34 research outputs found

    Effects of Perceived Organizational Support on Objective and Subjective Career Success via Need Satisfaction: A Study Among French Psychologists

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    International audienceThe authors examined potential links between perceived organizational support (POS) and objective and subjective career success through the satisfaction of the 3 basic psychological needs (BPNs) posited in self-determination theory. The inclusion of BPN satisfaction as a mediator provides an interesting route, suggesting it is a condition for POS to lead to career success. The authors submitted an online questionnaire to 379 French counseling psychologists and examined the responses using a cross-sectional design with only 1 measurement. The results indicated the indirect effects of POS on objective career success via the satisfaction of the 3 BPNs and on subjective career success via satisfaction of the needs for autonomy and competence

    What Makes Happy Counselors? From Self-Esteem and Leader-Member Exchange to Well-Being at Work: The Mediating Role of Need Satisfaction

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    This study was aimed at examining the extent to which well-being at work is linked to self-esteem and psychosocial resources such as leader-member exchange (LMX). Drawing on self-determination theory, we looked at whether psychological needs (perceived autonomy, competence, and relatedness) act as specific mediators between self-esteem and well-being, and between LMX and well-being. 224 employment counselors (psychologists) from a French national employment office (PĂŽle emploi) answered a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using Hayes and Preacher's method for testing multiple mediations. The results showed that satisfaction of psychological needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness mediated the links between self-esteem and LMX as inductors, and well-being as a criterion. These findings confirm the relevance of self-esteem and LMX for counselors, and of the importance of need satisfaction that plays a critical role in matters of well-being.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Extraction of copper and iron from soil with siderophores of fluorescent pseudomonads

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    National audienceDue to the application for more than 100 years of copper to French vineyards to combat fungal diseases of vines copper levels have been reported in vineyard soils up to several hundred milligrams of copper/kg of soil. There are now concerns about the ecotoxicity effects of copper accumulation. One potential way to remediate copper accumulation is phytoextraction. Furthermore, there may be potential to enhance the phytoextraction process by augmenting the process using beneficial bacterial species. Our research has involved investigating the potential to use fluorescent pseudomonads, a key group of bacteria that produce siderophores (iron-scavenging compounds), to enhance phytoextraction of copper from vineyard soils. Previous work in our group has shown that the siderophores produced by these bacteria are also able to chelate copper. Six fluorescent pseudomonad strains, producing six different siderophores, were investigated. All six of the siderophores tested were shown to be able to chelate copper, and three of the siderophores (produced by strains NEWT4282, C7R12, and NEM419) were identified as having the highest affinity for copper. In vitro studies with fescue plants grown on agar showed that fescue is able to assimilate copper, either when the copper is provided as copper sulphate or as copper-siderophore chelates. Moreover, significantly more copper was assimilated by fescue in the presence of the NEWT4282 siderophore compared to the copper sulphate control. Finally, experiments are being performed investigating copper assimilation by fescue grown in copper-contaminated vineyard soil, both in laboratory microcosm trials and in a field trial. Early results from the microcosm experiments have shown that inoculation of fescue with either of the strains NEWT4282 or C7R12 leads to an increased concentration of copper in the fescue shoots compared to uninoculated controls, indicating that these strains are able to enhance the phytoextraction process. The field trial remains ongoing. Overall, we have shown: (i) the ability to chelate copper may be a general property of pseudomonas siderophores, (ii) fescue plants are able to assimilate copper from both agar medium and from copper-contaminated soil, and (iii) assimilation of copper from soil can be enhanced by inoculation with siderophore-producing fluorescent pseudomonad strains. Further experiments will be required to investigate whether there is differential assimilation of copper by pseudomonas-inoculated fescue compared to vines

    What Makes Happy Counselors? From Self-Esteem and Leader-Member Exchange to Well-Being at Work: The Mediating Role of Need Satisfaction

