8 research outputs found

    Doğumun I. ve II. evresinde gebeye uygulatılan pozisyonların doğum sürecine etkisi

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    Araştırmamız, doğumun I. ve II. evresinde gebeye uygulatılan pozisyonların doğum sürecine etkisini araştırmak amacıyla, non- randomize kontrollü deneysel araştırma özelliğinde planlandı. Çalışma Kocaeli ilinde bir devlet hastanesinde Haziran 2003 - 2005 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirildi. Evreni temsil edecek örneklem (Instat Primer Bioistatistic Version 4.0) programında hesaplanarak; 52 deney, 52 kontrol toplam 104 vaka ile çalışıldı. Örnekleme belirlenen seçici özelliklere göre çalışmayı kabul eden katılımcılar alındı. Veriler; "Görüşme ve İzlem Formu, Pozisyonları Gösteren Şekiller (yalnızca deney grubuna), Partograf, Görsel Kıyaslama Ölçeği, Doğum Sonu Anneye Yönelik Soru Anketi ile elde edildi. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde; Ortalama, Standart Sapma, Student t testi, İki eş arasındaki farkın t testi, Mann Whitney U testi, Ki-Kare testi, ve Spearman's korelasyon teknikleri kullanıldı. Yapılan istatistiksel incelemede; katılımcıların bireysel ve obstetrik özellikleri, kan değerleri, doğum süreleri, doğum sonu görülen bazı komplikasyonlar, doğum sonu kaybedilen kan miktarı, doğum sonu bebeklere ait özellikler açısından grupların benzer olduğu, aralarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmadığı belirlendi (p>0.05). Uygulatılan pozisyondan memnun olma, ağrı puanları ile pozisyon memnuniyeti, doğumun I. evresindeki sırt ağrısı ve GKÖ puanları ortalamaları, doğumdaki bazı davranışsal belirtiler, anne sütü ile beslemeye başlama süresi, doğum ve doğum sonu memnuniyet durumları arasında gruplar arasında anlamlı farklılıklar bulundu (p<0.05). Elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda, doğumun I. ve II.evresinde gebelere uygulatılan pozisyonların doğum sürecine olumlu etkisinin olduğu belirlendi. Anahtar kelimeler: Doğum pozisyonu, annelik postürü, dik pozisyonlar. THE EFFECTS ON BIRTH PROCESS OF POSITIONS SUGGESTED TO PREGNANCIES DURING THE FIRST AND SECOND STAGES SUMMARY A nonrandomised control trial, the research aims to study the effects of postures suggested to pregnancies during the first and second stage of birth on the birth process. The study was carried out in a public hospital in Kocaeli city between dates June 2003-2005. Sample volume to represent the universe was calculated using Instat Primer Bioistatistic Version 4.0, and 104 cases, 52 in the experiment and 52 in the control group, were selected. The sample included women who accepted to participate and complied with the inclusion criteria. Data were collected by "Interview and Observing Form, Figures Showing Postures (only for the experiment group), Partograph, Visual Analogue Scale and Postnatal Questionnaire on the Mother, and were assessed by averages, standard deviation, student's t- test, paired t-test, Mann Whitney U test, Chi-square test, and Spearman's correlation technique. The statistical analyses demonstrated that the participators were similar in individual and obstetrical characteristics, blood values, labour duration, postnatal blood loss, and postnatal infant attributes, and that the differences were not statistically significant (p>0.05). Significant statistical differences were noted in pain scores and suggested posture satisfaction, back pain during the first stage and VAS scores, in some behavioural indicators during delivery, breast-feeding starting time, satisfaction during and after delivery (p<0.05). The findings indicate a positive effect of postures suggested to the pregnant women during the first and second stages of birth on the birth process. Key words: Delivery position, maternal posture, vertical position

    Childhood Trauma, Type of Marriage and Self-Esteem as Correlates of Domestic Violence in Married Women in Turkey

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    The aim of this study is to determine childhood trauma, the type of marriage, and level of self-esteem as correlates of domestic violence in married women in Turkey. The study sample consisted of 750 women aged 20 and over, selected through face to face interviews. Results More than half the women were exposed to domestic violence, which increases with factors like lower economic status, teenage and arranged marriages and a large number of children. According to the logistic regression model, arranged marriages, sexual problems and physical abuse during childhood lead to an increase in the occurrence of domestic violence, while this decreases as the partners age. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale scores were significantly lower in women subjected to domestic violence and this decrease became statistically significant as the level of abuse experienced during childhood increased

    Meta Analysis of Studies about Breast Self Examination between 2000-2009 in Turkey

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze studies in Turkey about self-breast examination and produce conclusive, reliable and detailed basis for future studies. Methods: Studies performed between 2000 and 2009 (until the end of September) were retrieved from databases using breast cancer, breast examination, breast cancer screening and risk factors as key words. Fifty-nine studies were identified and 18 of them (15 journal articles and three theses) were used for the meta-analysis. Results: Married women and women with a family history of breast cancer were found to perform self-breast examination more frequently than single women and women without a family history of breast cancer, respectively (OR=1.02 %CI 0.82-1.63; OR=1.16 %CI 0.82-1.63). According to the health belief model scales, women performing self-breast examination were determined to have 1.7 times higher susceptibility (OR=1.70), 1.34 times higher seriousness perception (OR=1.34), 3.32 times higher health motivation (OR=3.32), 5.21 times more self-efficacy/confidence (OR=5.21) and 2.56 times higher self-breast examination benefit perception (OR=2.56). Conclusion: Nursing care models caused an increase in self-breast examination by women, and thus, it may be useful to organize and evaluate such health-related programs and consider women health perceptions