4 research outputs found

    The Cases with Paederus Dermatitis From Denizli Region

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    Background and Objective: Paederus dermatitis is a self-limited skin disorder characterized with lineer and vesicular, bullous and/or pustular lesions on erythematous bases caused by Paederus species belonging to Staphlinidae (Coleoptera) family. The lesions which are seen in warm and moist climates especially in summer months occur within 24 hours after the crushing of the beetle over the skin and heal with slight hyperpigmentation within 7-8 days. In our study we aimed to evaluate the history and clinical features of cases with Paederus dermatitis

    the role of essential and non-essential elements in mal de meleda

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    Mal de Meleda (MDM) is a rare autosomal recessively inherited palmoplantar keratoderma. In 1826 Stulli described the disease on the Dalmatian island of Meleda. Hyperkeratosis involves other parts of the body such as elbows and knees, in addition to the palms and soles. Zinc deficiency is known to cause hyperkeratozis in addition to other skin changes. We studied the levels of essential and nonessential elements in blood and tissues /nail, hair, skin/ in MDM patients and healthy controls living in Köprüçay area, Turkey. The results show no significant difference in blood zinc, iron, copper, cadmium, and lead levels between MDM patients and healthy controls. The zinc and copper levels of nail and hair in MDM patients did not differ from those of healthy controls. © 2007, by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. All rights reserved

    A Case of Necrotising Arachnidism

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    Arachnidism is a clinical entity occuring as local or systemic manifestations after a spider bite. Bite of Loxosceles spiders causes a clinical reaction termed as loxoscelism. Cutaneous loxoscelism manifests as cutaneous necrosis whereas systemic symptoms and findings are observed in visserocutaneous loxoscelism. Tan to brown coloured Loxosceles species are commonly found in Mediterranian region, Africa and America. Since the spider or the bites may be unnoticed by the victim and the culprit may not be easily identified the characteristic clinical features have an important role for the diagnosis. The rarity of reports from our country and the presence of sporadic cases from our region led us to present a male patient with a diagnosis of necrotic arachnidism

    Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis after Pneumococcal pneumonia in an Elderly Adult

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    Hypersensitivity vasculitis (HSV) has been used to describe several forms of vasculitis of small blood vessels, including Henoch-Sch?nlein purpura (HSP), mixed cryoglobulinemia, and allergic vasculitis, etc. HSP is a disease occasionally seen in childhood, and is characterized by dermatological and abdominal symptoms. Here, we report a rare case of HSV which showed a clinical course similar to HSP after pneumococcal pneumonia in an elderly adult. Generally, Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common pathogen in adult community-acquired pneumonia. Therefore, it is critical to recognize HSV as one of the important complications after bacterial infection, especially Streptococcus pneumoniae