15 research outputs found

    Assessing Liveable Cities for Older People in an Urban District in Turkey Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process

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    The key concepts availability and accessibility have been taken into consideration in urban studies as well as the health and social aspects of ageing. These terms are in close relation with the "active ageing", "age-friendly city" and "liveable city" concepts. These concepts were created by the UN, the World Health Organization, and other institutions aiming to increase the quality of life of older individuals and to regulate their living environments in an optimal way for an active and independent life. Improving accessibility and availability of facilities for older people in urban areas is crucial to ensure that older people are able to meet their own needs as well as prevent their exclusion from society. The planning of cities that prevents the social exclusion of older people and provides an independent way of living is the main objective of the concept of liveable cities. From this point of view, this study aims to evaluate the existing opportunities in an urban area in the context of liveability. Out of the multi-criteria decision-making models, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and geographic information systems (GIS) were therefore used in this research. Three main districts of Kepez, with the highest population of older individuals, have been chosen. According to the findings of the study, the weight of health services has the highest score compared to other criteria. The liveability scores and grading of the districts were obtained using the AHP matrix. In the study, it was concluded that a multi-criteria analysis could be carried out with quantitative data. The real land use and the close environment of the research area should also be considered in the evaluation process

    Elektrik Akımlarının Neden Olduğu Yaralanmalar

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    Elektrik akımları enerji kaynağı olarak gittikçe artan oranlarda yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Elektrik akımlarının dokulardan geçmesi deri lezyonlarına, organ hasarlarına ve ölüme neden olabilmektedir. Elektrik akımlarının etkileri devrenin kapalı olup olmaması, akım tipi, voltaj, amper, dokuların direnci, zaman ve akım yolu gibi bir çok faktör ile ilişkilidir. Elektrik çarpmalarında ölüm mekanizması ventriküler fibrilasyon, solunum kasları spazmı, solunum ve kardiyak merkezlerin felci ve termal yanıklardır. Uygun tanı için tam bir otopsi yapılmalıdır. Elektrik akımı lezyonları öncelikle makroskobik olarak sonra da histo- patolojik olarak ışık mikroskobu ile incelenmelidir. Elektrik akımlarının herkes tarafından kabul görmüş patognomonik mikroskobik özellikleri bulunmamaktadır, fakat ışık mikros- kobisi halen en geçerli inceleme yöntemidir. Bu konuda daha fazla çalışma yapılması gerekmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Elektrik yaralanmaları, Yaralar, Termal lezyonla

    The effect of intermediate targets on the spread of pellets from shotguns

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    The distribution pattern of pellets due to shotguns is an important criterion for the determination of shooting distance. Many factors affect the distribution range, such as characteristics of the gun, the presence and type of intermediate targets, factors related to distance, and the physical variables of the environment. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effects of different intermediate targets on the distribution range of pellets from a shotgun. Glass, mica auto glass, tempered auto glass, fibreboard, flat iron, aluminium, and grey cotton fabric were used as intermediate targets. The intermediate target was placed one metre away from the main target and shotgun. The spread of pellets was evaluated on the main target with seven shots by using either cartridge numbers 0 or 9. The spread of pellets was significantly larger in the presence of all intermediate targets tested with cartridge number 9 (p<0.05) but not in the presence of grey cotton fabric (p=0.33) with cartridge number 0. The distribution range of pellets increased in the presence of intermediate targets. This difference was more pronounced in higher density intermediates. In crime scene investigations, the presence and/or type of intermediate target should be taken into account to make information more accurate

    Risk Assessment of Industrial Fires for Surrounding Vulnerable Facilities Using a Multi-Criteria Decision Support Approach and GIS

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    The fires encountered in the buildings and facilities of industrial areas make up quite a small proportion of all fire cases. However, in terms of the heat release rate, size of the burned area, damage, and impact zone, such fires have a large impact as compared to other fire cases. All fires have risk in terms of propagation. However, since fires in industrial structures and plants have rather high levels, qualitatively and quantitatively, compared to residential fires and other types of fires, it should be regarded as necessary to research them extensively. In this study, fires that have broken out in various places around Turkey, such as in factories, cold storage plants, and manufacturing facilities, were investigated. We aimed to determine the level of risk of the occurrence of these fires in the environment. A large amount of detailed information gathered about these fires was analyzed. This information includes data about the causes of the fires, deformation data of various materials, data on technical problems, data on financial damage levels, and data on fire patterns. We found 40 of these fire cases in total, and the case data were used to calculate the risk scores with the Geographic Information System (GIS), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), and Inverse Distance Weight (IDW) methods. For each fire case, places sensitive to damage and losses were assessed according to six main criteria. Buffer analysis maps were generated for the 40 fire cases, and the cases were ordered based on their overall risk scores. In this ordering, fire case number 21 was found in the riskiest region, and fire cases 32, 17, and 31 were found in the low-risk region. Fire case number 21 occurred in a factory used for manufacturing fabric. This factory works with high volumes of acrylic, polyester, and other raw materials. In addition, there are some structures in very close proximity. It was observed that fire cases could be well differentiated depending on the selected criteria in the model applied