160 research outputs found

    Landscape Preferences, Amenity, and Bushfire Risk in New South Wales, Australia

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    This paper examines landscape preferences of residents in amenity-rich bushfire-prone landscapes in New South Wales, Australia. Insights are provided into vegetation preferences in areas where properties neighbor large areas of native vegetation, such as national parks, or exist within a matrix of cleared and vegetated private and public land. In such areas, managing fuel loads in the proximity of houses is likely to reduce the risk of house loss and damage. Preferences for vegetation appearance and structure were related to varying fuel loads, particularly the density of understorey vegetation and larger trees. The study adopted a qualitative visual research approach, which used ranking and photo-elicitation as part of a broader interview. A visual approach aids in focusing on outcomes of fuel management interventions, for example, by using the same photo scenes to firstly derive residents’ perceptions of amenity and secondly, residents’ perceptions of bushfire risk. The results are consistent with existing research on landscape preferences; residents tend to prefer relatively open woodland or forest landscapes with good visual and physical access but with elements that provoke their interest. Overall, residents’ landscape preferences were found to be consistent with vegetation management that reduces bushfire risk to houses. The terms in which preferences were expressed provide scope for agency engagement with residents in order to facilitate management that meets amenity and hazard reduction goals on private land

    The Flux Auto- and Cross-Correlation of the Lyman-alpha Forest. II. Modelling Anisotropies with Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations

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    The isotropy of the Lyman-alpha forest in real-space uniquely provides a measurement of cosmic geometry at z > 2. The angular diameter distance for which the correlation function along the line of sight and in the transverse direction agree corresponds to the correct cosmological model. However, the Lyman-alpha forest is observed in redshift-space where distortions due to Hubble expansion, bulk flows, and thermal broadening introduce anisotropy. Similarly, a spectrograph's line spread function affects the autocorrelation and cross-correlation differently. In this the second paper of a series on using the Lyman-alpha forest observed in pairs of QSOs for a new application of the Alcock-Paczynski (AP) test, these anisotropies and related sources of potential systematic error are investigated with cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. Three prescriptions for galactic outflow were compared and found to have only a marginal effect on the Lyman-alpha flux correlation (which changed by at most 7% with use of the currently favored variable-momentum wind model vs. no winds at all). An approximate solution for obtaining the zero-lag cross-correlation corresponding to arbitrary spectral resolution directly from the zero-lag cross-correlation computed at full-resolution (good to within 2% at the scales of interest) is presented. Uncertainty in the observationally determined mean flux decrement of the Lyman-alpha forest was found to be the dominant source of systematic error; however, this is reduced significantly when considering correlation ratios. We describe a simple scheme for implementing our results, while mitigating systematic errors, in the context of a future application of the AP test.Comment: 20 page

    Ariel - Volume 10 Number 5

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    Executive Editors Madalyn Schaefgen David Reich Business Manager David Reich News Editors Medical College Edward Zurad CAHS John Guardiani World Mark Zwanger Features Editors Meg Trexler Jim O\u27Brien Editorials Editor Jeffrey Banyas Photography and Sports Editor Stuart Singer Commons Editor Brenda Peterso

    A Spatially Resolved Study of the Synchrotron Emission and Titanium in Tycho's Supernova Remnant with NuSTAR

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    We report results from deep observations (~750 ks) of Tycho's supernova remnant (SNR) with NuSTAR. Using these data, we produce narrow-band images over several energy bands to identify the regions producing the hardest X-rays and to search for radioactive decay line emission from 44Ti. We find that the hardest (>10 keV) X-rays are concentrated in the southwest of Tycho, where recent Chandra observations have revealed high emissivity "stripes" associated with particles accelerated to the knee of the cosmic-ray spectrum. We do not find evidence of 44Ti, and we set limits on its presence and distribution within the SNR. These limits correspond to a upper-limit 44Ti mass of M44 < 2.4x10^-4 M_sun for a distance of 2.3 kpc. We perform spatially resolved spectroscopic analysis of sixty-six regions across Tycho. We map the best-fit rolloff frequency of the hard X-ray spectra, and we compare these results to measurements of the shock expansion and ambient density. We find that the highest energy electrons are accelerated at the lowest densities and in the fastest shocks, with a steep dependence of the roll-off frequency with shock velocity. Such a dependence is predicted by models where the maximum energy of accelerated electrons is limited by the age of the SNR rather than by synchrotron losses, but this scenario requires far lower magnetic field strengths than those derived from observations in Tycho. One way to reconcile these discrepant findings is through shock obliquity effects, and future observational work is necessary to explore the role of obliquity in the particle acceleration process.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, ApJ in pres

