63 research outputs found


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    Script for running MRDM analyses for Medley et al. 2014


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    Site-level data, including genetic and landscape distances for Medley et al. 2014

    Genotype data for Medley et al. 2014

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    genotypes.txt includes individual genotypes for each of 9 loci and 26 locations. In final analyses, one locus (Ap2) was removed due to null alleles, and four sites were removed because of non-independence to result in 22 sites

    Map of sample localities and (A) <i>Bd</i> prevalence in <i>Hyla squirella</i>, (B) <i>Rv</i> prevalence in <i>H</i>. <i>squirella</i>, (C) <i>Bd</i> prevalence in <i>Pseudacris ornata</i> and (D) <i>Rv</i> prevalence in <i>P</i>. <i>ornate</i>.

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    <p>Circle size is relative to population size. Arrows point to infected <i>H</i>. <i>squirella</i> populations. Green represents proportion of negative cases of the indicated pathogen while red represents proportion of positive cases.</p

    Logistic relationships between <i>Bd</i> prevalence and PC1 (A), PC2 (B), and average heterozygosity (C) in populations of <i>P</i>. <i>ornata</i>.

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    <p>Increasing values of PC1 correspond most strongly to decreasing values of temperature. Increasing values of PC2 correspond most strongly to increasing winter precipitation. In all panels, each dot corresponds to the observed prevalence in a population and each line corresponds to the best fit logistic model of the relationship between the two variables shown.</p

    Log-transformed <i>Bd</i> average intensities for sampled populations of <i>H</i>. <i>squirella</i> and <i>P</i>. <i>ornata</i> with standard error of the mean (SEM).

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    <p>White bars indicate average intensity among infected individuals from <i>H</i>. <i>squirella</i> populations and black bars denote average intensity among infected individuals from <i>P</i>. <i>ornata</i> populations. The red line marks an infection intensity of 10,000 GE.</p