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    International audienceThis study was aimed at examining the extent to which well-being at work is linked to self-esteem and psychosocial resources such as leader-member exchange (LMX). Drawing on self-determination theory, we looked at whether psychological needs (perceived autonomy, competence, and relatedness) act as specific mediators between self-esteem and well-being, and between LMX and well-being. Two hundred and twenty four employment counselors (psychologists) from a French national employment office (PĂŽle emploi) answered a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using Hayes and Preacher's method for testing multiple mediations. The results showed that satisfaction of psychological needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness mediated the links between self-esteem and LMX as inductors, and well-being as a criterion. These findings confirm the relevance of self-esteem and LMX for counselors, and of the importance of need satisfaction that plays a critical role in matters of well-being

    De l’auto-efficacitĂ© au bien-ĂȘtre psychologique au travail des psychologues de l’éducation nationale : quels effets des Ă©changes leader membre ?

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    International audienceWithin the framework of social exchange theory, this study aims at estimating psychological well-being (PWB) of guidance counselors. The relationships between psychological wellbeing at work and its inductors, perceived self-efficacy (PSE) and supervisor and colleagues’ social supports, and perceived organizational support (POS) were explored. A crosssectional quantitative study using anonymous self-report questionnaires was conducted. The questionnaire was filled in by 344 vocational guidance counselors. Data were processed with correlations and structural equation model. The results suggested that SEP and LMX promote well-being. LMX contributes to BEP via an indirect effect between PES and psychological well-being. Theoretical and practical implications as well as future research directions are discussed.Dans le cadre de la thĂ©orie de l’échange social, cette Ă©tude vise Ă  Ă©valuer le bien-ĂȘtre psychologique (BEP) des psychologues de l’Éducation nationale (Psy-EN). Les liens entre le BEP au travail et ses inducteurs potentiels, le sentiment d’efficacitĂ© personnelle en conseil de carriĂšre (SEP), le soutien perçu des collĂšgues et les Ă©changes leader membre (LMX), le soutien organisationnel perçu (SOP) sont explorĂ©s. Une Ă©tude quantitative transversale par questionnaire soumis en ligne a permis de recueillir les rĂ©ponses de 344 conseiller.Ăšre.s psychologues de l’Éducation nationale. Les donnĂ©es ont fait l’objet d’analyses de corrĂ©lations et d’une modĂ©lisation de type SEM. Les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que le SEP et le LMX favorisent le bien-ĂȘtre. Le LMX contribue au BEP via un effet indirect entre le SEP et le bien-ĂȘtre psychologique. Nous prĂ©sentons les implications thĂ©oriques et pratiques ainsi que les pistes de recherches futures

    QualitĂ© de vie au travail et counseling : effets individuels et /ou organisationnels auprĂšs des conseillers-e-s d’orientation psychologues en France

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    This chapter deals with the quality of life at work via the psychological well-being at work (PWBW) of guidance counsellors (COPSy) in France, a profession impacted by a change in its missions and organizational changes. This study examines the links between perceived self-efficacy (SEP), perceived organizational support (POS), hierarchical support (LMX) and colleagues' support and PWBW. The results show a statistically significant effect of SEP, SOP, LMX, and co-worker support on PWBW. Furthermore, hierarchical support and co-worker support mediate the relationship between COPSy's perceived sense of self-efficacy and psychological well-being at work.Ce chapitre traite de la qualitĂ© de vie au travail via le bien-ĂȘtre psychologique au travail (BEPT) des conseiller-e-s d’orientation psychologues (COPSy) en France, corps de mĂ©tier impactĂ© par une Ă©volution de ses missions et des changements organisationnels. Cette Ă©tude porte sur les liens entre le sentiment d’efficacitĂ© personnelle perçu (SEP), le soutien organisationnel perçu (SOP), le soutien hiĂ©rarchique (LMX) et le soutien des collĂšgues et le BEPT. Les rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence un effet statistiquement significatif du SEP, du SOP, du LMX et du soutien des collĂšgues sur le BEPT. Par ailleurs, le soutien hiĂ©rarchique et le soutien des collĂšgues mĂ©diatisent la relation entre le sentiment d’efficacitĂ© personnelle perçu et le bien-ĂȘtre psychologique au travail des COPSy