95 research outputs found

    Cobalt Nanocrystals as Starting Materials for Shape Modificationand Assembly Formation

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    Surfactant-coated cobalt nanocrystals can be prepared with a reasonable degree of control over particle size and shape using a thermolytic route. The small crystallite size, enhanced reactivity and tunable interparticle interactions enable use of this material as starting material for demonstration of achievement of novel structures using extremely simple solution-based approaches. In particular, formation of hollow cobalt sulfide nanocrystals upon chemical modification and emergence of long-range orientational order upon drying-mediated assembly of cobalt nanocrystals is reported here.Colloidal preparation of Co nanocrystals has been well-studied. Here, we emphasize general principles and crystallographic/morphological characterization of disk-shaped hcp-Co nanocrystals. Use of surfactant molecules enables achievement of multiple morphologies in one synthetic system.Formation of hollow structures upon in-solution sulfidation of Co nanocrystals is presented and discussed. A Kirkendall-type effect, involving dominant outward mass transport during formation of the ionic shell material explains the results naturally. It is expected that this phenomenon will generalize extensively to formation of hollow structures of an enormous variety of compositions. Detailed study of particle morphology as a function of reaction conditions suggest phenomena likely to be generally relevant to use of this approach. A short report of crystallographic co-alignment into vortex-like structures is also provided. Our current best picture of this process involves an interplay of packing and magnetic interactions between faceted particles

    Thermodynamic Analysis and Optimization of Cascade Condensing Temperature of a CO2(R744)/R404A Cascade Refrigeration System

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    Synthetic refrigerants are widely used in refrigeration applications. However, it is shown that such refrigerants have negative impacts on the ozone layer of atmosphere. Recently, natural refrigerants such as carbon dioxide and various hydrocarbon compounds are proposed to replace synthetic refrigerants in the industrial refrigeration systems. Carbon dioxide is one of the most promising and environment-friendly refrigerant solution due to its thermo-physical properties, low ozone depletion value and low global warming potential. In this study thermodynamic analysis of a two stage sub-critical cascade refrigeration system using CO2 and R404a refrigerants in low temperature and high temperature cycles is presented. The energy and exergy analysis of the system and its components are performed to determine optimum operating conditions for condensing temperature of the cascade condenser and to maximize the coefficient of performance (COP) and second law efficiency of the system. The required equations are the mass, energy and exergy balances for the cascade refrigeration system. The optimum condensing temperature of the cascade condenser is computed at the first phase of the study. Then correlations are developed to maximize COP of the system according to condensing temperatures of both high and low temperature cycles

    Designing for Mental Health Care Ecosystems Transformation: The role of a territorial co-lab for resources emergence and integration

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    The role of a territorial co-lab for resources emergence and integration. Mental health is shifting from focusing on the treatment of disease (clinical recovery) to the promotion of complete well-being (personal recovery) (Slay & Stephens, 2013). This recovery shift requires the innovation of individual services and organisations, as well as the overall transformation of the ecosystem of diverse actors that can assist in the continuity of care. The novel concept of care ecosystem is helpful to describe this transition as it recognises the “dynamic and co-evolving community of sovereign and unique organizations, independent care providers, informal caregivers, care networks, patients and other actors, who directly or indirectly co-produce care or develop care innovations.” (Mohr & Dessers, 2019). Care providers need to recognise and facilitate the integration of this diversity of resources to offer personalised support for the changing needs of individual recovery journeys. Design for mental health has shed light on issues of power dynamics (Farr, 2013) and mental models change (Vink et al., 2017), as well as systemic dynamics when aiming for transformational change (Sangiorgi et al., 2022). This paper suggests that attention should also be paid to how design initiatives could enhance the capability of care ecosystems to generate and integrate diverse and relevant resources to support individual recovery journeys better. In order to do so, we will first review the role of resources in mental healthcare transformation, their articulation within the service-dominant logic theory, and the recent understanding of care and service ecosystem design. This background will inform the developmental analysis and working model of Recovery Co-Lab, a territorial lab for mental health that illustrates how collective and collaborative design activities can explicitly address the emergence and integration of resources toward recovery-oriented mental healthcare

