67 research outputs found

    Kurbağa yumurta modelinde fertilizasyon'dan birinci yarıklanmaya kadar olan evredeki membran potansiyel değişimleri ve bu değişimlerin iyonik temeli

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    TEZ1704Tez (Uzmanlık) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1995.Kaynakça (s. 66-69) var.69 s. ; 30 cm.

    Tramadol Reverses the Effects of Neuropathic Pain on Oocyte Maturation and Copulation Ratio in Mice

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    Objective: Neuropathic pain (NP) is an inescapable stressor that significantly affects both the nervous and endocrine system functions. In this study, we investigated the effect of NP on female reproductive function using the number of oocytes as an index as well as the copulation rates of female mice, with and without males. We also examined whether NP symptoms stopped after injecting tramadol, an opioid analgesic. Materials and Methods: The partial sciatic nerve was tightly ligated to produce neuropathy, and allodynia was assessed using the cold-plate test. A superovulation protocol was applied to control, sham, neuropathy, and neuropathy+tramadol groups. Each group was divided into two subgroups according to two housing condi- tions: female alone and female with a male. After inducing superovulation, oocytes/zygotes were isolated from the ampulla of female mice. Total number of oocytes, oocyte maturation, and copulation rates were determined. Results: The results showed that allodynia, which is a prominent NP symptom, was detected in all neuropath- ic mice, but tramadol (50 mg/kg, i.p.) stopped these symptoms. The results also showed that NP decreased oocyte maturation and copulation rates of mice, and tramadol reversed all these effects. Conclusion: In conclusion, we suggest that NP affects reproductive performance by altering the regulation of neuroendocrine mechanisms. Prospective studies that determine the levels of cortisol, fertility hormone, cytokine, and other potential endogenous substances in NP animals are needed to clarify the mechanisms

    Discrimination between the acidic and molecular effects of lactate on muscle tension development

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    Fatigue can be defined as the decrease in the genesis of maximal muscle tension, and it may develop when metabolic end-products cannot be readily washed out. During anaerobic exercises, lactate accumulates in the muscle and blood, resulting in acidic pH in these tissues. Fatigue during lactate accumulation is generally attributed to its acidifying property; however, the inverse effect of lactate on muscle tension also at isopH values may be due to the molecular as well as the acidifying effects of this metabolite. In this study, we aimed to distinguish the molecular and acidifying effects of high lactate, both of which lead to decreased muscle tension development. Muscle tension developing in response to low frequency (0.5 Hz) supramaximal stimuli was recorded in the rat hemidiaphragm preparation. Rat Ringer solution (pH=7.33) was used as the control. Effects of high lactate concentration (high [La]) and acidic pH were evaluated by adding 20 mM of L-(+)-Lactate and 5 mM of acetic acid into the Ringer solution, respectively; pH values of the corresponding solutions were adjusted either by buffering with NaOH or sodium acetate. Records were obtained at pH values of 7.30, 7.00 and 6.50. One way Anova was used for statistical analysis. Muscle tension decreased by nearly 17% at a lactate concentration of 20 mM at iso pH (pH=7.33), and lower pH values resulted in greater decreases in the genesis of muscle tension. However, at the same pH values, recorded muscle tension differed by approximately 14% between the high [La] and acetate treatments, and the effect of high [La] was more evident. High [La] resulted in greater decreases in the developing muscle tension if acidity was increased, but its molecular effects did not change significantly. The inverse effects of 20 mM of lactate on the genesis of muscle tension at nearly iso pH values (pH=7.30-7.00) develop mainly via its molecular influences; on the other hand, its acidifying property predominates when acidity is increased (pH=6.50) but its molecular effects remain almost unchanged. Our findings may lead to the conclusion that acidic and molecular effects of high [La] at these pH values show an additive property and they influence the genesis of muscle tension in a negative manner.Fatigue can be defined as the decrease in the genesis of maximal muscle tension, and it may develop when metabolic end-products cannot be readily washed out. During anaerobic exercises, lactate accumulates in the muscle and blood, resulting in acidic pH in these tissues. Fatigue during lactate accumulation is generally attributed to its acidifying property; however, the inverse effect of lactate on muscle tension also at isopH values may be due to the molecular as well as the acidifying effects of this metabolite. In this study, we aimed to distinguish the molecular and acidifying effects of high lactate, both of which lead to decreased muscle tension development. Muscle tension developing in response to low frequency (0.5 Hz) supramaximal stimuli was recorded in the rat hemidiaphragm preparation. Rat Ringer solution (pH=7.33) was used as the control. Effects of high lactate concentration (high [La]) and acidic pH were evaluated by adding 20 mM of L-(+)-Lactate and 5 mM of acetic acid into the Ringer solution, respectively; pH values of the corresponding solutions were adjusted either by buffering with NaOH or sodium acetate. Records were obtained at pH values of 7.30, 7.00 and 6.50. One way Anova was used for statistical analysis. Muscle tension decreased by nearly 17% at a lactate concentration of 20 mM at iso pH (pH=7.33), and lower pH values resulted in greater decreases in the genesis of muscle tension. However, at the same pH values, recorded muscle tension differed by approximately 14% between the high [La] and acetate treatments, and the effect of high [La] was more evident. High [La] resulted in greater decreases in the developing muscle tension if acidity was increased, but its molecular effects did not change significantly. The inverse effects of 20 mM of lactate on the genesis of muscle tension at nearly iso pH values (pH=7.30-7.00) develop mainly via its molecular influences; on the other hand, its acidifying property predominates when acidity is increased (pH=6.50) but its molecular effects remain almost unchanged. Our findings may lead to the conclusion that acidic and molecular effects of high [La] at these pH values show an additive property and they influence the genesis of muscle tension in a negative manner

