767 research outputs found

    Messages from the inside. The dynamic environment that favors intestinal homeostasis

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    An organism is defined as "an individual living thing capable of responding to stimuli, growing, reproducing, and maintaining homeostasis." Early during evolution multicellular organisms explored the advantages of a symbiotic life. Mammals harbor a complex aggregate of microorganisms (called microbiota) that includes bacteria, fungi, and archaea. Some of these bacteria have already defined beneficial roles for the human host that include the ability to break down nutrients that could not otherwise be digested, preventing the growth of harmful species, as well as the ability to produce vitamins or hormones. It is intuitive that along the evolutionary path several mechanisms favored bacteria that provided advantages to the host which, in return, avoided launching an aggressive immunological response against them. The intestinal immunological response does not ignore the lumenal content, on the contrary, immune surveillance is favored by continuous antigen sampling. Some intestinal epithelial cells (ECs) are crucial during the sampling process, others actively participate in the defense mechanism. In essence the epithelium acts as a traffic light, communicating to the inside world whether conditions are safe or dangerous, and thus influencing immunological response. In this review we will discuss the dynamic factors that act on the intestinal ECs and how they directly or indirectly influence immune cells during states of health and disease. © 2013 Eri and Chieppa

    Pengaruh Peer Education terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Remaja Tentang Pencegahan Hiv-aids di Smk Korpri Majalengka

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    Kasus HIV/AIDS di Kabupaten Majalengka setiap tahun meningkat, pada tahun 2001-2015 ada 114 kasus, terjadi peningkatan 153 kasus pada tahun 2017 menjadi 267 kasus. Salah satu pendekatan pendidikan kesehatan yang efektif pada remaja untuk mencegah maraknya kasus HIV/AIDS yaitu dengan metode Peer Education (pendidikan sebaya). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh peer education terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap remaja tentang pencegahan HIV-AIDS di SMK Korpri Majalengka. Penelitian ini menggunakan pre-experiment dengan pendekatan one group pretest-posttest design. Populasinya adalah siswa kelas I di SMK Korpri  jumlah sampel 83 siswa dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dengan distribusi frekuensi dan analisis bivariat dengan uji t-berpasangan. Hasil penelitian pengetahuan menunjukkan sebagian kecil (19,3%) remaja sebelum peer education berpengetahuan baik dan lebih dari setengahnya (61,4%) remaja sesudah peer education berpengetahuan baik. Hasil penelitian sikap menunjukkan kurang dari setengahnya (43,3%) sikap remaja sebelum peer education positif dan lebih dari setengahnya (55,4%) sikap remaja sesudah peer education positif. Terdapat pengaruh peer education terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap remaja tentang pencegahan HIV-AIDS . Pentingnya pihak sekolah untuk mengoptimalkan OSIS dengan mengadakan seminar, diskusi remaja dengan metode peer education di bawah bimbingan guru BK serta perlunya memanfaatkan mading untuk penyebarluasan informasi tentang pencegahan HIV/AIDS pada remaja

    Meningkatkan Keterampilan Sosial Anak Usia Dini melalui Kegiatan Bermain Angklung (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di Tk Laboratorium Percontohan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

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    Skripsi yang berjudul Meningkatkan Keterampilan Sosial Anak Usia Dini Melalui Kegiatan Bermain Angklung (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di TK Laboratorium Percontohan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia), dilatarbelakangi oleh Kenyataan bahwa kondisi keterampilan sosial anak di sekolah tersebut belum berkembang dengan baik. Secara umum sebanyak 91.66% dari jumlah anak yang mengikuti kegiatan bermain angklung memiliki keterampilan sosial yang belum berkembang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial anak usia dini melalui kegiatan bermain angklung. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas, partisipan yang menjadi subjek penelitian yaitu anak kelompok B-2 TK Laboratorium Percontohan UPI berjumlah 12 orang yang terdiri dari lima laki-laki dan tujuh perempuan. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan observasi, catatan lapangan, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Kegiatan bermain angklung pada anak usia dini sangat membantu pada perkembangan keterampilan sosial anak, karena banyak aspek yang dapat dikembangkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa melalui kegiatan bermain angklung, keterampilan sosial anak usia dini di TK Laboratorium Percontohan UPI meningkat secara signifikan. Aspek yang meningkat adalah perilaku sosial yang meliputi (1) aspek empati yaitu menunjukan sikap perhatian kepada orang lain, (2) Kemurahan hati yaitu berbagi kesempatan dengan orang lain atau berbagi barang dengan orang lain, (3) kepedulian yaitu rasa ingin membantu terhadap orang yang sedang membutuhkan bantuan, (4) Kerja sama yaitu melakukan kegiatan bersama-sama

    Does NLRP3 inflammasome and aryl hydrocarbon receptor play an interlinked role in bowel inflammation and colitis-associated colorectal cancer?

