90 research outputs found

    Medium-Early Spring Wheat Cultivars Depending on The Level of Mineral Nutrition in The Northern Forest-Steppe of The Tyumen Region

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    This article analyzes the results by the yield and grain quality of two spring wheat cultivars Tyumenskaya Yubileynaya and Tyumenocka, depending on the level of mineral nutrition in the forest-steppe zone of the Tyumen region. The length of the vegetation period corresponded to the climatic conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Tyumen region. In the reference variant and the variant with 4 tons of NPK per hectare, it was 90 days, and in the variants with 4 and 6 t/ha, it was 92 days. In the reference variant, the average yield of the Tyumenskaya Yubileynaya cultivar over the three years was 3.31 t/ha, and that of the Tyumenocka cultivar — 2.93 t/ha. The introduction of mineral fertilizers for the planned yield of 4 t/ha allowed obtaining the yield for the Tyumenskaya Yubileynaya cultivar equal to 4.14 t/ha, which was by 0.83 t/ha more than in the reference variant. The Tyumenocka cultivar yielded 3.83 t/ha, which was by 0.90 t/ha higher than in the reference variant. Further increasing the dosages of mineral fertilizers to 5 t/ha allowed obtaining 4.73 – 4.72 t/ha for both cultivars, which was by 0.27 – 0.28 t/ha lower than planned yield. The content of gluten in the grain of cultivar Tyumenskaya Yubileynaya in the reference variant was 27.2 %, of the Tyumenocka cultivar — 24.2 %. In the variant with 4 tons of NPK per hectare, an increase in the content of gluten by 9.6 – 10.4 %, respectively, was noted. According to the economic calculations, the most favorable for spring wheat cultivation in the Tyumen region is the level of mineral fertilization equal to 5 tons of NPK per hectare

    Physicochemical Properties of Gray Forest Soils on the Eastern Outskirts of the Trans-Ural Plateau

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    Серые лесные почвы наиболее перспективны для расширения пахотного фонда Северного Зауралья. Разнообразие ландшафта, почвообразующих пород, влияние антропогенного фактора стали причинами варьирования их свойств в широком диапазоне. Целью исследования являлось изучение физико-химических свойств серых лесных почв и установление характера их изменчивости. Объект исследования – целинные серые лесные почвы (Luvic Retic Greyzemic Phaeozems). Было заложено 330 полнопрофильных разрезов, выполнено их морфологическое описание, отобраны по генетическим горизонтам почвенные образцы для лабораторных анализов. Результаты исследований показали, что серые лесные почвы восточной окраины Зауральского Плато в агрономическом отношении имеют сравнительно благоприятные физико-химические свойства. По мере снижения интенсивности оподзоливания сумма обменных оснований в гумусовых горизонтах возрастает от 17,2 в светло-серых до 25,3 ммоль(экв)/100 г в темно-серых почвах. Выявлена высокая степень варьирования значений гидролитической кислотности темно-серых лесных почв Северного Зауралья от 1,1 до 13,0 ммоль(экв)/100 г почвы (коэффициент вариации в гумусовом горизонте равен 43 %). В светло-серых и собственно серых лесных почвах гидролитическая кислотность характеризуется меньшими значениями – 4,6 и 5,2 ммоль(экв)/100 г почвы соответственно. Поглотительная способность серых лесных почв относительно высока, даже у подтипа светло-серых, где она варьирует в широком диапазоне – от 12,2 до 31,0 ммоль(экв)/100 г почвы. В темно-серых почвах Северного Зауралья емкость катионного обмена в гумусовом горизонте в среднем составляет 32,1 ммоль(экв)/100 г почвы, уменьшаясь с глубиной. Степень насыщенности основаниями гумусового горизонта в темно-серых лесных почвах достигает 79 % от емкости катионного обмена с варьированием значений от 67 до 95 %. Схожие физико-химические свойства светло-серых и собственно серых лесных почв позволяют объединить их в одну агропроизводственную группу для разработки единой системы земледелия, обеспечивающей расширенное воспроизводство плодородия. При сельскохозяйственном использовании темно-серых лесных почв необходимо учитывать очень высокую вариабельность их физико-химических свойствGray forest soils are the most promising for expanding the arable area in Northern Trans-Urals. The diversity of landscape and soil-forming rocks and human impact resulted in a wide range of their properties. The aim of the research is to examine the physicochemical properties of gray forest soils and determine the nature of their variability. The object of research is virgin gray forest soils (Luvic Retic Greyzemic Phaeozems). Three hundred and thirty full-profile sections were laid, their morphological description was provided, soil samples for laboratory analysis were selected according to genetic horizons. The results of the research show that gray forest soils on the eastern outskirts of the Trans-Ural Plateau have physical and chemical properties relatively favorable from an agronomic perspective. As the intensity of podzolization decreases, the total amount of exchangeable bases in humus horizons increases from 17.2 to 25.3 mmol (eq)/100 g in light gray and dark gray soils, respectively. A high degree of variation in the values of hydrolytic acidity of dark gray forest soils in Northern Trans-Urals, from 1.1 to 13.0 mmol (eq)/100 g of soil, was revealed (the variation coefficient in the humus horizon is 43 %). In light gray and gray forest soils, hydrolytic acidity is characterized by lower values: 4.6 and 5.2 mmol (eq)/100 g of soil, respectively. The absorption capacity of all gray forest soils is relatively high, even in the light gray subtype, where it varies in a wide range – from 12.2 to 31.0 mmol (eq)/100 g of soil. In dark gray soils of Northern Trans-Urals, the average cation exchange capacity is 32.1 mmol (eq)/100 g of soil, decreasing with depth. The degree of humus horizon saturation with bases in dark gray forest soils reaches 79 % of the cation exchange capacity varying from 67 to 95 %. Similar physical and chemical properties of light gray and gray forest soils make it possible to place them into one agricultural production group to develop a unified farming system that provides enhanced restoration of soil fertility. In the agricultural use of dark gray forest soils, it is necessary to take into account immensely high variability of their physicochemical propertie

    Evaluation of phytotoxicity and cytotoxicity of industrial catalyst components (Fe, Cu, Ni, Rh and Pd): A case of lethal toxicity of a rhodium salt in terrestrial plants

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    Until recently, chemical derivatives of platinum group metals have not been in a systematic direct contact with living organisms. The situation has changed dramatically due to anthropogenic activity, which has led to significant redistribution of these metals in the biosphere. Millions of modern cars are equipped with automotive catalytic converters, which contain rhodium, palladium and platinum as active elements. Everyday usage of catalytic technologies promotes the propagation of catalyst components in the environment. Nevertheless, we still have not accumulated profound information on possible ecotoxic effects of these metal pollutants. In this study, we report a case of an extraordinarily rapid development of lethal toxicity of a rhodium (III) salt in the terrestrial plants Pisum sativum, Lupinus angustifolius and Cucumis sativus. The growth stage, at which the exposure occurred, had a crucial impact on the toxicity manifestation: at earlier stages, RhCl3 killed the plants within 24 h. In contrast, the salt was relatively low-toxic in human fibroblasts. We also address phytotoxicity of other common metal pollutants, such as palladium, iron, nickel and copper, together with their cytotoxicity. None of the tested compounds exhibited phytotoxic effects comparable with that of RhCl3. These results evidence the crucial deficiency in our knowledge on environmental dangers of newly widespread metal pollutants

    Anchor system for installation of fishing gears on soft grounds

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    Mushroom anchors are proposed for positioning of vessels and fishing gears on soft grounds, as sands and silts. Designs of the anchors of original shape are presented. Their holding force is determined for certain navigational conditions, and the forces acting on a floating object are calculated for the cases of anchoring perpendicular and parallel to the water flow. Weight of the mushroom anchors necessary for anchoring of a floating object is calculated and scheme of the anchorage is presented for the depth 250 m. The mushroom anchors using for rescue operations in the Okhotsk Sea and for shrimp pot fishery in the Japan Sea is discussed, in particular the episode of positioning the vessel of deadweight 2433 t in conditions of 3-points roughness and the current velocity 2 knots at the sea surface and 4 knots at the sea bottom with using two stern and one bow mushroom anchors. Using of the compact mushroom anchor for shrimp pot fishery allows to reduce the traps moving along the bottom during their hauling. Possibly, the mushroom anchors could be used for other gears installation, as well, as stationary nets, crab traps, bottom longlines, etc