    Travmatik Olarak İntrüze Olan Maksiller Sürekli Kesici Dişlere Tedavi Yaklaşımı: İki Olgu Sunumu

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    Dentoalveolar travma çocuklarda çok yaygın bir durumdur. Çocukların anterior dişlerindeki dental travma acil tedavi gerektirir. İntrüzyon, travmaya bağlı olarak dişin alveolar kemik içersinde apikal olarak yer değiştirmesidir. Bu tip yaralanmalar genellikle maksiller dişlerde görülür ve ciddi pulpal ve periodontal hasarla ilişkilidir. Travmatik olarak intrüze olmuş dişlerin tedavisi ve prognozu hastanın yaşı, dentisyonun tipi, kök gelişimine ve travmanın ciddiyetine bağlı olarak değişebilmektedir. Bu olgu sunumlarında, travmaya bağlı olarak meydana gelen maksiller kesici dişleri tamamen intrüze olan 6 ve 10 yaşlarında olan iki erkek çocuğuna uygulanan iki farklı tedavi yaklaşımı sunulmuştur. Sonuç olarak, intrüze olan dişlerin tedavi planlaması multidisipliner olmalıdır ve konservatif tedavi seçeneği öncelikli olarak düşünülmelidir

    Pozitif gensini skorlu koroner arter hastalarında mcv ve mch de?erleri]

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    This study aims to research whether gensini scoring of white blood cells and their subgroups and hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Htc), erythroscyte and their computational tests are related, through retrospectively evaluating complete blood cell counts of patients who underwent coronary angiography with coronary artery disease (CAD) early diagnosis. Files of 267 patients, 113 women and 154 men over the age of 18, who came to Namik Kemal University Research and Practice Hospital in August 2011 and January 2012 and underwent coronary angiography with CAD early diagnosis, were scanned retrospectively. Patients were grouped as angio-negative (ANG) and angio-positive (APG) according to coronary angiography results. Gensini Scoring was done in APG patients according to angiography results. Hemogram values studied before coronery angiography as well as age, gender and other diseases of patients in both groups were recorded. When ANG and APG erythrocytic parameters were compared, Hb and Htc values did not differ significantly between groups while a significant difference was observed in mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) values. White blood cell count, neutrophil, lymphocyte and monocyte counts were significantly higher in APG compared to ANG. Eosinophil and basophil values and thrombocytic parameters did not differ significantly between groups. A positive correlation was observed between Gensini Score and MCV, MCH, WBC (leukocyte), neutrophil, lymphocyte and monocyte. Consequently, our findings suggest that erythrocyte has a role in CAD pathogenesis like other blood cells or factors in CAD pathogenesis might affect erythrocyte morphology