28 research outputs found

    Utjecaj sezone teljenja na reproduktivne karakteristike Jersey krava

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    Dairy records, containing 1269 lactation record of 462 Jersey dairy cows collected over 16 years, from an agricultural state farm were used. Data for reproductive performance of cows were also collected. Means of the herd for lactation milk yield, calving interval, days open, interval from calving to the first insemination, lactation length, gestation length and dry period were 3195.7±20.2 kg, 366.6±1.7 d, 92.9±1.6 d, 78.0±1.3 d, 301.7±1.1 d, 275.2±0.2 d and 69.3±0.8 d, respectively. The effect of calving season (winter, spring, summer and autumn) on reproductive performance for high, low and moderate milk-yield cows was investigated. Calving season affected the days from calving to first insemination in high and moderate yielding cows (P<0.001) while didn’t affect low yielding cows. In summer, days open in high yielding cows were 35 days longer compared to winter season (P<0.001) as observed for moderate yielding cows (P<0.01). In high yielding cows, calving interval was 18 days longer in spring compared to winter calving season. Calving season also affected the first service conception rate in high yielding cows (P<0.05). Services per conception in autumn were lower than the other seasons (P<0.001). In conclusion, high yielding dairy cows need more attention in summer season with respect to body condition score, dietary energy: protein ratio, uterus health and elimination of heat stress, to get more profit in dairy farm.Tijekom 16 godina s jedne državne farme prikupljeni su podaci o mliječnosti 462 Jersey mliječne krave koji su sadržavali 1269 zaključenih laktacija. Također, prikupljeni su podaci o reproduktivnim karakteristikama krava. Prosječne vrijednosti laktacijske proizvodnje mlijeka, intervala teljenja, servis perioda, intervala od teljenja do prvog osjemenjivanja, duljine laktacije, duljine graviditeta i duljine suhostaja iznosili su: 3195,7±20,2 kg, 366,6±1,7 dana, 92,9±1,6 dana, 78,0±1,3 dana, 301,7±1,1 dana, 275,2±0,2 dana i 69,3±0,8 dana. Utvrđen je utjecaj sezone teljenja (zima, proljeće, ljeto i jesen) na reproduktivne karakteristike visoko, nisko i umjereno proizvodnih mliječnih krava. Sezona teljenja utječe na dane od teljenja do prvog osjemenjivanja kod visoko i umjereno mliječnih krava (P<0,001), dok nije utjecala na nisko mliječne krave. Ljeti je servis period krava s visokim proizvodnjom bio 35 dana dulji u odnosu na zimsku sezonu (P<0,001), jednako kao i kod umjereno mliječnih krava (P<0,01). Kod visokomliječnih krava, interval teljenja bio je 18 dana dulji tijekom proljeća u odnosu na zimsku sezonu teljenja. Sezona teljenja također je utjecala na stopu prvog uspješnog osjemenjivanja kod visokomliječnih krava (P<0,05). Indeks osjemenjivanja u jesen bio je manji nego tijekom ostalih sezona (P<0,001). Zaključno, visokomliječne krave trebaju više pažnje u ljetnoj sezoni kada je riječ o stanju kondicije, omjeru energije i proteina u obroku, zdravlju maternice i eliminacije toplinskog stresa, kako bi se ostvario veći profit na mliječnoj farmi

    Karayaka Koyunlarında Gonadotropin Salgılatıcı Hormon Uygulamasının (GnRH) Ovaryum Aktivitesi Üzerine Etkisi

