14 research outputs found

    The epiphytic bryophyte succession of Buxus sempervirens forests in the Fırtına Valley, Rize (North Türkiye)

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    In this study, the epiphytic bryophyte succession of the Buxus sempervirens L. forests in Fırtına Valley (Çamlıhemşin-Rize, North Türkiye), one of the nine biodiversity hotspots in Türkiye, were investigated. For this purpose, a total of 60 sampling plots were taken from the live trunks of the B. sempervirens trees of different ages. Twenty-nine epiphytic bryophyte species were determined (24 mosses and 5 liverworts) within the sample plots. Also, six different life form types and four different habitat affinity categories were determined. The mat type life form is in the first place with 34.4% whereas the and cortico-saxicolous species are the most common with 51.7%. Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) classified the epiphytic bryophyte communities on the trunks of the B. sempervirens at the second level into two main clusters (A and B) and three sub-clusters (A1, B1 and, B2). Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) axis 1 was interpreted as gradient along the height of the epiphytic habitat (from the lower base to the upper zone) on trunks and the DCA axis 2 was interpreted as gradient of moisture (from mesic to xeric). Exsertotheca crispa (Hedw.) S.Olsson, Enroth & D.Quandt was the species with the highest Index of Ecological Significance (IES) value on the lower bases of the aged trees. Species diversity and epiphytic cover in the upper zones were lower than in the basal and middle zones in the study area. While Metzgeria furcata, (L.) Corda, Oxyrrhynchium hians (Hedw.) Loeske, Plagiothecium nemorale (Mitt.) A.Jaeger, and Radula lindenbergiana Gottsche ex C.Hartm were only found on old trees, Ctenidium molluscum (Hedw.) Mitt. and Pseudoleskeella nervosa (Brid.) Nyholm were only found on middle-aged trees

    New epiphytic bryophyte communities from Turkey

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    The epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of the Kümbet Plateau (Dereli-Giresun) was investigated. A total of 40 relevés taken from tree trunks in different vegetation periods of the year 2019 were analysed using multivariate analysis methods such as detrended correspondence analysis (DECORANA) and two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), and the Braun-Blanquet method was also applied. As a result, Frullanio tamarisci-Neckeretum pumilae Alataş, Ezer, Batan & Erata ass. nov. and Frullanio tamarisci-Neckeretum pumilae-isothecietosum alopecuroidis Alataş, Ezer, Batan & Erata subass. nov. were described as new syntaxa from Turkey. In addition, Ulotetum crispae -sanionietosum uncinatae was recorded for the first time from Turkey, while Ulotetum crispae was recorded for the second time from Turkey. These syntaxa were analysed in terms of their ecological and floristic aspects

    Three Sphagnum taxa new to Turkey and South-West Asia

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    Sphagnum jensenii, S. fallax var. isoviitae, and S. pylaesii were found as new to Turkey and Southwest Asia following a bryological field trip to the Giresun province of Turkey. Sphagnum fallax var. isoviitae was also new to Asia. Descriptions, illustrations, world distribution, ecology, and comparisons with related species are presented

    The Bryophyte Flora of Sis Mountain (Giresun-Trabzon, Turkey)

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    As a result of bryological explorations in the Sis Mountain (Giresun and Trabzon provinces) in Turkey, a total of 327 bryophyte taxa were determined from 141 different localities. Of these, 54 taxa are liverworts and 273 taxa are mosses. Among them, Pohlia camptotrachela is reported for the second time from Turkey

    Bryophyte flora of Anzer Valley and Its surroundings (İkizdere, Rize)

