15 research outputs found

    Bone Marrow Edema and Pseudocyst as a Very Rare Complication of Familial Mediterranean Fever: A Case Report

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    Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is one of the most common autoinflammatory diseases. FMF is a disease that characterized by recurrent fever, transient and self-limiting polyserositis, responds well to the treatment of colchicine. In 95% of patients, the first attack occurs with severe abdominal pain. The first attack frequency that starts with pleuritic chest pain, pleural effusion and fever are lower than 10%. Ninety percent of the cases are younger than 20 years old. After 40 years old, it is rarely diagnosed (1.25%). In this case report; we wanted to present an FMF case diagnosed after 40 years old in the context of the patient's clinical follow-up, treatment, and literature, since it is very rare to diagnose in this age group, and unexpected complications can occur

    The Sufficiency of Assistant and Intern Doctors’ Knowledge About Basic and Advanced Life Support: A Survey Study

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    Objective:We aimed to evaluate the level of assistant and intern doctors’ knowledge about basic and advanced life support.Material and Methods: In this study, the current knowledge of 357 assistant and intern doctors at the hospital of Cumhuriyet University was reviewed via a questionnaire of 40 questions about basic and advanced life support. The participants' consent was received before administering the questionnaire. The findings were reported in figures and percentages. While the Kruskal-Wallis Variance analysis test was used for statistical calculations, the chi-square test was used for statistical comparisons. p<0.05 was accepted as significant. This study consists of questions prepared about the recent changes in the guide for cardiopulmonary resuscitation by the American Heart Association (AHA) released in 2010.Results: This study weights the answers from both of the participant groups equally even though the practical experience of assistant doctors is greater than the interns’. The ratio of right answers to the questions about general knowledge of basic and advanced life support is found to be low in this particular study. However, assistant doctors aged between 20-30 achieve a higher rate of true answers compared to the other participant doctors.Conclusions:This study has concluded that the knowledge level of assistant and intern doctors is insufficient and not up-to-date. It has also shown that insufficient knowledge may cause danger, given the fact that basic and advanced life support cannot be applied effectively without correct and accurate information

    Serum Paraoxonase, Arylesterase, and GlutathioneS-Transferase Activities and Oxidative Stress Levels in Patients with Mushroom Poisoning

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    OBJECTIVES: Consumption of toxic species of mushrooms may have detrimental effects and increase oxidative stress. Paraoxonase, arylesterase and glutathione-S-transferase are antioxidants that resist oxidative stress. In this study, we analyzed the changes in these enzymes during intoxication due to mushrooms. METHODS: The study enrolled 49 adult patients with a diagnosis of mushroom poisoning according to clinical findings and 49 healthy volunteers as the control group. The patients with mild clinical findings were hospitalized due to the possibility that the patient had also eaten the mushrooms and due to clinical findings in the late period, which could be fatal. Paraoxonase, arylesterase, and glutathione-S-transferase concentrations, as well as total antioxidant and oxidant status, were determined in the 49 patients and 49 healthy volunteers by taking blood samples in the emergency department. RESULTS: While paraoxonase, arylesterase, and total antioxidant status were significantly decreased in the patient group (po0.05), glutathione-S-transferase, total oxidant status and the oxidative stress index were significantly higher (po0.05). There was a positive correlation between the hospitalization time and the oxidative stress index (r=0.752, po0.001), whereas a negative correlation was found with glutathione-S-transferase (r=-0.420, p=0.003). CONCLUSION: We observed a significant decrease in paraoxonase and arylesterase and an increase in glutathione-S-transferase and oxidative stress indexes in patients with mushroom poisoning, indicating that these patients had an oxidative status. In particular, a low total antioxidant status and high oxidative stress index may gain importance in terms of the assessment of hospitalization duration

    Mushroom poisoning: retrospective analysis of 294 cases

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to present special clinical and laboratory features of 294 cases of mushroom poisoning. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this retrospective study, 294 patients admitted to the Pediatric and Adult Emergency, Internal Medicine and ICU Departments of Cumhuriyet University Hospital were investigated. RESULTS: Of 294 patients between the ages of 3 and 72 (28.97 ± 19.32), 173 were female, 121 were male and 90 were under the age of 16 years. One hundred seventy-three patients (58.8%) had consumed the mushrooms in the early summer. The onset of mushroom toxicity symptoms was divided into early (within 6 h after ingestion) and delayed (6 h to 20 d). Two hundred eighty-eight patients (97.9%) and six (2.1%) patients had early and delayed toxicity symptoms, respectively. The onset of symptoms was within two hours for 101 patients (34.3%). The most common first-noticed symptoms were in the gastrointestinal system. The patients were discharged within one to ten days. Three patients suffering from poisoning caused by wild mushrooms died from fulminant hepatic failure. CONCLUSION: Education of the public about the consumption of mushrooms and education of health personnel working in health centers regarding early treatment and transfer to hospitals with appropriate facilities are important for decreasing the mortality