    Antibakterijsko i antifungalno djelovanje klorheksidin-diacetata ugrađenog u akrilatne smole koje se upotrebljavaju za privremene nadomjestke

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    Objective: The surface of provisional restorations applied before conventional or implant- supported fixed restorations may cause bacterial or fungal biofilm formation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of acrylic resins used in provisional restorations modified with chlorhexidine diacetate. Methods: 120 cylindrical, auto-polymerized resin samples modified with chlorhexidine diacetate were prepared at concentrations of 0 (control), 1, 3, 5 wt %. The antimicrobial activity was examined against Streptococcus mutans, Enterococcus faecalis, and Candida albicans using Crystal Violet quantification, MTT assay, and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and paired sample t-tests (α=0.05). Results: The addition of chlorhexidine diacetate influenced the growth rate and metabolic activity of microorganisms. The antimicrobial effect against C. albicans and S. mutans statistically increased with the percentage of chlorhexidine diacetate. E. faecalis bacteria were less affected by chlorhexidine diacetate compared to other pathogens. Conclusion: It has been shown that the effectiveness of CHDA in inhibiting the proliferation of microorganisms correlated positively with increasing concentration levels. More research is needed to confirm the impact of different chlorhexidine concentrations on the mechanical properties, clinical efficacy, and antimicrobial properties of CDHA.Svrha istraživanja: Površina privremenih nadomjestaka koji se koriste prije trajnih fiksnih nadomjestaka ili nadomjestaka postavljenih na implantate može prouzročiti stvaranje bakterijskoga ili gljivičnoga biofilma. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti antimikrobno djelovanje akrilatnih smola koje se upotrebljavaju u privremenim restauracijama modificiranima klorheksidin-diacetatom. Materijal i metode: Pripremljeno je 120 cilindričnih, autopolimeriziranih uzoraka smole modificirane klorheksidin-diacetatom u koncentracijama od 0 (kontrola), 1, 3, 5 težinskih postotaka. Antimikrobna aktinost ispitivana je za mikroorganizme Streptococcus mutans, Enterococcus faecalis i Candida albicans kvantifikacijom Crystal Violeta, MTT testom i skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom. Podatci su analizirani ANOVA-om i t-testom uparenih uzoraka (α = 0,05). Rezultati: Dodatak klorheksidin-dia-cetata utjecao je na brzinu rasta i metaboličku aktivnost mikroorganizama. Antimikrobni učinak kad je riječ o C. albicans i S. mutans statistički se povećavao s postotkom klorheksidin-diacetata. Bakterija E. faecalis bila je manje pogođena klorheksidin-diacetatom u usporedbi s drugim patogenima. Zaključak: Pokazalo se da učinkovitost CHDA-e u inhibiciji proliferacije mikroorganizama pozitivno korelira s povećanjem razine koncentracije. Potrebna su dodatna istraživanja kako bi se utvrdio utjecaj različitih koncentracija klorheksidina na mehanička svojstva, kliničku učinkovitost i antimikrobna svojstva CDHA-e

    Synthesis of hcp-Co Nanodisks

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    People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have different sensory stimuli that cause difficulties managing the tasks they need to do to sustain their daily lives such as how to communicate, how to respond, and even how to dress or cook. These sensitivities become their characteristics for their whole life even if they take proper education in the early period of their childhood. That’s why it is essential to have an understanding of how people with ASD interpret the world and view people and objects around them. Tangible user interfaces may assist them to interpret the world by using physical forms of intangible knowledge since it helps them to capture the environment around them. For this reason, the interaction between the people with ASD and tangible user interfaces are examined based on the two foundational theories; Self-Determination Theory and Sensory Integration Theory, together with the TEACHH method. Then, user research was made firstly by conducting semi-structured qualitative interviews with autism people as well as educators who work with them and their family members. Then, workshops were made and key project findings were defined from an analysis of what had been observed and recorded. As a result, NADI is designed to provide an approach as a solution of the task management device for daily tasks to facilitate dealing with them, by using digitized physical interaction to improve people's autonomy together with helping them overcome anxiety/stress originated by routine breakdowns or unfamiliar situations