166 research outputs found

    Emotional response inhibition is greater in older than younger adults

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    Emotional information rapidly captures our attention and also often invokes automatic response tendencies, whereby positive information motivates approach, while negative information encourages avoidance. However, many circumstances require the need to override or inhibit these automatic responses. Control over responses to emotional information remains largely intact in late life, in spite of age-related declines in cognitive control and inhibition of responses to non-emotional information. The goal of this behavioral study was to understand how the aging process influences emotional response inhibition for positive and negative information in older adults. We examined emotional response inhibition in 36 healthy older adults (ages 60–89) and 44 younger adults (ages 18–22) using an emotional Go/No-Go task presenting happy (positive), fearful (negative), and neutral faces. In both younger and older adults, happy faces produced more approach-related behavior (i.e., fewer misses), while fearful faces produced more avoidance-related behavior, in keeping with theories of approach/avoidance-motivated responses. Calculation of speed/accuracy trade-offs between response times and false alarm rates revealed that younger and older adults both favored speed at the expense of accuracy, most robustly within blocks with fearful faces. However, there was no indication that the strength of the speed/accuracy trade-off differed between younger and older adults. The key finding was that although younger adults were faster to respond to all types of faces, older adults had greater emotional response inhibition (i.e., fewer false alarms). Moreover, younger adults were particularly prone to false alarms for happy faces. This is the first study to directly test effects of aging on emotional response inhibition. Complementing previous literature in the domains of attention and memory, these results provide new evidence that in the domain of response inhibition older adults may more effectively employ emotion regulatory ability, albeit on a slower time course, compared to younger adults. Older adults’ enhanced adaptive emotion regulation strategies may facilitate resistance to emotional distraction. The present study extends the literature of emotional response inhibition in younger adulthood into late life, and in doing so further elucidates how cognitive aging interacts with affective control processes

    Investing in late-life Brain Capital

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    Within many societies and cultures around the world, older adults are too often undervalued and underappreciated. This exacerbates many key challenges that older adults may face. It also undermines the many positive aspects of late life that are of tremendous value at both an individual and societal level. We propose a new approach to elevate health and well-being in late life by optimizing late-life Brain Capital. This form of capital prioritizes brain skills and brain health in a brain economy, which the challenges and opportunities of the 21st-century demands. This approach incorporates investing in late-life Brain Capital, developing initiatives focused on building late-life Brain Capital

    Going remote: Implementing digital research methods at an academic medical center during COVID-19

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    COVID-19 has forced medical research institutions to conduct clinical research remotely. Here, we describe how a university\u27s mHealth Research Core helped facilitate the shift to remote research during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2019 (pre-pandemic), we conducted stakeholder interviews and leadership group sessions to identify, create, and implement resources and core functions to support investigator-initiated mHealth research. Between April 2019 and February 2020, we identified four investigator needs: 1)

    Positive information facilitates response inhibition in older adults only when emotion is task-relevant

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    Emotional information is integral to everyday life and impacts a variety of cognitive abilities including response inhibition, a critical skill for maintaining appropriate and flexible behaviour. However, reported effects of emotion on response inhibition are inconsistent in younger adults, and very limited in older adults. Effects of aging are especially relevant because emotion regulation improves with aging despite declining inhibitory control over neutral information. Across three studies, we assessed the impact of emotional facial expressions on response inhibition in younger and older adults while manipulating attention to task stimuli. Emotional faces (versus neutral faces) altered response inhibition only when task instructions required explicit attention to emotional attributes of the faces. When directly comparing fear faces to happy faces, both age groups had better response inhibition to happy faces. Age further influenced differences across conditions, in that happy faces enhanced response inhibition relative to neutral faces in older adults but not younger adults. Thus, emotional response inhibition for task-relevant (but not task-irrelevant) positive information is enhanced in late life compared to early adulthood. The present work extends the nascent literature on emotional response inhibition in aging, and proffers a framework to reconcile the mixed literature on this topic in younger adults

    SSRIs differentially modulate the effects of pro-inflammatory stimulation on hippocampal plasticity and memory via sigma 1 receptors and neurosteroids

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    Certain selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have anti-inflammatory effects in preclinical models, and recent clinical studies suggest that fluvoxamine can prevent deterioration in patients with COVID-19, possibly through activating sigma 1 receptors (S1Rs). Here we examined potential mechanisms contributing to these effects of fluvoxamine and other SSRIs using a well-characterized model of pro-inflammatory stress in rat hippocampal slices. When hippocampal slices are exposed acutely to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a strong pro-inflammatory stimulus, basal synaptic transmission in the CA1 region remains intact, but induction of long-term potentiation (LTP), a form of synaptic plasticity thought to contribute to learning and memory, is completely disrupted. Administration of low micromolar concentrations of fluvoxamine and fluoxetine prior to and during LPS administration overcame this LTP inhibition. Effects of fluvoxamine required both activation of S1Rs and local synthesis of 5-alpha reduced neurosteroids. In contrast, the effects of fluoxetine did not involve S1Rs but required neurosteroid production. The ability of fluvoxamine to modulate LTP and neurosteroid production was mimicked by a selective S1R agonist. Additionally, fluvoxamine and fluoxetine prevented learning impairments induced by LPS in vivo. Sertraline differed from the other SSRIs in blocking LTP in control slices likely via S1R inverse agonism. These results provide strong support for the hypothesis that S1Rs and neurosteroids play key roles in the anti-inflammatory effects of certain SSRIs and that these SSRIs could be beneficial in disorders involving inflammatory stress including psychiatric and neurodegenerative illnesses
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