392 research outputs found

    What counts as a reasonable extent? - a systems approach for understanding fire safety in Sweden

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    Swedish legislation requires that any owner or user of a building maintain a reasonable level of fire protection measures to ensure the safety of all people located in the building. If a building, in the wake of a fire, in court is determined not to have had a reasonable fire protection, the blame will likewise be assigned to the building owner or user. Using the perspective of risk governance, this study aims at analysing how regulation and stakeholders interact to maintain a specific level of fire protection in hotels. The focus is on identifying problems and frictions that have emerged from the complex relationships, and differences of interests, between the different stakeholders. Based on a stakeholder analysis, 11 respondents were selected for an interview study. The main problems identified in the analysis are that there are ambiguities for the individual hotel owner to know whether her or his fire protection measures are reasonable according to the law, that the system has emerged without clear political goals, problems related to the process of local supervision, that the ambiguous situation gives rise to opportunities of other stakeholders to claim the definition of what counts as a reasonable extent, and the ethical problems associated with convicting a single individual for failure in a complex multi-actor system

    Significant Gamma Lines from Inert Higgs Dark Matter

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    One way to unambiguously confirm the existence of particle dark matter and determine its mass would be to detect its annihilation into monochromatic gamma-rays in upcoming telescopes. One of the most minimal models for dark matter is the inert doublet model, obtained by adding another Higgs doublet with no direct coupling to fermions. For a mass between 40 and 80 GeV, the lightest of the new inert Higgs particles can give the correct cosmic abundance of cold dark matter in agreement with current observations. We show that for this scalar dark matter candidate, the annihilation signal of monochromatic \gamma\gamma and Z\gamma final states would be exceptionally strong. The energy range and rates for these gamma-ray line signals make them ideal to search for with the soon upcoming GLAST satellite.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; minor changes and text improvements; references updated; published versio

    Fuel quality and dry matter losses of stored wood chips - Influence of cover material

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    Irregular seasonal demand from heat- and combined heat and power plants means that outdoor storage of forest fuels is an inevitable step in the forest fuel supply chain. Storage of fresh comminuted biomass render substantial dry matter and energy losses. Covering can protect wood chips from rewetting, leading to a higher net calorific value and lower dry matter losses, and thus increase the amount of available energy. This study examined the combined effect of covering material on fuel quality and the amount available energy from wood chips stored in a full-scale pile. The combined changes in fuel quality and dry matter loss reduced the amount of accessible energy by 9.8% in the uncovered part, by 5.6% when covered with water proof or light semi-permeable cover materials and by 1.0% when covered with a thicker semi permeable material. Fuel quality of wood chips can be improved by covering the piles during storage but the gain is affected by the type of cover material. Seasonal storage in properly covered chip piles facilitate an increased annual utilisation of chippers and chip trucks which reduces overall biomass supply chain cost

    Sieving and covering of wood chips improves storability

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    Minimising dry matter losses during storage of comminuted forest fuels is desirable from both an economic and a sustainability perspective. This study examined fuel quality and amount of recovered energy during the storage of forest wood chips stored at full industrial scale at three locations, and the effect of sieving and covering piles with a water-resistant, vapour-permeable fabric. Sieving wood chips before storage, that is, reducing the number of fines smaller than 8 mm, reduced the cumulative dry matter losses to <2%, while cumulative dry matter losses after storage for 4–6 months using current practices, that is, unsieved and uncovered, reached 10.6%. The combined effect of storage management led to a value loss of 11.5%, while both covering and sieving led to lower losses, with the combination of sieving and covering giving a 1.3% value increase, and thus, increased storability

    Asthma and allergy in teenagers and young adults, risk-factors and T-cell regulation

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    Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases among teenagers and young adults. The prevalence of asthma among young adults in Sweden is approximately 7- 10%. Despite this, only a limited number of studies have focused on asthma, allergy and allergic inflammation in this age group. The aims of this thesis are to study the consequences of asthma and allergy in teenagers and young adults, incidence and riskfactors for death due to asthma, and deterioration in asthma prior and following transfer from pediatric to adult health care. As allergic inflammation is involved in a majority of asthma patients in this age-group we have further investigated a T cell mediated inflammatory mechanism with possible implications in monitoring and modulating autoimmune and allergic diseases. PAPER I During the 1994-2003 period 37 deaths due to asthma were identified. The incidence of asthma in 1-34 year-olds decreased during the period from 1.54 to 0.53 per million. Common risk-factors were under-treatment, poor adherence to prescribed treatment and adverse psychosocial situation. An alarming finding was that 11/37 deaths was probably caused by food allergy and 8/37 were associated with exposure to pet dander. PAPER II In a 5-year prospective follow-up study to identify risk factors for deterioration of asthma following transfer from pediatric to adult health care 150 teenagers with asthma were enrolled. Skin prick test at entrance revealed that 89% were sensitized towards at least one of tested allergens. A minority performed with impaired lung function without deterioration during the five-year follow up, while bronchial hyper responsiveness (BHR) was present in 71% of the subjects at entrance and among 59% at follow-up. Risk for persistence of BHR after five years was elevated by poor adherence and attenuated by regular physical activity. Working capacity decreased significantly during the study period without any correlation to risk factors examined. Paper III Interactions between the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1(LRP1) and thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) is necessarily for T cell motility and that the motogenic LRP/TSP-1 mechanism antagonizes adhesion to ICAM-1 and fibronectin as well as TCR induced proliferative responses. This cascade mediates regulatory effects of IL-2 and IL-4. In addition expression of TSP-1, with known ability to protect against inflammation, was increased by IL-2. Paper IV T cell activation induces arrest of T cell motility through down-regulation of LRP1 synthesis a concomitant up-regulation of TSP-1 synthesis providing a mechanism for enhancement of adhesion of T cells to APC´s stimulating proliferative responses. Despite this arrest of motility, co-ligation with CD28 maintains a basal motility level by enhancing transport of LRP1 to the cell surface. Paper V Patients with allergy and psoriasis showed impaired T cell motility and decreased TSP- 1 expression compared to healthy controls. IL-2 was shown to up-regulate the impaired motility in patient to the same level as in controls indicating a reversible state probably excluding a constitutional defect

    Ekologisk kompensation som verktyg i miljömålsarbetet : Syntes från en forskningssatsning

