28 research outputs found

    Hubungan Tekanan Darah Dengan Kadar Kolesterol Ldl(low Density Lipoprotein) Pada Penderita Penyakit Jantung Koronerdi Rsup.dr.m.djamil Padang

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    Coronary heart disease is a disease caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries of the heart. This happens because of its high cholesterol levels can cause atherosclerosis in blood vessels Hypercholesterolemia mainly occurs when increased production of LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein). As a result of the narrowing of blood vessels blood flow to the heart will be disrupted, causing symptoms of chest pain that is a typical symptom of coronary heart disease. Chronic atherosclerosis can cause blood flow to the heart to be disturbed, so that the left ventricle must pump stronger to produce enough force to push blood through the atherosclerotic vascular system that can lead to increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure resulting in hypertension. This study included descriptive analytic research using cross sectional approach, is dependent variable (incidence of coronary heart disease) and indenpendent variable (blood pressure and LDL cholesterol level) collected at the same time. The study was conducted on September 10, 2016 - April 4, 2017 at the Central Laboratory and Heart Ward RSUP.Dr. M. Djamil Padang. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling, that is the technique of determining the sample with certain consideration. Of 36 samples of patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) showed a correlation between systolic blood pressure with LDL cholesterol level has a value of 0.585> 0.05 which states there is a moderate relationship between the two variables, and has significant significance of 0.00 <0, 05 and Ha are received. The correlation between diastolic blood pressure and LDL levels has a value of 0,507> 0,05 which states there is a moderate relationship between the two variables, and has significant value of 0.02 significance <0.05 and Ha is accepted. Based on these results then there is a significant relationship between blood pressure with LDL cholesterol levels in the blood

    Hubungan Prestasi Belajar Bidang Sosial Materi Tatakrama Bermasyarakat Dengan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP N 1 Rambah

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    This research is motivated by the phenomenon that the authors see about a lot of students who are in dire need of guidance and counseling. This can be caused in people's lives and growing as it is today the problems faced by an increasingly complex society. So the guidance to children less priority. The purpose of this study is to how the provision of counseling and to find out how the class VIII student achievement SMP N 1 Rambah. In addition, it also aims to determine the relationship between the provision of counseling and learning achievement. The results showed that the provision of guidance counseling class VIII proved to exist and studentachievement is low. The result of the calculation is known that there is a significant relationship between the provision of guidance and learning achievement. It can be concluded that in order to improve learning outcomes can be done by streamliningpemberiamn counseling

    Pola Permukiman Tradisional Kajang

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    One of traditional settlements in Indonesia is located in the residential area of Kajang, Bulukumba, South Sulawesi Province. Settlement community in Kajang is classified into two levels, the first is meso level consisted on spatial villaes, homes, and forest, and the second is macro level consisted on the spatial region consisting of kamase-masea region, and the region kuassayya. From the shape and function of artefacts and sites in Kajang area, it can be mentioned that the Kajang district has the Megalithic sites and Islamic sites which are still functioned until recently. The aim of this research is determining the pattern of settlement in the area of the Kajang based on the location of the sites. The source of data consist of two namely secondary data which is obtained from literary research, and primary data obtained through field research by observation and survey. The pattern of settlement in the Kajang area shows two characteristics; firstly, Settlement patterns and placement of home in group, leading to the altitude, facing to the west; the sacred building that is located at high altitude and surrounded by indigenous forest areas and settlers\u27 houses. Secondly, settlement patterns extend lengthwise in a row on both sides of a pathway up to the foothills, and on riverbanks. Those houses are characterised by the location of owner\u27s social stratification. There is no specific orientation of houses to the wind directions. Sacred building is placed in higher space surrounded by residents\u27 houses. Ammatoa as the spiritual leader, and a site that functions to inaugurate Karaeng as leaders of the governance. Salah satu permukiman tradisional di Indonesia adalah permukiman di kawasan Kajang, Kabupaten Bulukumba, Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Permukiman masyarakat di kawasan Kajang terdiri atas dua tingkat, yaitu bersifat meso yang menyangkut tata ruang desa, rumah tinggal, dan hutan adat, dan bersifat makro menyangkut tata ruang kawasan yang terdiri atas kawasan kamase-masea dan kawasan kuassayyya. Dari bentuk dan fungsi situs-situs di kawasan Kajang, dapat dikatakan bahwa kawasan Kajang memiliki situs Megalitik dan situs Islam yang masih dipergunakan sampai sekarang. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola permukiman di Kawasan Kajang berdasarkan letak situs-situs. Sumber data penelitian ada dua, yaitu data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui penelitian pustaka, dan data primer diperoleh melalui penelitian lapangan dengan cara observasi dan survei permukaan.Pola permukiman di kawasan Kajang menampilkan dua ciri, yaitu: 1). Pola permukiman dan penempatan rumah secara berkelompok mengarah pada ketinggian, arah hadap rumah ke arah barat, bangunan sakral berada di tempat ketinggian dan dikelilingi oleh kawasan hutan adat dan bangunan rumah penduduk, 2). Pola permukiman berbentuk memanjang dan berderet disebelah menyebelah jalan, kaki bukit, dan pinggir sungai dan pantai dengan ciri yang menunjukkan pelapisan sosial. Terdapat dua fungsi situs di kawasan Kajang, yaitu: situs yang berfungsi sebagai tempat pelantikan Ammatoa sebagai pemimpin di bidang spiritual, dan tempat pelantikan Karaeng yang dianggap pemimpin di bidang pemerintahan