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Karayaka koyunlarında dönem içi gonadotropin salgılatıcı hormon (GnRH) uygulamasının kızgınlık gösterme oranı ve ovaryum aktivitesi üzerine etkisini belirlemektir. Çalışmada en az iki doğum yapmış ve benzer vücut ağırlığına sahip 20 baş Karayaka ırkı koyun hayvan materyali olarak kullanılmıştır. Deneme başında tüm koyunlara ovaryum üzerinde mevcut olabilecek olan korpus luteum (CL)’un yıkımı için 1 ml PGF2α kas içi enjekte edilmiştir. PGF2α uygulamasından 9 gün sonra ise koyunlar rastgele iki eşit gruba ayrılmıştır. Birinci gruptaki koyunlara (n=10) 40 mg flugestone asetat içeren sünger vajina içine yerleştirilmiştir ve bu uygulamadan 14 gün sonra süngerler çıkartılarak, 1 ml PGF2α kas içi enjekte edilmiştir. PGF2α enjeksiyonunu takiben 36 saat sonra 1 ml GnRH kas içi enjekte edilmiştir. İkinci gruptaki koyunlara (n=10) ise mevcut olabilecek olan korpus luteum (CL)’un yıkımı için 1 ml PGF2α kas içi enjeksiyonun dışında herhangi bir uygulama yapılmamış olup, bu grup çalışmamızın kontrol grubunu oluşturmuştur. Bu işlemleri takiben her iki gruptaki bütün koyunlar Karayaka koçuna verilmiş ve 72 saat boyunca kızgınlık gösteren koyunlar belirlenmiştir. Kızgınlık taramasının sonunda bütün koyunlar kesime sevk edilmiş ve her iki ovaryum üzerindeki küçük (1-3 mm), büyük (>3 mm) ve toplam folikül sayısı ve CL sayısı belirlenmiştir. GnRH uygulaması yapılan koyunlar (%100) kontrol grubundaki koyunlara (%70) göre daha yüksek oranda kızgınlık göstermişlerdir. GnRH uygulaması yapılan koyunların her iki ovaryumundaki küçük ve toplam folikül sayısının ve CL sayısının, kontrol grubundaki koyunlarınkinden daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ancak büyük folikül sayısı bakımından deneme grupları arasında bir farklılık tespit edilmemiştir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmada mevsim içi dönemde Karayaka koyunlarında sünger uygulaması sonrasındaki GnRH uygulamasının kızgınlık gösterme oranını yükselttiği ve ovaryum aktivitesini arttırdığı tespit edilmiştir

    Purification and characterisation of glutathione reductase from scorpionfish (scorpaena porcus) and investigation of heavy metal ions inhibition

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    AbstractIn the current study, glutathione reductase was purified from Scorpion fish (Scorpaena porcus) liver tissue and the effects of heavy metal ions on the enzyme activity were determined. The purification process consisted of three stages; preparation of the homogenate, ammonium sulphate precipitation and affinity chromatography purification. At the end of these steps, the enzyme was purified 25.9-fold with a specific activity of 10.479 EU/mg and a yield of 28.3%. The optimum pH was found to be 6.5, optimum substrate concentration was 2 mM NADPH and optimum buffer was 300 mM KH2PO4. After purification, inhibition effects of Mn+2, Cd+2, Ni+2, and Cr3+, as heavy metal ions were investigated. IC50 values of the heavy metals were calculated as 2.4 µM, 30 µM, 135 µM and 206 µM, respectively

    Characterization of muscle fibers in Turkish native goat breeds

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    European Biotechnology Congress -- MAY 25-27, 2017 -- Dubrovnik, CROATIAWOS: 000413585400134…Ahi Evran University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit [ZRT.E2.17.05]This work was supported by the Ahi Evran University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit. Project No: ZRT.E2.17.05

    Selection of a mathematical model to describe the lactation curves of Jersey cattle

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    WOS: 000290875900004The extent of the usefulness of a lactation model depends on how well it succeeds in imitating the biological lactation process and how well it adjust for environmental and other factors that could influence production. Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare five different lactation curve models (Wood, Cobby and Le Du, Wilmink, Exponential and Parabolic Exponential model), and to find the best model that provided a good description of the lactation curve of Jersey cattle herd. Data used in this study were the first to seventh lactation official milk yield records from monthly recording of 3 630 lactations between 1984 and 2008 in the farm. The results showed that Wood model which has minimum residual standard deviation (3.562), maximum adjusted R(2) value (91.6%) and maximum persistency value (93.3%) performed the best fit to the data and allowed a suitable description of the lactation curve. It was concluded that the Wood model provided accurate estimates of milk yield for all lactation numbers because this model was found to be more superior to the other models. Consequently, the usage of Wood model would provide some useful information on genetic improvement of the Jersey breed under pasture-based dry seasonal production systems.Tubitak [TOVAG-107 O 338]This study was supported by TOVAG-107 O 338 Project of Tubitak. The authors wish to thank the staff of Karakoy State Farm for technical assistance and the Dr. N Ocak for his critical editing of the manuscript

    Effect of Follicle Size and Follicle Stimulating Hormone Concentration on Nuclear Maturation of Bovine Oocytes In Vitro