    Bremsstrahlung emission during α\alpha-decay of 226Ra^{226}{\rm Ra}

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    We obtained the spectrum of probability of the bremsstrahlung emission accompanying the α\alpha-decay of 226Ra^{226}{\rm Ra} (Eα_{\alpha}=4.8 MeV) by measuring the α\alpha-γ\gamma coincidences and using the model presented in our previous study on the α\alpha-decay of 214Po^{214}{\rm Po} (Eα_{\alpha}=7.7 MeV). We compare the experimental data with the quantum mechanical calculation and find a good agreement between theory and experiment. We discuss the differences between the photon spectra connected with the α\alpha-decay of the 226Ra^{226}{\rm Ra} and 214Po^{214}{\rm Po} nuclei. For the two mentioned nuclei we analyze the bremsstrahlung emission contributions from the tunneling and external regions of the nucleus barrier into the total spectrum, and we find the destructive interference between these contributions. We also find that the emission of photons during tunneling of the α\alpha-particle gives an important contribution to the bremsstrahlung spectrum in the whole Eγ_{\gamma} energy range of the studied 226^{226}Ra nucleus

    Soils swelling as a regional feature of Western Siberia

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    The research was to study the causes of soil swelling in Western Siberia. Studies were carried out on four stationary platforms in different climatic zones: from the sub-taiga to the southern forest-steppe. As a result of the research it was found that the level of the perched water is usually at a depth of 1-3 meters, which varies greatly depending on the season. The maximum elevation occurs at the beginning of summer, the beginning of winter – the depth of the perched water up to 3.0 meters or more. It was determined that in the sub-taiga zone of Western Siberia, perched water having a joint influence on the swelling soil; capillary fringe of perched water reaches a depth of 90 cm and the heterogeneity of the addition of the upper meter of the soil layer, which is formed by illuvial horizon with low filtration capacity. On soils with a uniform granulometric composition, despite the deeper occurrence of perched water, capillary fringe reaches a depth of 40 cm, where it has the maximum effect on the soil swelling. During construction, it is necessary under the base of roads to create protective shields of fine gravel or substandard sand, preventing the rise of water and the manifestation of bulk soils swelling

    Methods with discrete sources for electromagnetic scattering by large axisymmetric particles with extreme geometries

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    The applicability of the discrete sources method and the null-field method with discrete sources to electromagnetic scattering by large axisymmetric particles with extreme geometries is analyzed. We present the numerical and theoretical improvements of the methods and design the null-field method with multiple spherical vector wave functions as an enhancement of the conventional null-field method for computing the optical properties of large size parameter particles. The numerical performances of the methods with discrete sources are illustrated through simulations in spheroidal and cylindrical particle cases

    Creation artificial soil-ground at gardening of objects of landscape architecture in Western Siberia

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    Now for creation of a fertile layer usually use peat-sandy mixes in various parities, which initially do not approach for long-term development of grasses. It leads to that the grassy cover on slopes of roads, city lawns within 2–3 years perishes and is replaced natural by weeds with the vegetation which is not forming strong of sod. The carried out analysis of granulometric structure of soils on which perennial grasses grow, has shown, that as a part of artificial soil the clay containing oozy particles (<0.001 mm) should be an obligatory component. The developed optimising model has shown, that at observance of necessary conditions probably reception artificial soil of middle-loamy granulometric composition possessing optimum physical and agrochemical properties, necessary for long growth of perennial grassy vegetation. As local components it is necessary to use clay, small sand, peat in the parities received at calculation of optimising model. The parity between sand, peat and clay should make 1:2:7. For effect prevention acidification from peat and improvement of agrochemical properties it is necessary to add on 100 kg of a mix of 0.5 kg complex fertilize and 0.2 kg of a dolomitic flour that will provide nutrients to plants while in artificial soil it’s own microflora will not start to work