5 research outputs found

    Abscess in Adenomyosis Mimicking a Malignancy in a 54-Year-Old Woman

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    Background: Although there are a few reports describing abscess formation in endometriotic foci no report of abscess formation arising de novo within adenomyosis appears in the literature. Preoperative diagnosis of adenomyosis is frequently difficult because of non-specific signs and symptoms. Synchronous pelvic pathologies such as leiomyoma, endometrial polyp, endometrial hyperplasia, as well as endometrial cancer may cause differential diagnostic problems. Case: A 54-year-old postmenopausal woman complaining of inguinal pain, nightsweats and hot flashes is presented. Radiologic examinations of the pelvis revealed a 95 × 85 mm leiomyoma-like lesion including a 53 × 43 mmcystic space and 9 × 6 mmpapillary formation within the uterus raising clinical suspicion of malignancy. A total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy were performed accompanied by a frozen section diagnosis. The frozen section revealed an abscess formation arising in a focus of adenomyosis. The postoperative period of the patient was uneventful. Conclusion : The present case, to our knowledge, is the first report representing abscess formation in adenomyosis. Abscess arising within adenomyosis can strongly raise the suspicion of endometrial cancer, particularly if the patient is postmenopausal. If endometrial cancer cannot be ruled out with definitive histopathological diagnosis in the preoperative period, a frozen section becomes mandatory during surgical intervention

    A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to the Turkish Translation of Humorous Culture-Specific Itemsin Family Guy

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    Humor is one of the most distinctive aspects of human beings. It plays a significant role in the context of intercultural communication. However verbally expressed humor which is primarily carried by language so as to achieve humorous effect poses a real challenge for the translator. Mostly based on verbally expressed humor rooted in a specific culture and linguistic context, sitcom (i.e. situation comedy) is a TV series consisting of the characters who are involved in amusing situations and it attracts a millions of audiences thanks to the humorous utterances which are often generated through the culture-specific items. The present study aims at exploring how the translation of humorous culture-specific items in the American sitcom Family Guy can be analyzed within the framework of relevance theory proposed by Sperber and Wilson (1986, 1995) and applied to translation by August Gutt (1991).İnsanoğlunun ayırt edici özelliklerinden biri olan mizah, kültürlerarası iletişim açısından büyük önem taşır. Ancak, mizahın bir türü olan söze dayalı mizah dil yoluyla aktarılmakta olup çevirmenler için büyük zorluklar yaratır. Genellikle belirli bir kültüre ve dile özgü olan mizahın kullanıldığı sitcom, diğer bir deyişle, durum komedileri, içerisindeki karakterlerin başlarından geçen komik olayların anlatıldığı dizilerdir. Durum komedileri, genellikle kültürel unsurlara dayanan mizahi ifadeler barındırdığı için milyonlarca izleyiciyi kendisine çeker. Bu çalışmanın amacı Family Guy dizisindeki mizahi kültürel unsurların çevirisinin Sperber ve Wilson’ın (1986, 1995) ortaya attığı ve August Gutt’un (1991) çeviriye uyarladığı bağıntı kuramı çerçevesinde nasıl analiz edilebileceğini araştırmaktır. Çalışma, çeviri ediminde bilişsel bağıntı ilkesini ön plana çıkaran ve kişiler arası iletişime dayanan edimsel bağıntı kuramına dayanır

    Innovative Representations of Sexualities in Studies in English

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    This book comprises the papers presented by graduate students at the conference entitled “Innovative Representations of ‘Sexualities’ in Studies in English” organised by the Centre for British Literary and Cultural Studies, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, on 11 March 2015. These papers were not only reviewed by referees but were further revised extensively and edited by myself. The objective in the organisation of the first graduate conference held by the Centre and the publication of the papers presented at the conference was to provide graduate students with an academic platform to present their current research and discuss their ideas with their peers and professors. The papers published in the book deal with different aspects of sexuality in literature and non-literary media. The papers provide readings of sexuality, which is a complex and multidisciplinary topic, not just through poetry, fiction and drama but also as represented in feature films, animations and TV series because of the dominance of visual culture in today’s societies. Drawing on relevant theoretical material, mainly feminist and queer theories, these papers explore and question how sexuality is represented in a variety of mediums and how it functions. In addition, the ways in which sexuality is conceptualised and constructed is interrogated mostly with the intention of deconstructing essentialist notions of sexuality and identity formation. In this postmodernist era in which sexual and gender identities are no longer limited to two binary sexes, the papers invite the readers to reconsider their understanding of sexuality. Along with non-binary understandings of both sex (male, female, or intersex) and gender (man, woman, transgender, third gender and so forth) even non-human sexualities are taken into consideration. Furthermore, how sexualities are linked to hegemonic categories of identity, such as nationality, race, class and gender is discussed