55 research outputs found

    Circadian clock disruption in neurodegenerative diseases: cause and effect?

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    Disturbance of the circadian system, manifested as disrupted daily rhythms of physiologic parameters such as sleep, activity, and hormone secretion, has long been observed as a symptom of several neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer Disease. Circadian abnormalities have generally been considered consequences of the neurodegeneration. Recent evidence suggests, however, that circadian disruption might actually contribute to the neurodegenerative process, and thus might be a modifiable cause of neural injury. Herein we will review the evidence implicating circadian rhythms disturbances and clock gene dysfunction in neurodegeneration, with an emphasis on future research directions and potential therapeutic implications for neurodegenerative diseases

    Evaluating circadian dysfunction in mouse models of Alzheimer\u27s disease: Where do we stand?

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    Circadian dysfunction has been described in patients with symptomatic Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), as well as in presymptomatic phases of the disease. Modeling this circadian dysfunction in mouse models would provide an optimal platform for understanding mechanisms and developing therapies. While numerous studies have examined behavioral circadian function, and in some cases clock gene oscillation, in mouse models of AD, the results are variable and inconsistent across models, ages, and conditions. Ultimately, circadian changes observed in APP/PS1 models are inconsistent across studies and do not always replicate circadian phenotypes observed in human AD. Other models, including the 3xTG mouse, tau transgenic lines, and the accelerated aging SAMP8 line, show circadian phenotypes more consistent with human AD, although the literature is either inconsistent or minimal. We summarize these data and provide some recommendations to improve and standardize future studies of circadian function in AD mouse models

    The wrinkling of time: Aging, inflammation, oxidative stress, and the circadian clock in neurodegeneration

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    A substantial body of research now implicates the circadian clock in the regulation of an array of diverse biological processes including glial function, metabolism, peripheral immune responses, and redox homeostasis. Sleep abnormalities and other forms of circadian disruption are common symptoms of aging and neurodegeneration. Circadian clock disruption may also influence the aging processes and the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. The specific mechanisms governing the interaction between circadian systems, aging, and the immune system are still being uncovered. Here, we review the evidence supporting a bidirectional relationship between aging and the circadian system. Further, we explore the hypothesis that age-related circadian deterioration may exacerbate multiple pathogenic processes, priming the brain for neurodegeneration

    Sleep, circadian rhythms, and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer Disease

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    Disturbances in the sleep–wake cycle and circadian rhythms are common symptoms of Alzheimer Disease (AD), and they have generally been considered as late consequences of the neurodegenerative processes. Recent evidence demonstrates that sleep–wake and circadian disruption often occur early in the course of the disease and may even precede the development of cognitive symptoms. Furthermore, the sleep–wake cycle appears to regulate levels of the pathogenic amyloid-beta peptide in the brain, and manipulating sleep can influence AD-related pathology in mouse models via multiple mechanisms. Finally, the circadian clock system, which controls the sleep–wake cycle and other diurnal oscillations in mice and humans, may also have a role in the neurodegenerative process. In this review, we examine the current literature related to the mechanisms by which sleep and circadian rhythms might impact AD pathogenesis, and we discuss potential therapeutic strategies targeting these systems for the prevention of AD

    Inhibition of REV-ERBs stimulates microglial amyloid-beta clearance and reduces amyloid plaque deposition in the 5XFAD mouse model of Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    A promising new therapeutic target for the treatment of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) is the circadian system. Although patients with AD are known to have abnormal circadian rhythms and suffer sleep disturbances, the role of the molecular clock in regulating amyloid-beta (Aβ) pathology is still poorly understood. Here, we explored how the circadian repressors REV-ERBα and β affected Aβ clearance in mouse microglia. We discovered that, at Circadian time 4 (CT4), microglia expressed higher levels of the master clock protein BMAL1 and more rapidly phagocytosed fibrillary A

    Circadian clock protein BMAL1 broadly influences autophagy and endolysosomal function in astrocytes

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    An emerging role for the circadian clock in autophagy and lysosome function has opened new avenues for exploration in the field of neurodegeneration. The daily rhythms of circadian clock proteins may coordinate gene expression programs involved not only in daily rhythms but in many cellular processes. In the brain, astrocytes are critical for sensing and responding to extracellular cues to support neurons. The core clock protein BMAL1 serves as the primary positive circadian transcriptional regulator and its depletion in astrocytes not only disrupts circadian function but also leads to a unique cell-autonomous activation phenotype. We report here that astrocyte-specific deletion o

    Circadian clock proteins regulate neuronal redox homeostasis and neurodegeneration

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    Brain aging is associated with diminished circadian clock output and decreased expression of the core clock proteins, which regulate many aspects of cellular biochemistry and metabolism. The genes encoding clock proteins are expressed throughout the brain, though it is unknown whether these proteins modulate brain homeostasis. We observed that deletion of circadian clock transcriptional activators aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like (Bmal1) alone, or circadian locomotor output cycles kaput (Clock) in combination with neuronal PAS domain protein 2 (Npas2), induced severe age-dependent astrogliosis in the cortex and hippocampus. Mice lacking the clock gene repressors period circadian clock 1 (Per1) and period circadian clock 2 (Per2) had no observed astrogliosis. Bmal1 deletion caused the degeneration of synaptic terminals and impaired cortical functional connectivity, as well as neuronal oxidative damage and impaired expression of several redox defense genes. Targeted deletion of Bmal1 in neurons and glia caused similar neuropathology, despite the retention of intact circadian behavioral and sleep-wake rhythms. Reduction of Bmal1 expression promoted neuronal death in primary cultures and in mice treated with a chemical inducer of oxidative injury and striatal neurodegeneration. Our findings indicate that BMAL1 in a complex with CLOCK or NPAS2 regulates cerebral redox homeostasis and connects impaired clock gene function to neurodegeneration

    Astrocytes deficient in circadian clock gene Bmal1 show enhanced activation responses to amyloid-beta pathology without changing plaque burden

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    An emerging link between circadian clock function and neurodegeneration has indicated a critical role for the molecular clock in brain health. We previously reported that deletion of the core circadian clock gene Bmal1 abrogates clock function and induces cell-autonomous astrocyte activation. Regulation of astrocyte activation has important implications for protein aggregation, inflammation, and neuronal survival in neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). Here, we investigated how astrocyte activation induced by Bmal1 deletion regulates astrocyte gene expression, amyloid-beta (Aβ) plaque-associated activation, and plaque deposition. To address these questions, we crossed astrocyte-specific Bmal1 knockout mice (Aldh1l1-Cr
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