    Status of the PALM-3000 high order adaptive optics instrument

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    We report on the status of PALM-3000, the second generation adaptive optics instrument for the 5.1 meter Hale telescope at Palomar Observatory. PALM-3000 was released as a facility class instrument in October 2011, and has since been used on the Hale telescope a total of over 250 nights. In the past year, the PALM-3000 team introduced several instrument upgrades, including the release of the 32x32 pupil sampling mode which allows for correction on fainter guide stars, the upgrade of wavefront sensor relay optics, the diagnosis and repair of hardware problems, and the release of software improvements. We describe the performance of the PALM-3000 instrument as a result of these upgrades, and provide on-sky results. In the 32x32 pupil sampling mode (15.8 cm per subaperture), we have achieved K-band strehl ratios as high as 11% on a 14.4 mv star, and in the 64x64 pupil sampling mode (8.1 cm per subaperture), we have achieved K-band strehl ratios as high as 86% on stars brighter than 7th m_v

    Adiabatic and isocurvature perturbation projections in multi-field inflation

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    Current data are in good agreement with the predictions of single field inflation. However, the hemispherical asymmetry seen in the cosmic microwave background data, may hint at a potential problem. Generalizing to multi-field models may provide one possible explanation. A useful way of modeling perturbations in multi-field inflation is to investigate the projection of the perturbation along and perpendicular to the background fields' trajectory. These correspond to the adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations. However, it is important to note that in general there are no corresponding adiabatic and isocurvature fields. The purpose of this article is to highlight the distinction between a field redefinition and a perturbation projection. We provide a detailed derivation of the evolution of the isocurvature perturbation to show that no assumption of an adiabatic or isocurvature field is needed. We also show how this evolution equation is consistent with the field covariant evolution equations for the isocurvature perturbation in the flat field space limit

    The Flux Auto- and Cross-Correlation of the Lyman-alpha Forest. I. Spectroscopy of QSO Pairs with Arcminute Separations and Similar Redshifts

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    The Lyman-alpha forest has opened a new redshift regime for cosmological investigation. At z > 2 it provides a unique probe of cosmic geometry and an independent constraint on dark energy that is not subject to standard candle or ruler assumptions. In Paper I of this series on using the Lyman-alpha forest observed in pairs of QSOs for a new application of the Alcock-Paczynski test, we present and discuss the results of a campaign to obtain moderate-resolution spectroscopy (FWHM ~ 2.5 Angstroms) of the Lyman-alpha forest in pairs of QSOs with small redshift differences (Delta z 2.2) and arcminute separations (< 5'). This data set, composed of seven individual QSOs, 35 pairs, and one triplet, is also well-suited for future investigations of the coherence of Lyman-alpha absorbers on ~ 1 Mpc transverse scales and the transverse proximity effect. We note seven revisions for previously published QSO identifications and/or redshifts.Comment: 20 page

    The Y-Chromosome Tree Bursts into Leaf: 13,000 High-Confidence SNPs Covering the Majority of Known Clades

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    Many studies of human populations have used the male-specific region of the Y chromosome (MSY) as a marker, but MSY sequence variants have traditionally been subject to ascertainment bias. Also, dating of haplogroups has relied on Y-specific short tandem repeats (STRs), involving problems of mutation rate choice, and possible long-term mutation saturation. Next-generation sequencing can ascertain single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in an unbiased way, leading to phylogenies in which branch-lengths are proportional to time, and allowing the times-to-most-recent-common-ancestor (TMRCAs) of nodes to be estimated directly. Here we describe the sequencing of 3.7 Mb of MSY in each of 448 human males at a mean coverage of 51x, yielding 13,261 high-confidence SNPs, 65.9% of which are previously unreported. The resulting phylogeny covers the majority of the known clades, provides date estimates of nodes, and constitutes a robust evolutionary framework for analyzing the history of other classes of mutation. Different clades within the tree show subtle but significant differences in branch lengths to the root. We also apply a set of 23 Y-STRs to the same samples, allowing SNP- and STR-based diversity and TMRCA estimates to be systematically compared. Ongoing purifying selection is suggested by our analysis of the phylogenetic distribution of nonsynonymous variants in 15 MSY single-copy genes
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