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    Anzer vadisi ve çevresinin briyofit çeşitliliğinin ortaya çıkarılması amacıyla araştırma alanından Haziran ve Temmuz 2019 aylarında 33 istasyondan briyofit örnekleri toplanmıştır. Örneklerin incelenmesi sonucunda, 69 familya ve 135 cinse ait 286 karayosunu ve 52 ciğerotu taksonu olmak üzere toplamda 338 briyofit taksonu (tür, alttür ve varyete) tanımlanmıştır. Teşhis edilenler arasından Scapania obscura (Arn. & Jens.) Schiffn., Sphagnum fimbriatum Wilson, Sphagnum papillosum Lindb., Dicranella staphylina H.Whitehouse, ve Pohlia lescuriana (Sull.) Ochi, taksonlarının Türkiye’den ikinci kez kaydı verilmiştir. Ayrıca Rize'den ilk defa kaydı verilen briyofit taksonu sayısı 88 (9' u ciğerotu, 79' u karayosunu)’dir. Yapılan bu çalışma sonucunda Rize ili için yeni olan 88 taksonun eklenmesi ile Rize ilinden tespit edilmiş olan briyofit taksonu sayısı 424 olmuşturIn order to reveal the bryophyte diversity of the Anzer valley and its surroundings, bryophyte samples were collected from 33 stations in the research area between June and July 2019. As a result of the examination of the samples, a total of 338 bryophyte taxa belonging to 135 genera and 69 families were identified and from those 286 were mosses and 52 liverworts. Among the identified, Scapania obscura (Arn. & Jens.) Schiffn., Sphagnum fimbriatum Wilson, Sphagnum papillosum Lindb., Dicranella staphylina H.Whitehouse, and Pohlia lescuriana (Sull.) Ochi, are reported for the second time from Turkey. In addition, a total of 88 bryophyte taxa (9 liverworts and 79 mosses) are new to for Rize province. As a result of this study, with the addition of 88 new taxa for Rize province, the number of bryophyte taxa determined from Rize province is 424

    The Bryophyte Flora of Kanuni Campus in Karadeniz Technical Universtiy

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    In this study the bryophyte flora of Kanuni Campus KTU (Trabzon) was investigated between March and June in 2016. Approximately 300 bryophyte samples were collected from the study area and 102 bryophyte taxa were identified. The distribution of bryophyte taxa were 18 families, 48 genera and 94 taxa of mosses, 5 families, 5 genera and 7 taxa of liverworts and 1 family, 1 genus and 1 taxon of hornwort. 23 of the identified taxa are new records for Trabzon province

    A Note on Pylaisietum polyanthae Felf. 1941 in Turkey

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    In this study which investigated epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of Çifteköprü and Karagöl Nature Park (Borçka-Atvin), the relevés taken from tree trunks in different vegetation periods of 2018 were evaluated by classical Braun-Blanquet method. Pylaisietum polyanthae syntaxa was determined for second time from Turkey. This defined syntaxa was presented by ecological and floristic analysis

    Two new records for the bryophyte flora of Turkey and Southwest Asia

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    Based on extensive bryophyte surveys across the different parts of the Anzer valley in Rize province from northeastern Turkey, a liverwort Jungermannia eucordifolia and a moss species Platyhypnum molle are reported as new to Turkey and southwestern Asia. Short descriptions, illustrations, new localities, ecological data and comparisons with morphologically similar species are provided for each of the reported species.Recep Tayyip Erdogan University FBA-2019-100

    A new bryophyte sub-association and new record for Turkish bryophyte vegetation

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    In this study which investigated epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of Çifteköprü and Karagöl Nature Park, the relevés taken from tree trunks in different vegetation periods of 2018 were evaluated by classical Braun-Blanquet method. Brachythecietum populei is a new association record for Turkey, the Brachythecietum populei -hypnetosum filiformis was defined as new sub-association. The syntaxa, which were determined from the study area, were presented by ecological and floristic analysis

    The first record of Scapania cuspiduligera (Marchantiophyta: Scapaniaceae) in Turkish and Southwest Asia liverwort flora supported from molecular data

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    During the recent bryological excursion to the Rize region of Turkey, Scapania cuspiduligera has been collected, it is the first record of this species to Turkey and Southwest Asia. Brief description, illustration, ecological, ITS1-2 nrDNA and trnL-F cpDNA sequence data are provided and discussed.Recep Tayyip Erdogan University FBA-2019-100