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    Bu çalışma folikül büyüklüğü ve folikül uyarıcı hormon (FSH) konsantrasyonunun sığır oositlerinin in vitro nükleer olgunlaşması üzerine etkisini araştırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Sığır ovaryumundaki (87 adet) foliküller küçük (<3 mm, 128 adet), orta (3–8 mm, 168 adet) ve büyük (9–12 mm, 148 adet) olmak üzere 3 sınıfa ayrılmıştır. Farklı büyüklüklerdeki foliküllerden aspire edilen oositler, %10 FCS ve farklı konsantrasyonlarda FSH (0,5; 1,0 ve 10,0 ?g/ml) içeren doku kültür medyumunda (TCM–199) 22 saat süreyle 38,5°C’de, %5 CO2 ve yaklaşık %95 oranında nem içeren ortamda in vitro olgunlaştırılmaya alınmışlardır. Kültür işlemi sonunda oositlerin nükleer olgunlaşmaları (MII; Metafaz II safhasına ulaşanlar) bisbenzimide (Hoechst 33258) DNA boyası ile floresan mikroskop altında belirlenmiştir. Mevcut çalışmada folikül çapının sığır oositlerinin in vitro nükleer olgunlaşması üzerine etkisinin küçük foliküllerden elde edilen oositlerde MII safhasına ulaşmış oositlerin oranı, orta ve büyük foliküllerden elde edilenlerinkinden önemli oranda daha düşük olduğu tespit edilmiştir. İn vitro olgunlaştırma medyumuna 10,0 ?g/ml FSH eklenmesinin oositlerin nükleer olgunlaşmadaki başarı oranını 0,5 ve 1,0 ?g/ml’ye göre arttırdığı saptanmıştır. Ayrıca yüksek FSH konsantrasyonunun nükleer olgunlaşmadaki iyileştirici etkisi, küçük foliküllerden elde edilen oositlerde daha fazla gözlemlenmiştir. Mevcut çalışmanın sonuçları 3–8 mm çapındaki foliküllerden elde edilen oositlerin daha başarılı bir olgunlaşma sergiledikleri, buna karşın küçük foliküllerden elde edilen oositlerin yüksek FSH konsantrasyonunda oransal olarak daha yüksek olgunlaşma başarısı sergileri saptanmıştır.The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of follicle size and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) concentration on nuclear maturation of bovine oocytes in vitro. Follicles on bovine ovary were classified into 3 groups according to the diameter; small (<3 mm), medium (3–8 mm) and large (9–12 mm). Oocytes were aspirated from follicles with different size and matured in tissue culture medium (TCM–199) supplemented with 10% FCS and various concentrations of FSH (0.5, 1.0 or 10 and µg/ml) for 22 hours filled with approximately 95% humidified and 5% CO2 in air at 38.5 ºC. At the end of culture period, nuclear maturation (at metaphase II; MII) of oocytes were determined by Bisbenzimide (Hoechst 33258) DNA staining under fluorescent microscope. In the present study, effect of follicle size on nuclear maturation of bovine oocytes were determined and the percentage of oocytes reached to M II stage was significantly lower in oocytes obtained small follicle than those of medium and large follicles. Supplementation of 10.0 µg/ml FSH into maturation media increased percentage of nuclear maturation compare to 0.5 and 1.0 µg/ml. Additionally, improving effect of high FSH concentration on nuclear maturation were more observed in oocytes obtained small follicles. The results of present study showed that oocytes from follicles with 3–8 mm diameters exhibited a more successful maturation, but oocytes obtained small follicles exhibited more maturation as a ratio under high FSH concentration

    Numerical modeling of single-storey precast frame's pinned connections with a special damper

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    4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, COMPDYN 2013 -- 12 June 2013 through 14 June 2013 -- Kos Island -- 104617Single-storey precast frames with pinned beam-column connections are widely used in Turkey. This type of precast structures had suffered extensive damages during the recent major earthquakes (Ceyhan (1998), Kocaeli (1999), Duzce (1999)). The damages had been generally concentrated on the pinned connections as failure of dowels or at the column bases as large plastic deformations. A special lead extrusion damper (LED) has been developed in an ongoing PhD study in Istanbul Technical University. The damper is going to be installed into the pinned connection regions of the single storey precast frames. Nearly half scaled specimens representing existing features of precast frames are planned to be tested on the shake table. Prior the experimental work, an extensive blind prediction study has been carried out through the nonlinear dynamic time history analyses of the numerical models which are representing the specimens with and without damper. The numerical models are generated with Seismostruct. The comparison of the structural behaviors between the bare frame and the frame with LED has been discussed. Although the relative drifts of the precast frame has been significantly reduced, the observed base shear demand moderately increased by the installation of the LED

