11 research outputs found

    Factibilidad técnica de la utilización de cobertura vegetal en papaya (Carica papaya L.) mediante la aplicación localizada de herbicidas

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    An essay was conducted toevaluate the feasibility of implementing the use of naturalgroundcover in papaya (Carica papaya L.) under a ridgeplanting system. The objective was to establish a weed-freezone on the ridge area to allow the placement of fertilizerclose to the root systems, thus avoiding competition betweenthe roots of the papaya and those of the groundcover. Fourherbicides were used (acetachlor, pendimethaline, oxyfluorfenand glyphosate) to asses their control of cyperous, broadleafand grass weeds. Possible damage to papaya plants due to theeffect of the herbicides was also monitored as well and theirresponse in terms of growth and yield. Glyphosate wasefficient for gramineous weed control but not againstbroadleaves. Very good control for all weed types wasobtained during the 90 day post-transplant period with theoxyfluorfen + pendimethaline and acetachlor treatments. Thefirst two herbicides affected papaya plants slightly when theywere applied 10 days after transplant. Acetachlor didn’t causeany damage to the papaya. There were no differences amongthe treatments in regard to growth and yield.Se estudió la factibilidad deutilizar cobertura vegetal en papaya (Carica papaya L.) bajoun sistema de siembra sobre lomillos. El objetivo fue establecerun área libre de malezas sobre el lomillo para permitirla colocación del fertilizante cerca del sistema radical de lapapaya. Se evaluó el control de malezas de cuatro herbicidas(gifosato, oxifluorfen, pendimetalina y acetaclor) sobreespecies de hoja ancha, poáceas y ciperáceas, así como el posibledaño de los herbicidas al cultivo y su efecto sobre el crecimientoy rendimiento de las plantas de papaya. El herbicidaglifosato fue eficiente en el control de poáceas pero nocontra hojas anchas. Se obtuvo muy buen control general demalezas hasta los 90 después de la aplicación con los tratamientospreemergentes oxifluorfen+pendimetalina y acetaclor.Los dos primeros herbicidas afectaron levemente lasplantas de papaya cuando se aplicaron a los 10 días despuésde la siembra. El acetaclor no causó daño en las plantas de papayaen ninguna de las aplicaciones. No hubo diferencias entrelos tratamientos con respecto a las variables de crecimientoy rendimiento del cultivo

    Evaluación de híbridos de papaya (Carica papaya L.) en Pococí, Limón, Costa Rica

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    An experiment was establishedto determine the agronomic and commercial potential of ninepapaya hybrids in a region of high rainfall (Pococí region,Limón province). The characteristics determined where fruitsize, total productivity, pulp brix and susceptibility to fruit rotcaused by Colletotrichum gloesporioides. It was determinedthat only one of these hybrids had commercial potential as adessert fruit comparable to the control. One other hybrid hadpotential to be used for industrial purposes.Se estableció un experimentocon nueve híbridos de papaya con el objetivo de determinarsus potenciales agronómicos y comerciales en una regiónde alta pluviosidad (cantón de Pococí, provincia de Limón).Las características evaluadas fueron tamaño de fruta, productividadtotal, brix de la pulpa y susceptibilidad a la antracnosisde la fruta causado por Colletotrichum gloesporioides. Sedeterminó que solo uno de los materiales mostró característicassimilares al testigo comercial como fruta para consumo enfresco. Otro de los híbridos tuvo potencial para uso con finesagroindustriales

    Evaluación general del estado actual de la automatización de bibliotecas de instituciones de educación superior públicas y privadas en los estados de: Hidalgo, México y Morelos

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    University libraries must rely on Information Technology to facilitate the work of libraries, permitting process, transmit, store and retrieve information quickly and securely. Today there are various types of Integrated Library System for Libraries (ILS), which facilitate and support activities such as administration and management of the library so it should perform a feasibility analysis and usability, enabling the identification, evaluation and identify the needs of each library, and thus select the appropriate ILS. The present investigation aims to identify, through a field study in higher education institutions, public and private in the states of Hidalgo, Mexico and Morelos which are ILS that are installed in libraries

    Heart Failure with preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF); A Mexican cohort from Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS)

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    Background: Several epidemiologic studies indicate that up to 50% of patients with heart failure have a preserved ejection fraction, and this proportion has increased over time. The knowledge of its severity and associated comorbidity is determining factor to develop adequate strategies for its treatment and prevention. This study was focus on the creation of a cohort and follow-up of Mexican population and to analyze its severity as well as its interaction with the comorbidity of other cardiovascular risk factors. Methods: We included patients from different sites of Mexico City than were sent to the Cardiology hospital of the National Medical Center in Mexico City for the realization of an echocardiogram as part of their assessment by the presence of dyspnea, edema, or suspicion of hypertensive heart disease. Complete medical history, physical examination and laboratory studies including Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) serum levels were performed. Diagnosis of diastolic dysfunction was based on symptoms and echocardiographic data including time of deceleration, size of left atrium, e´ septal and e´ lateral, as well as E wave, A wave and its ratio E/A. All patients had left ventricle ejection fraction > 45%. Results: We included 168 patients with HFpEF. The most common risk factor was hypertension (89.2%), followed by overweight and obesity (> 78.5%), dyslipidemia (82.1%) and diabetes (42.8%). Women were dominant, 108 (64.3%); the mean age was 63 years old. When we classify by severity of diastolic dysfunction, we found that 41.1% were grade I, 57.1% were grade II and only 1.8% were grade III. The risk factors most strongly associated with the severity of diastolic dysfunction were hypertension, obesity and dyslipidemia. We found BNP levels highly variables, but the levels were higher detected as the ejection fraction was approaching to 45%. At one year of follow up mortality was not reported. Conclusion: HFpEF is a frequent entity in patients with cardiovascular risk factors in Mexico. The most common risk factor was hypertension. The combination of hypertension, overweight and dyslipidemia predicted the severity of diastolic dysfunction. We recommend that all Mexican patient with hypertension and overweight or obesity should be submitted as a part of its medical evaluation to an echocardiogram study in order to detect diastolic dysfunction even though the signs or symptoms are or not evident

    Cardiovascular risk reduction: Past, present and future in Mexico

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    Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is globally defined as coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, or peripheral arterial disease presumed to be of atherosclerotic origin and it is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality for individuals with or without diabetes and is the largest contributor to the direct and indirect catastrophic costs of cardiovascular disorder. Very common conditions coexisting into the cardiovascular risk (e.g., obesity, hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia) are clear risk factors for ASCVD, and diabetes itself confers independent risk. Numerous studies have shown the efficacy of controlling individual cardiovascular risk factors in preventing or slowing ASCVD in people with these disorders. In other words it is not enough control one risk factor. We need to develop novel strategies to detect and control all of them at the same time. Thus, large benefits are seen when multiple cardiovascular risk factors are addressed simultaneously. Under the current paradigm of aggressive risk factor modification in patients with cardiovascular risk, there is evidence that measures of 10-year coronary heart disease (CHD) risk among U.S. adults with cardiovascular risk have improved significantly over the past decade and that ASCVD morbidity and mortality have decreased. In Mexico the Mexican Institute of Social Security is implementing new strategies of primary and secondary prevention in order to confront this pandemic. In this review, we analyze the state of the art to approach at the same time the different cardiovascular risk factors, in an integral form because of this is the real worldwide challenge of health

    Decrease in prevalence of peptic ulcer and gastric adenocarcinoma at the Policlínico Peruano Japonés, Lima, Peru, between the years 1985 and 2002. Analysis of 31,446 patients

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    Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de la úlcera péptica y el adenocarcinoma gástrico, en una población de nivel socioeconómico medio y alto en Lima, Perú, entre los años 1985 y 2002. Material y métodos: Se determinó la prevalencia de la úlcera gastroduodenal y el adenocarcinoma gástrico, después de evaluar por esofagogastroduodenoscopía 31,446 pacientes en el Policlínico Peruano Japonés (PPJ) entre 1985 y 2002. Todos los pacientes presentaron síntomas crónicos del tracto gastrointestinal superior, y en ellos se realizó el diagnóstico endoscópico de úlcera péptica activa e histológico de adenocarcinoma gástrico. Resultados: Luego del análisis de la población estudiada se identificó una disminución de la prevalencia de úlcera gástrica y úlcera duodenal de 3,15% y 5,05% respectivamente en 1985, a 1.62% y 2.00% respectivamente en el año 2002. La prevalencia de adenocarcinoma gástrico también disminuyó de 3,19% en 1992 a 0,92% en el año 2002. Las prevalencias de ulcera gástrica (OR =1.49, 95% IC 1.26-1.77, p<0.001), úlcera duodenal (OR =1.32, 95% IC 1.15-1.51, p<0.001) y adenocarcinoma gástrico (OR =1.53, 95% IC 1.25-1.86, p<0.001), disminuyeron en los últimos 8 años cuando comparamos con los primeros años. Conclusiones: Durante este período de estudio se observó una significativa disminución de la prevalencia de la úlcera péptica y el adenocarcinoma gástrico en pacientes peruanos de nivel socio económico medio y alto que son atendidos en este nosocomio

    Comparación de la prevalencia de la infección del estómago por el Helicobacter pylori en el Perú en población japonesa y peruana

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    Se ha planteado la posibilidad de una predisposición racial para adquirir la infección del estómago por el Helicobacter pylori. Sin embargo, no se ha tenido en cuenta el nivel socioeconómico de los pacientes. Objetivo: Comparar la prevalencia de la infección por Helicobacter pylori en la población japonesa residente en el Perú y en peruanos nativos, con similares condiciones socioeconómicas. Material y métodos: Estudio prospectivo realizado en el Policlínico Peruano-Japonés (Lima-Perú), donde incluimos a dos grupos de pacientes: japoneses y peruanos nativos con síntomas crónicos del tracto gastrointestinal superior, ambos de nivel socioeconómico medio y alto. Se excluyeron pacientes con úlcera péptica. Para diagnosticar la infección se utilizó la prueba de la ureasa, la Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR) y serología con ELISA IgG. Resultados: Evaluamos 168 pacientes de raza japonesa (edad promedio 54.6±12.62 años, 75% mujeres), y los comparamos con 161 peruanos (edad 42.12±14.48 años, 61.5% mujeres). Utilizando la prueba de la ureasa, la prevalencia de infección por el Helicobacter pylori en peruanos fue de 47.8% y en japoneses de 47.0% (p=0.88). Utilizando PCR, en peruanos fue de 49.7% y en japoneses 43.5% (p=0.28). Conclusiones: En el Perú, las personas de raza y ascendencia japonesa pura comparados con población peruana del mismo estrato social y similar grupo etáreo, tienen similar prevalencia de la infección por el Helicobacter pylori, con lo que podemos postular que en el Perú y en estos grupos étnicos no existe predisposición racial para adquirir la infección

    Effect of Interleukin-17 in the Activation of Monocyte Subsets in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

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    Interleukin- (IL-) 17 is increased in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and plays a key role in inflammatory diseases through its involvement in the activation of leukocytes. Here, we describe for the first time the effect of IL-17 in the migration and activation of monocyte subsets in patients during ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and post-STEMI. We analyzed the circulating levels of IL-17 in patient plasma. A gradual increase in IL-17 was found in STEMI and post-STEMI patients. Additionally, IL-17 had a powerful effect on the recruitment of CD14++CD16+/CD14+CD16++ monocytes derived from patients post-STEMI compared with the monocytes from patients with STEMI, suggesting that IL-17 recruits monocytes with inflammatory activity post-STEMI. Furthermore, IL-17 increased the expression of TLR4 on CD14+CD16- and CD14++CD16+/CD14+CD16++ monocytes post-STEMI and might enhance the response to danger-associated molecular patterns post-STEMI. Moreover, IL-17 induced secretion of IL-6 from CD14++CD16− and CD14++CD16+/CD14+CD16++ monocytes both in STEMI and in post-STEMI, which indicates that IL-17 has an effect on the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines from monocytes during STEMI and post-STEMI. Overall, we demonstrate that in STEMI and post-STEMI, IL-17 is increased and induces the migration and activation of monocyte subsets, possibly contributing to the inflammatory response through TLR4 and IL-6 secretion

    Caminos del pensar de nuestra América

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    Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México/Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación/"PAPIIT IN 401214-3"//[Conocimientos y saberes en América Latina. Hacia una modernidad radical]27 ensayos en torno a siete materias principales: ética, educación, circunstancialidad y liberación; literatura y expresión; movimientos sociales; epistemologías actuales en América Latina; tecnología, ecología y ciencia y otros temas de América Latina que apuntan a la historia de las ideas.Libro