21 research outputs found

    Antiviral RNA interference activity in cells of the predatory mosquito, Toxorhynchites amboinensis

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    Arthropod vectors control the replication of arboviruses through their innate antiviral immune responses. In particular, the RNA interference (RNAi) pathways are of notable significance for the control of viral infections. Although much has been done to understand the role of RNAi in vector populations, little is known about its importance in non-vector mosquito species. In this study, we investigated the presence of an RNAi response in Toxorhynchites amboinensis, which is a non-blood feeding species proposed as a biological control agent against pest mosquitoes. Using a derived cell line (TRA-171), we demonstrate that these mosquitoes possess a functional RNAi response that is active against a mosquito-borne alphavirus, Semliki Forest virus. As observed in vector mosquito species, small RNAs are produced that target viral sequences. The size and characteristics of these small RNAs indicate that both the siRNA and piRNA pathways are induced in response to infection. Taken together, this data suggests that Tx. amboinensis are able to control viral infections in a similar way to natural arbovirus vector mosquito species. Understanding their ability to manage arboviral infections will be advantageous when assessing these and similar species as biological control agents

    Sequence-independent characterization of viruses based on the pattern of viral small RNAs produced by the host

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    Virus surveillance in vector insects is potentially of great benefit to public health. Large-scale sequencing of small and long RNAs has previously been used to detect viruses, but without any formal comparison of different strategies. Furthermore, the identification of viral sequences largely depends on similarity searches against reference databases. Here, we developed a sequence-independent strategy based on virus-derived small RNAs produced by the host response, such as the RNA interference pathway. In insects, we compared sequences of small and long RNAs, demonstrating that viral sequences are enriched in the small RNA fraction. We also noted that the small RNA size profile is a unique signature for each virus and can be used to identify novel viral sequences without known relatives in reference databases. Using this strategy, we characterized six novel viruses in the viromes of laboratory fruit flies and wild populations of two insect vectors: mosquitoes and sandflies. We also show that the small RNA profile could be used to infer viral tropism for ovaries among other aspects of virus biology. Additionally, our results suggest that virus detection utilizing small RNAs can also be applied to vertebrates, although not as efficiently as to plants and insects

    The spatial and temporal scales of local dengue virus transmission in natural settings:a retrospective analysis

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    Background Dengue is a vector-borne disease caused by the dengue virus (DENV). Despite the crucial role of Aedes mosquitoes in DENV transmission, pure vector indices poorly correlate with human infections. Therefore there is great need for a better understanding of the spatial and temporal scales of DENV transmission between mosquitoes and humans. Here, we have systematically monitored the circulation of DENV in individual Aedes spp. mosquitoes and human patients from Caratinga, a dengue endemic city in the state of Minas Gerais, in Southeast Brazil. From these data, we have developed a novel stochastic point process pattern algorithm to identify the spatial and temporal association between DENV infected mosquitoes and human patients. Methods The algorithm comprises of: (i) parameterization of the variogram for the incidence of each DENV serotype in mosquitoes; (ii) identification of the spatial and temporal ranges and variances of DENV incidence in mosquitoes in the proximity of humans infected with dengue; and (iii) analysis of the association between a set of environmental variables and DENV incidence in mosquitoes in the proximity of humans infected with dengue using a spatio-temporal additive, geostatistical linear model. Results DENV serotypes 1 and 3 were the most common virus serotypes detected in both mosquitoes and humans. Using the data on each virus serotype separately, our spatio-temporal analyses indicated that infected humans were located in areas with the highest DENV incidence in mosquitoes, when incidence is calculated within 2.5–3 km and 50 days (credible interval 30–70 days) before onset of symptoms in humans. These measurements are in agreement with expected distances covered by mosquitoes and humans and the time for virus incubation. Finally, DENV incidence in mosquitoes found in the vicinity of infected humans correlated well with the low wind speed, higher air temperature and northerly winds that were more likely to favor vector survival and dispersal in Caratinga. Conclusions We have proposed a new way of modeling bivariate point pattern on the transmission of arthropod-borne pathogens between vector and host when the location of infection in the latter is known. This strategy avoids some of the strong and unrealistic assumptions made by other point-process models. Regarding virus transmission in Caratinga, our model showed a strong and significant association between high DENV incidence in mosquitoes and the onset of symptoms in humans at specific spatial and temporal windows. Together, our results indicate that vector surveillance must be a priority for dengue control. Nevertheless, localized vector control at distances lower than 2.5 km around premises with infected vectors in densely populated areas are not likely to be effective

    Sequence-independent characterization of viruses based on the pattern of viral small RNAs produced by the host. [Corrigendum]

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    published erratum2016 Apr 202016 01 21importedErratum for : Sequence-independent characterization of viruses based on the pattern of viral small RNAs produced by the host. [Nucleic Acids Res. 2015