    Serum Paraoxonase, Arylesterase, and Glutathione-S-Transferase Activities and Oxidative Stress Levels in Patients with Mushroom Poisoning

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    OBJECTIVES: Consumption of toxic species of mushrooms may have detrimental effects and increase oxidative stress. Paraoxonase, arylesterase and glutathione-S-transferase are antioxidants that resist oxidative stress. In this study, we analyzed the changes in these enzymes during intoxication due to mushrooms. METHODS: The study enrolled 49 adult patients with a diagnosis of mushroom poisoning according to clinical findings and 49 healthy volunteers as the control group. The patients with mild clinical findings were hospitalized due to the possibility that the patient had also eaten the mushrooms and due to clinical findings in the late period, which could be fatal. Paraoxonase, arylesterase, and glutathione-S-transferase concentrations, as well as total antioxidant and oxidant status, were determined in the 49 patients and 49 healthy volunteers by taking blood samples in the emergency department. RESULTS: While paraoxonase, arylesterase, and total antioxidant status were significantly decreased in the patient group (p<0.05), glutathione-S-transferase, total oxidant status and the oxidative stress index were significantly higher (p<0.05). There was a positive correlation between the hospitalization time and the oxidative stress index (r=0.752, p<0.001), whereas a negative correlation was found with glutathione-S-transferase (r=-0.420, p=0.003). CONCLUSION: We observed a significant decrease in paraoxonase and arylesterase and an increase in glutathione-S-transferase and oxidative stress indexes in patients with mushroom poisoning, indicating that these patients had an oxidative status. In particular, a low total antioxidant status and high oxidative stress index may gain importance in terms of the assessment of hospitalization duration

    Traumatic Injuries From Sheep Sacrifice During the Eid Al-Adha Holiday: A Prospective Multicentered Study

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    Objective: We sought to describe injuries related to the sacrificial slaughtering of animals during the Eid holiday. Methods: We conducted a centered prospective observational cohort study during the Eid (August 21-24, 2018) at 5 emergency departments in Gaziantep, Turkey. Descriptive statistics of injuries collected included the injury location, involvement of dominant or non-dominant hand, cause of injury (instrument vs animal), type of instrument causing injury, surgical interventions performed, and professional occupations of patients. Results: We included two hundred seventy-seven patients with injuries who fulfilled the criteria and excluded injuries not related to animal slaughter. Most injuries (91%) occurred in people who were not professional butchers (n=252) and simple laceration (not involving vessels or tendons) was the most common injury type (95.3%; n=265). Those who were injured and had no experience were mostly injured during the processing of the meat (butchering) and while helping others. Lacerations were most commonly observed in the upper extremity (83.4%; n=231), on the non-dominant side (67.5%; n=187), in the hand (78.7%, n=218), and specifically in the index finger (23.1%; n=64). A surgery was performed on 8 patients. Conclusion: The first day of Eid is associated with an increase in mostly non-dominant upper extremity injuries among inexperienced people slaughtering animals. Further education and safety measures may reduce such injuries. Emergency departments serving larger Muslim communities may benefit from anticipating an uptick in these injuries

    Knowledge and Skills of the Senior Students of Paramedical, Nursing and Medical Faculties on Cardiopulmonary Arrest Recognition, Maintenance of Chest Compression and Ventilation

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    WOS: 000489681000004Aim: We believe that automatic external defibrillators are not common in our country and aimed to compare the knowledge and skills of senior students in paramedical, nursing and medical faculties on recognizing cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) case, providing proper chest compression and maintenance of ventilation as well as evaluating cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) cycle one month before starting profession. Materials and Methods: Fifty senior students from paramedic department, 50 senior students from nursing department and 50 senior students from medical school were included in the study. The participants were asked 10 theoretical questions to evaluate their basic resuscitation knowledge. Each participant was then asked to intervene in a suspicious CPA case using Prestan Adult CPR Manikin alone in a separate room. Results: The highest rate of correct answers given to theoretical questions related to CPR was in paramedic students with a mean score of 7.34 +/- 1.99 points among the students of these three departments (p=0.001). The mean scores of both theoretical and practical application of paramedic students were found to be significantly higher than the students of the nursing and medical faculties, when all three groups were compared with each other with regard to their mean success scores of theoretical and practical applications. Conclusion: In our study, the mean scores of both theoretical and practical application of paramedic students were found to be significantly higher than the other groups