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    Denna rapport utgör en syntes av de sju projekt som finansierades inom Naturvårdsverkets och Havs- och vattenmyndighetens forskningssatsning inom området ekologisk kompensation som pågick 2018–2021. Syntesprojektet har utgått dels från slutrapporterna från de enskilda projekten, dels från myndigheternas uttryckta önskemål om belysning av vissa specifika aspekter inom tillämpningen av ekologisk kompensation. Rapporten täcker därför inte in alla resultat och slutsatser från forskningsprojekten utan har inriktat sig på följande teman: (i) etiska argument kring ekologisk kompensation, (ii) förutsättningarna för lagstyrd och frivillig kompensation, (iii) modeller för beräkning av miljöskador och kompensationseffekter, och (iv) uppföljning och utvärdering av kompensationsåtgärder.Tillämpningen av ekologisk kompensation har idag en relativt begränsad omfattning, men skulle kunna utvecklas till ett mer använt styrmedel. I rapporten pekas dock på en rad aspekter som behöver åtgärdas och utvecklas för att ekologisk kompensation ska bidra till att förlusterna av biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster stoppas eller vänds till en nettouppbyggnad av miljövärden. Syntesprojektet resulterade i en rad olika förslag riktade till berörda myndigheter som förväntas vara avgörande för ekologisk kompensation som styrmedel. Dessa summeras kortfattat nedan:Lagstiftning och nationell policy • Skadelindringshierarkin bör få ett starkt lagstöd och kopplingen mellan hierarkin och principen om tvådelad prövningen bör klargöras • Målet med ekologisk kompensation bör formuleras och uttryckas i lagstiftning och nationella policydokument • Lagstiftning bör tas fram gällande regler för när ekologisk kompensation inte ska tillämpas utan exploatering i stället helt ska undvikas • Utredning behövs kring om ett mål om nettovinst vid ekologisk kompensation bör formuleras i miljöbalken, respektive om det ska uttryckas tydligare som en del av de svenska miljökvalitetsmålen • Krav på systematisk uppföljning bör ingå som standard för alla kompensationsåtgärder baserade på beslut utifrån miljöbalken • Nationella riktlinjer bör utvecklas för uppföljning och utvärdering av ekologisk kompensation, och dessa bör även förtydliga vem som bär ansvaret för att utföra och bekosta dessaUtveckling av kompensationspooler • Ytterligare utredning bör göras kring förutsättningarna för att införa kompensationspooler i privat och offentlig regi, bland annat gällande ansvar samt sociala och samhällsekonomiska effekterFrivillig kompensation: kommunal och näringsliv • Nationellt gemensamma riktlinjer och utökad vägledning för frivillig kompensation bör utvecklas för att klargöra i. hur berörda aktörer kan och bör organisera arbetet med frivillig kompensation ii. hur målet med kompensationen bör definieras och i samband med det hur effekterna av införda kompensationsåtgärder bör följas upp • Tydligare stöd och riktlinjer bör utvecklas för vad som bör ingå i översiktsplaner, detaljplaner, grönplaner och naturvårdsplaner för att kunna skapa ett konsistent, transparent och mer strategiskt kommunalt arbete med kompensation, som också går att följa upp och utvärderaBeräkning och bedömning • Policydokument och riktlinjer bör upprättas för att styra handlingsutrymmet vad gäller naturtypisk, rumslig och tidsmässig flexibilitet inom ekologisk kompensation • Nationella riktlinjer bör av försiktighetsskäl förorda och rekommendera konkreta multiplikatorer för hantering av osäkerhet, även kopplat till samhällsekonomiska aspekter • Förslag bör tas fram på hur det går att förbättra möjligheterna att tillämpa ett landskapsperspektiv vid genomförande av ekologisk kompensation • Beräkningsmodeller som inkluderar samhällsekonomiska, sociala och ekologiska perspektiv bör utvecklas vidare, och dessa bör även beakta juridiska aspekter • Nationella riktlinjer bör utvecklas för vilka typer av mått på miljöegenskaper som företrädesvis kan tillämpas i beräkningen av omfattningen av ekologisk kompensation, samt i vilka fall som enklare specifika schablonvärden kan användasDelaktighet • Deltagandeprocesser bör utvecklas som främjar inkludering av berörda samhällsgrupper i beslutsfattande kring ekologisk kompensationKunskap, uppföljning och utvärdering • Riktlinjer bör utvecklas för hur data från initierade och genomförda kompensationsprojekt ska sammanställas och tillgängliggöras, samt en nationell databas tas fram för att stödja detta • En nationell geografisk databas bör tas fram för dokumentation av implementerade kompensationsområden för långsiktig uppföljnin

    Performance of an Innovative Bio-Based Wood Chip Storage Pile Cover—Can It Replace Plastic Tarps?

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    There is currently great general interest in reducing the use of fossil-based materials. Fossil-based tarps are still widely used as cover for wood chip storage piles, causing additional waste or requiring further waste treatment in the supply chain. This study aimed to investigate the performance of an innovative bio-based wood chip pile cover compared to conventional treatments (plastic-covered and uncovered) in eastern Finnish conditions. The experiment evaluated the drying process during the storage of stemwood chips during 5.9 months of storage. It included the developments of temperature, moisture content, heating value, energy content, basic density, particle size distribution, and the dry matter losses of a total of six piles. As a result, the forest stemwood chips dried by 11%, with dry-matter losses of 4.3%, when covered with the bio-pile cover. Using the plastic covering, the forest stemwood chips dried by 22%, with dry matter losses of 2.9%. At the end of the experiment, the energy content in plastic-covered piles was 6.1% higher than uncovered piles and 3.1% higher than bio-pile-covered piles. While differences in the key drying performance parameters can be observed, the differences between uncovered piles and those covered with plastic tarps, as well as between the bio-based and the uncovered piles, were not statistically significant. We conclude that the bio-based cover, under the studied conditions, do not render better storage conditions than in current practices. However, our study indicates possible fossil-substitutional benefits by using a bio-based cover, which calls for further R&D work in this matter