355 research outputs found

    Low-carbon development for Colombia

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    Colombia is well-positioned to pursue a low-carbon development path given the country’s already large hydropower production, a model urban transport program, and significant potential to reduce emissions from agriculture, forestry, and other land-use (AFOLU). While reducing carbon emissions through these and other activities can demonstrate Colombia’s commitment to addressing global climate change, the primary driver of such activities should be that they are part of the country’s economic and sustainable development agenda. Policymakers need to ensure that public policies for climate mitigation support projects that are economic and achieve macroeconomic goals such as generating income and employment. Given the importance of hydropower and Colombia’s huge potential for expanding agriculture and forestry, another consideration is that mitigation measures should not increase the country’s vulnerability to climate change impacts—some could actually do that—but should also increase the country’s resilience to natural and manmade disasters. These findings are based on an analysis of Colombia’s climate mitigation options made jointly by the World Bank and the Department of National Planning (DNP)

    Low-carbon development for Colombia

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    Colombia is well-positioned to pursue a low-carbon development path given the country’s already large hydropower production, a model urban transport program, and significant potential to reduce emissions from agriculture, forestry, and other land-use (AFOLU). While reducing carbon emissions through these and other activities can demonstrate Colombia’s commitment to addressing global climate change, the primary driver of such activities should be that they are part of the country’s economic and sustainable development agenda. Policymakers need to ensure that public policies for climate mitigation support projects that are economic and achieve macroeconomic goals such as generating income and employment. Given the importance of hydropower and Colombia’s huge potential for expanding agriculture and forestry, another consideration is that mitigation measures should not increase the country’s vulnerability to climate change impacts—some could actually do that—but should also increase the country’s resilience to natural and manmade disasters. These findings are based on an analysis of Colombia’s climate mitigation options made jointly by the World Bank and the Department of National Planning (DNP)

    Technological cost%3CU%2B2010%3Ereduction pathways for axial%3CU%2B2010%3Eflow turbines in the marine hydrokinetic environment.

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    This report considers and prioritizes potential technical costreduction pathways for axialflow turbines designed for tidal, river, and ocean current resources. This report focuses on technical research and development costreduction pathways related to the device technology rather than environmental monitoring or permitting opportunities. Three sources of information were utilized to understand current cost drivers and develop a list of potential costreduction pathways: a literature review of technical work related to axialflow turbines, the U.S. Department of Energy Reference Model effort, and informal webinars and other targeted interactions with industry developers. Data from these various information sources were aggregated and prioritized with respect to potential impact on the lifetime levelized cost of energy. The four most promising costreduction pathways include structural design optimization; improved deployment, maintenance, and recovery; system simplicity and reliability; and array optimization

    Diseño arquitectónico de una biblioteca pública con energía solar fotovoltaica - Chimbote

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    El propósito de la investigación consistió en la propuesta para la implementación de una Biblioteca Publica en el distrito de Chimbote. Presentó la problemática de contar con la Biblioteca Municipal "Cesar Vallejo" la cual no cubrió las necesidades de los lectores chimbotanos, por problemas propios de la misma como: no contar con una infraestructura adecuada de biblioteca (problema contrastantemente presente en un gran número de bibliotecas del país); desfasado fondo bibliográfico, servicios deficientes el cual no despierta en los miembros de la comunidad el entusiasmo por la lectura sino indiferencia y baja valoración por esta, necesidad de espacios requeridos para lograr una equidad y democracia de información para todo público. El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en elaborar un diseño arquitectónico de una biblioteca Pública con energía solar fotovoltaica - Chimbote. La recolección de información se realizó en forma directa en campo y de la normativa vigente para el diseño de bibliotecas, utilizando técnicas como la observación, entrevistas, recolección de datos y encuestas; a su vez, esos datos fueron procesados utilizando los programas de AutoCAD y Excel y Word y SPSS, entre otros. El tipo de investigación fue descriptivo, de diseño no experimental ? transversal. La población de este estudio fue la población de Chimbote y los casos análogos. Al finalizar esta investigación he logrado diseñar un instrumento técnico beneficioso para incrementar la cultura poblacional que los gobiernos locales y otras instituciones de beneficios sociales pueden contar para su ejecución.Tesi

    87th Legislature of Texas

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    Report from the Sunset Commission regarding the San Jacinto River Authority, including decisions on statutory recommendations for the Texas Legislature and management recommendations for the agency, as well as information from the original staff report, such as the need for, performance by, and improvements to the San Jacinto River Authority

    87th Legislature of Texas

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    Report from the Sunset Commission regarding the San Jacinto River Authority, including the Commission's decisions and the final actions taken by the Texas Legislature, along with information from the original staff report, such as the need for, performance by, and improvements to the San Jacinto River Authority

    87th Legislature of Texas

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    Initial report from the Sunset Commission regarding the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, including background information, issues and recommendations, and supplementary documentation

    87th Legislature of Texas

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    Report from the Sunset Commission regarding the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, including decisions on statutory recommendations for the Texas Legislature and management recommendations for the agency, as well as information from the original staff report, such as the need for, performance by, and improvements to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation