670 research outputs found

    Injury and Illness Benchmarking and Prevention for Children and Staff Attending U.S. Camps: Promising Practices and Policy Implications

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    The camp experience has been an important American tradition for 150 years. In 2012, more than 11 million youth and adults attended an estimated 12,000 day and resident camps.1 Day and resident camp experiences differ; a typical day camp lasts roughly six to eight hours on any given day, while resident (overnight) camps operate 24/7 during a camp session. Youth and adults live at resident camp and are therefore in personal contact with one another for a longer timeframe than is typical of the day camp experience. Day or resident camp sessions can last from one week to up to eight weeks, with the average session lasting two weeks. Camp experiences contribute to a variety of positive youth developmental outcomes,2,3 but camp experiences also pose a risk for youth because of exposure to injuries and illness. Injury is a leading cause of the death of children,4,5,6 and childhood illness has a range of negative health, social, and financial impacts.7,8 Reducing the incidence of injuries and illness at camp is central to the provision of high-quality camp experiences

    Abrasion skin shear measurement of textile fabrics

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    Therapeutic alliance in Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for bulimia nervosa: Probably necessary but definitely insufficient

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    The present paper assessed therapeutic alliance over the course of Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT-E) in a community-based sample of 112 patients with a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa (BN) or atypical BN. Temporal assessment of alliance was conducted at three time points (the start, middle and end of treatment) and the relationship between alliance and treatment retention and outcome was explored. Results indicated that the alliance between patient and therapist was strong at all stages of CBT-E, and even improved in the early stages of treatment when behaviour change was initiated (weekly in-session weighing, establishing regular eating, and ceasing binge-eating and compensatory behaviours).The present study found no evidence that alliance was related to treatment retention or outcomes, or that symptom severity or problematic interpersonal styles interacted with alliance to influence outcomes. Alliance was also unrelated to baseline emotional or interpersonal difficulties. The study provides no evidence that alliance has clinical utility for the prediction of treatment retention or outcome in CBT-Efor BN, even for individuals with severe symptoms or problematic interpersonal styles. Early symptom change was the best predictor of outcome in CBT-E. Further research is needed to determine whether these results are generalizable to patients with anorexia nervosa

    Nomenclature and Terminology of Polymers, IV. Definitions of Basic Terms Relating to Low-molar-mass and Polymer Liquid Crystals

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    Ovo je prvi objavljeni dokument IUPAC-ove Komisije za nomenklaturu makromolekula koji obraðuje specifično područje kapljevitih kristala. Zbog opseÞnosti je pripremljen u suradnji s Međunarodnom udrugom za kapljevite kristale. Dokumentom je definirano pojmovlje koje se odnosi na niskomolekulske kapljevite kristale i kapljevite kristalne polimere. Obuhvaća temeljne definicije pojmova koji su uvrijeÞeni u području kapljevitih kristala i polimernoj znanosti. Pojmovi su podijeljeni u pet poglavlja koja obraðuju: opæe definicije stanja kapljevitih kristala i mezomorfna stanja, vrste mezofaza, optièku teksturu i nepravilnosti kapljevitih kristala, fizikalne karakteristike (ukljuèujuæi elektro-optička i magnetno-optička svojstva), i na kraju kapljevite kristalne polimere. Odabrani se pojmovi najčešće rabe pri standardnim strukturnim, termièkim i elektro-optičkim karakterizacijama kapljevitih kristalnih materijala

    Definitions of Terms Related to Polymer Blends, Composites, and Multiphase Polymeric Materials, VII.1

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    Dokument definira pojmove uvriježene u području polimernih mješavina i kompozita, a odnosi se na mješavine komponenata različitog kemijskog sastava ili molekulske mase u kojima je polimer kontinuirana faza. Popratni su termodinamički opisi uglavnom ograničeni na binarne mješavine iako se načelno mogu proširiti i na višekomponentne sustave. Dokument je podijeljen u tri poglavlja. Prvim su definirani osnovni pojmovi polimernih mješavina, drugim oni koji se najčešće primjenjuju za opisivanje ponašanja faznih domena polimernih mješavina. U trećem poglavlju definirani su pojmovi uobičajeni pri opisima morfologija fazno-razdvojenih polimernih mješavina.The document defines the terms most commonly encountered in the field of polymer blends and composites. The scope has been limited to mixtures in which the components differ in chemical composition or molar mass and in which the continuous phase is polymeric. Incidental thermodynamic descriptions are mainly limited to binary mixtures although, in principle, they could be generalized to multicomponent mixtures. The document is organized into three sections. The first defines terms basic to the description of polymer mixtures. The second defines terms commonly encountered in descriptions of phase domain behavior of polymer mixtures. The third defines terms commonly encountered in the descriptions of the morphologies of phase-separated polymer mixtures