    Les insectes : un fantastique réservoir de virus et de gènes antiviraux

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    Les insectes forment le groupe d’animaux qui présente la plus grande diversité. Des travaux récents de métagénomique montrent qu’ils peuvent être infectés par une diversité extraordinaire de virus. Parmi eux, les arbovirus (arthropod-borne viruses) peuvent être transmis à l’Homme par les insectes hématophages, notamment les moustiques. Le séquençage à haut débit des petits ARN des insectes fournit des informations sur leur virome, un paramètre qui pourrait contribuer à expliquer la dynamique de la transmission des maladies infectieuses par des insectes vecteurs. D’autre part, la caractérisation des mécanismes qui restreignent les infections virales chez les insectes révèle des innovations génétiques qui pourraient à terme inspirer de nouvelles stratégies antivirales

    Antiviral RNA interference activity in cells of the predatory mosquito, Toxorhynchites amboinensis.

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    Dataset contains Excel files with raw data underlying Figures 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 2B, 3A, 3B and 4 of paper ‘Antiviral RNA interference activity in cells of the predatory mosquito, Toxorhynchites amboinensis.

    The Sisal Virome: Uncovering the Viral Diversity of Agave Varieties Reveals New and Organ-Specific Viruses

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    Sisal is a common name for different plant varieties in the genus Agave (especially Agave sisalana) used for high-quality natural leaf fiber extraction. Despite the economic value of these plants, we still lack information about the diversity of viruses (virome) in non-tequilana species from the genus Agave. In this work, by associating RNA and DNA deep sequencing we were able to identify 25 putative viral species infecting A. sisalana, A. fourcroydes, and Agave hybrid 11648, including one strain of Cowpea Mild Mottle Virus (CPMMV) and 24 elements likely representing new viruses. Phylogenetic analysis indicated they belong to at least six viral families: Alphaflexiviridae, Betaflexiviridae, Botourmiaviridae, Closteroviridae, Partitiviridae, Virgaviridae, and three distinct unclassified groups. We observed higher viral taxa richness in roots when compared to leaves and stems. Furthermore, leaves and stems are very similar diversity-wise, with a lower number of taxa and dominance of a single viral species. Finally, approximately 50% of the identified viruses were found in all Agave organs investigated, which suggests that they likely produce a systemic infection. This is the first metatranscriptomics study focused on viral identification in species from the genus Agave. Despite having analyzed symptomless individuals, we identified several viruses supposedly infecting Agave species, including organ-specific and systemic species. Surprisingly, some of these putative viruses are probably infecting microorganisms composing the plant microbiota. Altogether, our results reinforce the importance of unbiased strategies for the identification and monitoring of viruses in plant species, including those with asymptomatic phenotypes

    The small non-coding RNA response to virus infection in the <i>Leishmania</i> vector <i>Lutzomyia longipalpis</i>

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    <div><p>Sandflies are well known vectors for <i>Leishmania</i> but also transmit a number of arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses). Few studies have addressed the interaction between sandflies and arboviruses. RNA interference (RNAi) mechanisms utilize small non-coding RNAs to regulate different aspects of host-pathogen interactions. The small interfering RNA (siRNA) pathway is a broad antiviral mechanism in insects. In addition, at least in mosquitoes, another RNAi mechanism mediated by PIWI interacting RNAs (piRNAs) is activated by viral infection. Finally, endogenous microRNAs (miRNA) may also regulate host immune responses. Here, we analyzed the small non-coding RNA response to <i>Vesicular stomatitis virus</i> (VSV) infection in the sandfly <i>Lutzoymia longipalpis</i>. We detected abundant production of virus-derived siRNAs after VSV infection in adult sandflies. However, there was no production of virus-derived piRNAs and only mild changes in the expression of vector miRNAs in response to infection. We also observed abundant production of virus-derived siRNAs against two other viruses in <i>Lutzomyia</i> Lulo cells. Together, our results suggest that the siRNA but not the piRNA pathway mediates an antiviral response in sandflies. In agreement with this hypothesis, pre-treatment of cells with dsRNA against VSV was able to inhibit viral replication while knock-down of the central siRNA component, Argonaute-2, led to increased virus levels. Our work begins to elucidate the role of RNAi mechanisms in the interaction between <i>L</i>. <i>longipalpis</i> and viruses and should also open the way for studies with other sandfly-borne pathogens.</p></div

    RNAi pathway genes are not modulated by VSV infection in <i>L</i>. <i>longipalpis</i>.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Expression of <i>L</i>. <i>longipalpis</i> genes encoding <i>Dicer-2</i>, <i>AGO2</i> and <i>r2d2</i> in control and VSV-infected LL5 cells at different time points. <b>(B)</b> Expression of <i>L</i>. <i>longipalpis</i> genes encoding <i>Dicer-2, AGO2 and r2d2</i> in adult sandflies fed with a blood meal containing VSV. Control sandflies (Mock) were fed with blood without virus. Black circles indicate individuals with detectable viral RNA levels. Numbers of infected individuals and the total are indicated at each time point. No significant differences were observed.</p