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    Inflammation is a hallmark in many forms of cancer; with colitis-associated colorectalcancer (CAC) being a progressive intestinal inflammation due to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).While this is an exemplification of the negatives of inflammation, it is just as crucial to have somedegree of the inflammatory process to maintain a healthy immune system. A pivotal component inthe maintenance of such intestinal homeostasis is the innate immunity component, inflammasomes.Inflammasomes are large, cytosolic protein complexes formed following stimulation of microbial andstress signals that lead to the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The NOD-, LRR- and pyrindomain-containing protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome has been extensively studied in part due toits strong association with colitis and CAC. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) has recently beenacknowledged for its connection to the immune system aside from its role as an environmental sensor.AhR has been described to play a role in the inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasome activationpathway. This review will summarise the signalling pathways of both the NLRP3 inflammasomeand AhR; as well as new-found links between these two signalling pathways in intestinal immunityand some potential therapeutic agents that have been found to take advantage of this link in thetreatment of colitis and CAC

    Peran Penyuluhan dalam Pemberdayaan Petani Karet Pola Swadaya di Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Kabupaten Kampar

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    The purposes of this study are to know what the roles of who already run by agricultural extension in rubber cultivation. This study was conducted at Kuntu and Teluk Paman Village Kampar Kiri District Kampar Regency. The method was used survey method with the samples were 50 farmers of 50 farmers who received counseling. The result showed that role of education has been quite instrumental in activities of non-pattern rubber farming in Kampar Kiri district seen from education, dissemination, facilitation, consultation, supervision, monitoring and evaluation. The average value of the role of education is 3,30 (quite a role), dissemination is 2,60 (quite a role), facilitation with the score 3,28 (quite a role), consultation is 3,10 (quite a role), supervision is 3.06 (quite a role) as well as monitoring and evaluation are 2,83 (quite a role), so that the average overall role of education are 3,00 (quite a role). As for the empowerment of rubber farmers in the district of Kampar Kiri, which includes human resources, productive economy, and institutional power is enough. The average value of human resources is 3,20 (quite helpless), the productive economy is 3,11 (quit helpless) and institutional 3,35 (quite helpless ). So that, the average of the empowerment is 3,22 (quite helpless)

    Intestinal epithelium and autophagy: Partners in gut homeostasis

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    One of the most significant challenges of cell biology is to understand how each type of cell copes with its specific workload without suffering damage. Among the most intriguing questions concerns intestinal epithelial cells in mammals; these cells act as a barrier between the internally protected region and the external environment that is exposed constantly to food and microbes. A major process involved in the processing of microbes is autophagy. In the intestine, through multiple, complex signaling pathways, autophagy including macroautophagy and xenophagy is pivotal in mounting appropriate intestinal immune responses and anti-microbial protection. Dysfunctional autophagy mechanism leads to chronic intestinal inflammation, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Studies involving a number of in vitro and in vivo mouse models in addition to human clinical studies have revealed a detailed role for autophagy in the generation of chronic intestinal inflammation. A number of genome-wide association studies identified roles for numerous autophagy genes in IBD, especially in Crohn's disease. In this review, we will explore in detail the latest research linking autophagy to intestinal homeostasis and how alterations in autophagy pathways lead to intestinal inflammation. © 2013 Randall-Demllo, Chieppa and Eri

    Directed Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Into Inner Ear Sensory Epithelia in 3D Culture

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    The inner ear sensory epithelium harbors mechanosensory hair cells responsible for detecting sound and maintaining balance. This protocol describes a three-dimensional (3D) culture system that efficiently generates inner ear sensory epithelia from aggregates of mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells. By mimicking the activations and repressions of key signaling pathways during in vivo inner ear development, mES cell aggregates are sequentially treated with recombinant proteins and small molecule inhibitors for activating or inhibiting the Bmp, TGFβ, Fgf, and Wnt signaling pathways. These stepwise treatments promote mES cells to sequentially differentiate into epithelia representing the non-neural ectoderm, preplacodal ectoderm, otic placodal ectoderm, and ultimately, the hair cell-containing sensory epithelia. The derived hair cells are surrounded by a layer of supporting cells and are innervated by sensory neurons. This in vitro inner ear organoid culture system may serve as a valuable tool in developmental and physiological research, disease modeling, drug testing, and potential cell-based therapies