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPA dengan Menggunakan Media Gambar di Kelas III

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    This study aims to improve student learning outcomes Elementary School third grade 29 Sanggau. This research method using action research. This study was conducted in 2 phases cycle of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results of the implementation of the completion of the act of learning about using using media images so that at each cycle is always an increase in the first cycle an average of 57.14% indicator and the second cycle indicator average 86.90%. While the study interval, there are an average of 34.52%. Thus the improvement of learning about the appearance of the surface of the earth, the weather and its effect on humans, and its relationship to the human way of maintaining and preserving nature has to be done by classroom teachers using media images have a positive impact

    Analysis Of Management Information Systems Spare Parts G.a. Siwabessy Reactor – Bridge

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    Computerization as one of solving a problem that is very helpful in data processing so it can produce the information quickly, accurate and relevant if the lawyer-entry of data was performed every time the activities are done. Use of computer equipment will affect the presentation of information at any time if necessary needed will be easy to obtain and ensure keama devoted to him. On the system proposed no changes to the system, only the lawyer-entry of data that occurs done once a week, now conducted every time there is activity data entry and data out

    Hubungan Kebiasaan Merokok dengan Ketahanan Kardiorespirasi pada Dosen Pria Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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    Cardiorespiratory endurance is ability of heart system, lungs and blood vesselsto optimal function when do daily activity in long time without serious tired.Cardiorespiratory endurance influenced some factors such as: age, sex, nutritionalstatus, sport and smoke habits. Harvard step test is one of cardiorespiratory enduranceinspection that can do in the field with use simple tools, cheap, and easy to do by allpeople. This research is the analytical research with cross sectional approach thatpurpose to know the relation of smoke habits with cardiorespiratory endurance of manlecturer in social and politicies faculty in Riau university by taking over sample technicsis total sampling. There are 40 man lecturers in 45-65 years old, but 31 of them fillinclude criteria. The result of research show there are relation that meaning betweensmoke habits and cardiorespiratory endurance with medium correlation strong anddirection negative correlation (r=-0,497 ; p=0,001). Conclusion in this research is mostof man lecturer have smoke habits in medium smoker category with enoughcardiorespiratory endurance

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran Matematika melalui Teknik Pemberian Tugas Kelas I Sdn I Mempawah Hilir

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    This reseach was aimed to describe the increased phisycal activity, mental and emotional in learning of mathematics by applyingl method of administration tasks in the first-grade SDN 1 Mempawah Hilir. This type of reseach is PTK. Sampling technique used random class, as many as 25 students. Data collection tool used is student observation sheet which assessment results obtained from observing phisycal activity, mental and emotional in learning of mathematics. From the results of analyzes of the data, obtained physical activity of first cycle is 92% and second cycle is 94%, mental activity of first cycle is 76% and second cycle is 97,3%, emotional activity of first cycle is 84% and second cycle is 100%. This suggests that there is increase in the percentage of phisycal activity, mental and emotional from first cycle to second cycle. This reseach is expected to help teachers to increases skills in implementing innovation learning in the class in order that student activity and increased student learning outcomes

    Strategic Policy of Coastal Sustainability Based on Local Conditions and Needs in Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan

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    Recently, there has been a growing controversy on strategic policy issues in coastal areas. Coastal regions have the most diverse, complex, and productive ecosystems due to demographic and economic pressure. This ecosystems are important for food security. On the other hand, coastal problems are national issues, not just state or local issues. This research aims to propose the priority dimension of a stakeholder role in a strategic policy to promote the coordination and sustainability of socioeconomic activities in coastal areas involving stakeholders as primary data, i.e. fishermen, merchants, private, and government using SUSTAIN indicators with AHP and Rap-Coastal methods. The result reveals that governance dimension was still the most priority and the most sustainable index to achieve policies; monitoring tools; human resources capacity building, implementation of good management practices; and public participation. Meanwhile, social well-being dimension was the most priority to achieve the economy through transportation; and attaining the goal of equity was the priority for government policy. There are three sensitive aspects of coastal sustainability management, including integrated program, identified parties actively informed and involved, and partnership between local governments and communities