1 research outputs found

    Uppdatering av baskarta med UAS-fotogrammetri i del av Furuvik

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    Syftet med studien Ă€r att uppdatera GĂ€vle kommuns baskarta för omrĂ„det Furuviks camping. OmrĂ„det har genomgĂ„tt stora förĂ€ndringar, bland annat har campingen flyttats pĂ„ grund av ombyggnation av vĂ€g och jĂ€rnvĂ€g. Genom anvĂ€ndning av UAS och flygfotografering samt framstĂ€llning av ortofotomosaik i programvaran PhotoScan samt kontrollmĂ€tningar i fĂ€lt har baskartan uppdaterats. UAS Ă€r förkortningen för “unmanned aerial system” eller “obemannat flygsystem”. Idag anvĂ€nds UAS-teknik i större utstrĂ€ckning Ă€n tidigare för att ta fram underlag till kartframstĂ€llning av olika kartprodukter. AnvĂ€ndningen av UAS har visat sig vara bĂ„de effektivt och billigt. Innan flygning kunde genomföras placerades flygsignaler ut med god spridning i terrĂ€ngen. Flygsignalerna mĂ€ttes in med Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) nĂ€tverks-real time kinematic (N-RTK). Detta gjordes i tvĂ„ omgĂ„ngar för att undvika tidskorrelation hos satelliterna. NĂ€r flygfotograferingen var fĂ€rdig bearbetades bilderna i PhotoScan dĂ€r blockutjĂ€mning samt georeferering genomfördes. Vid bearbetningen i PhotoScan upptĂ€cktes att en del bilder blivit överexponerade pga. skiftande vĂ€derlek under dagen för flygningen. Dessa bilder gick dĂ€rför inte att anvĂ€nda vid georeferering. DĂ€refter anvĂ€ndes ortofotomosaiken till kartering av de nytillkomna objekten i baskartan. Detta gjordes i ArcMap med hjĂ€lp av GĂ€vle kommuns kartmanĂ©r. Slutligen genomfördes en kartkontroll pĂ„ befintliga objekt samt digitaliserade objekt utifrĂ„n ortofotot för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla kvalitĂ©n av den uppdaterade baskartan. JĂ€mförelser av GĂ€vle kommuns objekt (kontrollpunkter 1–5) visade att alla punkter lĂ„g inom toleransen pĂ„ 0,050 m i lĂ€gesosĂ€kerhet. JĂ€mförelsen av de objekt som digitaliserats med hjĂ€lp av ortofotmosaiken (kontrollpunkter 6–15) visade att tvĂ„ av punkterna marginellt överskred toleransen pĂ„ 0,050 m.The purpose of the study is to update the GĂ€vle municipality's base map for the Furuvik campsite. The area has undergone major changes, among other things, the campsite has been moved due to road and rail rebuilding. Through the use of UAS and aerial photography as well as the production of orthophotomosaics in the PhotoScan software and control by field measurements the base map has been updated. UAS is the abbreviation for "unmanned aerial system". Today, UAS technology is used to a greater extent than before to provide basis for production of various map products. The use of UAS has proven to be both efficient and inexpensive. Before the flight was carried out, ground control targets were spread out well in the terrain. The ground control targets were measured with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network real-time kinematic (N-RTK). This was done in two rounds to avoid time correlation with the satellites. When aerial photography was completed the pictures were processed in PhotoScan where block smoothing and georeferencing were performed. During the processing of PhotoScan some images were overexposed due to the fact that changing weather conditions during the day of the flight. These pictures therefore failed to be used for georeferencing. Thereafter the orthophotomosaic was used to mapping the newly added objects in the base map. This was done in ArcMap using the base map of GĂ€vle municipality. Finally a map control was made on existing objects and digitized items from the orthophotomosaic to ensure the quality of the updated base map. Comparisons of GĂ€vle municipality objects (checkpoints 1-5) showed that all points were within the tolerance of 0.050 m in uncertainty. The comparison of the objects digitized by the orthophotomosaic (control points 6-15) showed that two of the points marginally exceeded the tolerance of 0.050 m