9,672 research outputs found

    Rotor systems research aircraft airplane configuration flight-test results

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    The rotor systems research aircraft (RSRA) has undergone ground and flight tests, primarily as a compound aircraft. The purpose was to train pilots and to check out and develop the design flight envelope. The preparation and flight test of the RSRA in the airplane, or fixed-wind, configuration are reviewed and the test results are discussed

    An investigation of the optimization of parameters affecting the implementation of fourier transform spectroscopy at 20-500 micron from the C-141 airborne infrared observatory

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    A program for 20-500 micron spectroscopy from the NASA flying C141 infrared observatory is being carried out with a Michelson interferometer. The parameters affecting the performance of the instrument are studied and an optimal configuration for high performance on the C-141 aircraft is recommended. As each parameter is discussed the relative merits of the two modes of mirror motion (rapid scan or step and integrate) are presented

    Evaluation of insulation materials and composites for use in a nuclear radiation environment, phase 2

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    The nuclear heating of the propellant in all of the four baseline RNS configurations studied was much lower than that of the nuclear flight module configuration with the 5000-MW NERVA analyzed previously. Although the nuclear heating has been reduced, the effect of nuclear heating on the propellant as well as the effect of nuclear heating on internal structures such as antivortex baffles, screens, and sump components cannot be neglected. In addition, it was found that the present analytical precedures were not able to predict boundary layer initiation and breakoff points with the accuracy necessary to predict propellant thermodynamic nonequilibrium (stratification) and/or mixing

    The ionization structure of the Orion nebula: Infrared line observations and models

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    Observations of the (O III) 52 and 88 micron lines and the (N III) 57 micron line have been made at 6 positions and the (Ne III) 36 micron line at 4 positions in the Orion Nebula to probe its ionization structure. The measurements, made with a -40" diameter beam, were spaced every 45" in a line south from and including the Trapezium. The wavelength of the (Ne III) line was measured to be 36.013 + or - 0.004 micron. Electron densities and abundance ratios of N(++)/O(++) have been calculated and compared to other radio and optical observations. Detailed one component and two component (bar plus halo) spherical models were calculated for exciting stars with effective temperatures of 37 to 40,000K and log g = 4.0 and 4.5. Both the new infrared observations and the visible line measurements of oxygen and nitrogen require T sub eff approx less than 37,000K. However, the double ionized neon requires a model with T sub eff more than or equal to 39,000K, which is more consistent with that inferred from the radio flux or spectral type. These differences in T sub eff are not due to effects of dust on the stellar radiation field, but are probably due to inaccuracies in the assumed stellar spectrum. The observed N(++)/O(++) ratio is almost twice the N(+)/O(+) ratio. The best fit models give N/H = 8.4 x 10 to the -5 power, O/H = 4.0 x 10 to the -4 power, and Ne/H = 1.3 x 10 to the -4 power. Thus neon and nitrogen are approximately solar, but oxygen is half solar in abundance. From the infrared O(++) lines it is concluded that the ionization bar results from an increase in column depth rather than from a local density enhancement

    Investigation of LANDSAT follow-on thematic mapper spatial, radiometric and spectral resolution

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Fine resolution M7 multispectral scanner data collected during the Corn Blight Watch Experiment in 1971 served as the basis for this study. Different locations and times of year were studied. Definite improvement using 30-40 meter spatial resolution over present LANDSAT 1 resolution and over 50-60 meter resolution was observed, using crop area mensuration as the measure. Simulation studies carried out to extrapolate the empirical results to a range of field size distributions confirmed this effect, showing the improvement to be most pronounced for field sizes of 1-4 hectares. Radiometric sensitivity study showed significant degradation of crop classification accuracy immediately upon relaxation from the nominally specified values of 0.5% noise equivalent reflectance. This was especially the case for data which were spectrally similar such as that collected early in the growing season and also when attempting to accomplish crop stress detection

    Laboratory tests of field crop seeds as indicators of seeding value

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    Laboratory analysis and tests of seed samples were originally undertaken by governmental agencies in the United States and other countries to inform farmers concerning the weed seed content and plant producing capacity of seed lots. The determination of seed purity and the detection of seeds of noxious weeds have not proved difficult provided that representative samples of seed are submitted. Illustrations of weed seeds in bulletins and books, together with the use of herbarium specimens, have made it possible\u27 to identify with some degree of certainty foreign seeds found in crop seeds. Efforts to measure the plant producing capacity of seed lots have been less successful than to identify weed and crop seeds, because of (a) a lack of knowledge as to the factors affecting the viability and germination of many kinds of seeds, (b) difficulty of interpreting what constitutes normal germination and (c) inability to interpret the value of impermeable legume seeds in obtaining and maintaining field stands

    NASA rotor system research aircraft flight-test data report: Helicopter and compound configuration

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    The flight test activities of the Rotor System Research Aircraft (RSRA), NASA 740, from June 30, 1981 to August 5, 1982 are reported. Tests were conducted in both the helicopter and compound configurations. Compound tests reconfirmed the Sikorsky flight envelope except that main rotor blade bending loads reached endurance at a speed about 10 knots lower than previously. Wing incidence changes were made from 0 to 10 deg

    Introducing New Methodologies for Identifying Design Patterns for Internationalization and Localization

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    This paper describes a new methodology for deriving interaction design patterns from an analysis of ethnographic data. It suggests using inductive and deductive analysis processes to identify and articulate patterns that address the needs of culturally diverse users of interactive, collaborative systems. This might inform the internationalization and localization process of computer supported collaboration systems

    Beef Fatty Acid Profiles from Steers Finished with De-oiled Dry Distillers Grains Plus Solubles vs. a Corn- Based Diet

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    A total of 128 steers were fed one of two finishing diets: 50% de-oiled dry distillers grains plus solubles (DDGS) or a corn- based control diet. Carcasses (n = 48) were selected to evaluate the effect of diet on the fatty acid profile of strip loin steaks. Th e C15:0, C16:1, C17:0, and C17:1 were greater for beef from steers finished on the corn- based control diet while the C18:1T, C18:2, C20:3ω6, total trans, ω6 and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were greater in beef from cattle finished on 50% de-oiled DDGS. These findings confirm that feeding distillers grains plus solubles (be it wet or dry) increases the amount of PUFA’s in meat