of green spaces to promote physical activity. Accordingly, a solid spatially explicit indicator for assessing the provision of settlements with green spaces for physical activity is non-existent. The purpose of this paper is to present the literature review and methodological framework developed within the Slovenian research project titled Development of indicators for the assessment of the provision of settlements with green spaces for outdoor physical activity that addresses aspects of public green spaces and related indicators for assessing the adequacy of the conditions provided by urban green spaces for different types of physical activity. We have defined three basic types of physical activity, namely: activities that are carried out in one place, activities that cover distance for leisure of recreation, and activities that cover distance to reach a goal (i.e., daily active mobility). Guided by this definition, we conducted a literature review to examine: (1) which spatial aspects of enabling or promoting physical activity are addressed by existing green space indicators, (2) to which spatial scale and to which spatial planning levels are indicators linked and, (3) whether indicators address different types of physical activity. Based on the findings, suggestions are made to develop a more spatially explicit indicator to assess the provision of green spaces in settlements for the three types of physical activity. Such an indicator can strengthen the long-term monitoring of the condition of publicly accessible green spaces for recreational use by the population

    Relatório de estágio em farmácia comunitária

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    Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentado à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbr

    Kontrafakture v arhivu opatijske in župnijske cerkve sv. Danijela v Celju

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    The article presents the collection of contrafacta preserved in the archive of the abbey and parish church of St Daniel in Celje. It provides an overview of the models used, the modes and outcomes of the transformations and the possible position of the repertoire in the cultural space of Celje in the first half of the nineteenth century.Članek predstavlja zbirko kontrafaktur, ohranjenih v arhivu opatijske in župnijske cerkve sv. Danijela v Celju. Podaja vpogled v uporabljene predloge, metode in rezultate preoblikovanja ter sugerira morebitno vlogo repertoarja v kulturnem prostoru Celja v prvi polovici 19. stoletja

    The collection of early music manuscripts at the church of St. Daniel in Celje

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    Opatijsko-mestna župnija Celje hrani v svojem arhivu bogato zbirko glasbenih rokopisov, večina katerih časovno sega v drugo polovico 18. in prvo (nekaj enot tudi že v drugo) polovico 19. stoletja. Ker arhiv v preteklosti še ni bil celostno raziskan, je cilj pričujočega magistrskega dela njegova sistematična ureditev ter izdelava kataloga s pomočjo vnašanja zajetih podatkov v elektronski katalog mednarodne spletne zbirke RISM (Répertoire International des Sources Musicales). Zlasti zaradi prisotnosti pečata jezuitskega kolegija v Gorici se zbirka razlikuje od podobnih muzikalij v vzhodni Sloveniji. Zaključna analiza zbranih podatkov daje prvi vtis o glasbenem življenju Celja in njegovi okolici v obravnavanem času in bo omogočila poznejšo umestitev v širši kontekst tako slovenskega kot tudi širšega evropskega prostora.The archive of the Abbey in Celje holds a substantial number of early music manuscripts, dating approximately to the second half of the 18th and the first half of the 19th Century. Since the manuscript collection has not yet been comprehensively researched, the aim of the thesis was to systematically arrange it and catalogue the data in the online database of the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM, “The International Inventory of Musical Sources”). Particularly due to the presence of the stamp of the Jesuit College in Gorizia on several of the manuscript copies, the collection stands out among other similar collections from eastern Slovenia. The concluding analysis of the collected data provides a first impression of the musical life of Celje and its surroundings in the 18th and 19th Centuries and will enable its future placement in the broader contexts of both Slovenia and Europe

    From Intention to Implementation of Vertical Green: The Case of Ljubljana

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    This article examines the need and opportunities to implement vertical green in Ljubljana as a case of a medium-sized European city with a relatively green feel. Sustainability-oriented urban development supports the introduction of nature-based solutions in principle; however, there is a lack of vertical green as well as actual legislative and administrative support. Therefore, several methods were applied in the present study to link this idea to execution, starting with semi-structured interviews and a workshop for selected city officials. Legislative and formal backgrounds for implementation were then assessed. An inventory of green façades and other structures (e.g., noise barriers and retaining walls) in Ljubljana was prepared, and a geographic information system-based decision support system was developed to identify the potential areas in the city where additional green space elements would be most favourable for humans, the environment, and climate indicators. The results reveal a gap between opportunities and the actual situation. The general opinion that there is never too much green space in urban areas is confirmed by direct information from the city administration and strategic documents. There are many potential sites for implementation; however, this is hindered by ownership, management, and economic issues. The study concludes with some suggestions for following the best practices in other central European capitals, such as Vienna and Berlin