    Relationship Between Dietary Fatty Acids and Reproductive Functions in Dairy Cattle

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    Selection of dairy cattle for higher milk yield, without considering important nonproduction traits, has decreased reproductive efficiency. Thus, low reproductive performance is a major problem in high yielding dairy cattle. Previous studies showed that dietary manipulation to improve fertility holds much promise and dietary fats have positive effects on reproductive functions in high yielding dairy cattle. Positive effects of fats on reproductive performance due to the fatty acids, which are the precursors of progesterone and prostaglandins. Progesterone and prostaglandins hormones are most important factors that play a role on the control of reproductive functions. The amount of linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic fattty acids in ration can be increase or decrease progesterone and prostaglandins synthesis especially PGF2? from ovary and uterus, respectively. Also fatty acids can be influence follicular development, ovulation, embryonic implantation and maternal recognition of pregnancy. This review focuses on the relationships between dietary fatty acids and reproductive functions such as hormone profiles, ovarian function and follicular development, oocyte quality, embryo development, embryonic implantation and maternal recognition of pregnancy in dairy cattleSelection of dairy cattle for higher milk yield, without considering important nonproduction traits, has decreased reproductive efficiency. Thus, low reproductive performance is a major problem in high yielding dairy cattle. Previous studies showed that dietary manipulation to improve fertility holds much promise and dietary fats have positive effects on reproductive functions in high yielding dairy cattle. Positive effects of fats on reproductive performance due to the fatty acids, which are the precursors of progesterone and prostaglandins. Progesterone and prostaglandins hormones are most important factors that play a role on the control of reproductive functions. The amount of linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic fattty acids in ration can be increase or decrease progesterone and prostaglandins synthesis especially PGF2? from ovary and uterus, respectively. Also fatty acids can be influence follicular development, ovulation, embryonic implantation and maternal recognition of pregnancy. This review focuses on the relationships between dietary fatty acids and reproductive functions such as hormone profiles, ovarian function and follicular development, oocyte quality, embryo development, embryonic implantation and maternal recognition of pregnancy in dairy cattl

    Purification and characterisation of glutathione reductase from scorpionfish <i>(scorpaena porcus)</i> and investigation of heavy metal ions inhibition

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    In the current study, glutathione reductase was purified from Scorpion fish (Scorpaena porcus) liver tissue and the effects of heavy metal ions on the enzyme activity were determined. The purification process consisted of three stages; preparation of the homogenate, ammonium sulphate precipitation and affinity chromatography purification. At the end of these steps, the enzyme was purified 25.9-fold with a specific activity of 10.479 EU/mg and a yield of 28.3%. The optimum pH was found to be 6.5, optimum substrate concentration was 2 mM NADPH and optimum buffer was 300 mM KH2PO4. After purification, inhibition effects of Mn+2, Cd+2, Ni+2, and Cr3+, as heavy metal ions were investigated. IC50 values of the heavy metals were calculated as 2.4 µM, 30 µM, 135 µM and 206 µM, respectively.</p

    Retrofitting of pinned beam-column connections in RC precast frames using lead extrusion dampers

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    A novel retrofitting application for pinned beam-column connections in RC precast frames was investigated from experimental and numerical perspectives. The application is based on the insertion of a lead extrusion damper (LED) in regions of beam-column connection of precast RC frames. The bending moment and deformations at the column base tends to decrease with increased damping, and the shear force at the connection of the LED on the structural member increases with the insertion of an LED. Half-scale non-retrofitted and retrofitted specimens were tested on a shake table. In addition, nonlinear dynamic time history analyses were carried out. The structural behaviors of non-retrofitted and retrofitted specimens were compared based on the experimental and numerical results. Ultimate displacement and story drift of the precast frame, the bending moment and plastic deformations at the column base were significantly reduced via the insertion of an LED. Also, the numerical results are in agreement with the experimental results.ITU Department of Scientific Research ProjectsIstanbul Technical University [34285, 34014]The experimental part of this study was conducted in the Structural and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory (STEELab) of Istanbul Technical University (ITU). The authors acknowledge M.Sc. Tansu Gokce and the laboratory staff for their support. Funding for this research was provided by the ITU Department of Scientific Research Projects of 34285, 34014. The contributions made by the Irmak Cagdas Makina Company for the development of the LED and the Emek Prefabrik Company for the manufacturing of the precast members are gratefully acknowledged