2,526 research outputs found

    Actin at cell-cell junctions is composed of two dynamic and functional populations

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    The ability of epithelial cells to polarize requires cell-cell adhesion mediated by cadherin receptors. During cell-cell contact, the mechanism via which a flat, spread cell shape is changed into a tall, cuboidal epithelial morphology is not known. We found that cadherin-dependent adhesion modulates actin dynamics by triggering changes in actin organization both locally at junctions and within the rest of the cell. Upon induction of cell-cell contacts, two spatial actin populations are distinguishable: junctional actin and peripheral thin bundles. With time, the relative position of these two populations changes and becomes indistinguishable to form a cortical actin ring that is characteristic of mature, fully polarized epithelial cells. Junctional actin and thin actin bundles differ in their actin dynamics and mechanism of formation, and interestingly, have distinct roles during epithelial polarization. Whereas junctional actin stabilizes clustered cadherin receptors at cell-cell contacts, contraction of peripheral actin bundle is essential for an increase in the maximum height at the lateral domain during polarization (cuboidal morphology). Thus, both junctional actin and thin bundles are necessary, and cooperate with each other to generate a polarized epithelial morphology

    The adequacy of the current social plan to address retrenchment challenges in South Africa.

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    The purpose of the Social Plan Guidelines is to manage large-scale retrenchments and ameliorate their effects on employees. In this study a comprehensive literature review and two case studies were conducted to review the theoretical and practical application of the Social Plan. The research findings identified various challenges that inhibit the effective management of retrenchments. These challenges were analysed and interpreted and a new model to effectively manage retrenchments was developed. The new model is centred on a company’s business plan; the concept is a participative performance-driven governance approach between management and employees focusing on business results. The new model suggests that the employment relations management and corporate social investment of an organisation be utilised as vehicles to manage retrenchments effectively

    Challenges experienced while providing home based care: A community organisation's experience

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    Introduction: Methods: Results: Conclusion: Keywords: The large and ever-growing number of people being infected with HIV/AIDS, led to health professionals being unable to cope with these increasing numbers. To combat this challenge, an alternative strategy such as home based care needed to be implemented. When attempting to attend to this need, a deeper understanding of the challenges facing community organizations when providing home based care is necessary in order to formulate these effective and relevant care services. The aim of the study was to explore the challenges faced by Umtha Welanga Community Organization in the provision of HIV/AIDS home based care. Acase study using a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews as the data collectionmethod was used. The Umtha Welanga Community Organization constituted the total population therefore no sampling was applied. All themembers of the management team and all the home-based caregivers were interviewed. Informed consent as well as consent for recording interview was obtained prior to data collection. Respondents were informed that participation is voluntary and that they can withdrew at any time. Data analysis began immediately after completion of all the interviews by transcribing and translating the audio-taped data. Thematic analysis was used in which data was coded and categorized. The main areas of concern were gender inequality, insufficient funding, lack of disclosure and trust, risk faced by caregivers and lack of recognition Finances appear to be, both for the organization and the home based carers, a specifically influential obstacle in the implementation and maintenance of the services. Lack of recognition by the government and lack of trust and disclosure towards care workers; create difficult conditions for them to perform their tasks and duties. Care services also present risks and dangers to caregivers such as being susceptible to criminal activity, feeling unsafe and vulnerable

    Experiences and challenges faced by families dealing with delinquent children in Botswana

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    Sexual abuse is not being reported adequately. Teachers are in an ideal position to deal with and report sexual abuse, but they are not sufficiently trained in this regard. Therefore it was necessary to evaluate whether training programmes could be effective. The research that informed this article focused on presenting a specific training programme to twenty primary school teachers after which two focus group interviews were conducted. The aim was to explore the participants’ perceptions regarding the programme. The teachers benefitted from the relevant information, they valued the group consolidation, they felt confident about sharing experiences and they were more prepared to act in sexual abuse cases.SCOPU


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    This paper reviews the challenges and implications of the interest rate liberalisation policies implemented in some West African countries. The literature reviewed so far shows that, the outcomes of interest rate liberalisation, as implemented in Nigeria, Ghana and Ivory Coast, are positive. However, in some instances the implementation of the policy has led to challenges in other sectors of the economy. The paper, therefore, is of the view that, careful consideration should be given to the interest rate liberalisation policy in developing countries, especially primary commodity exporters like Nigeria, Ghana and Ivory Coast. In all three countries, the results of implementing these policies support numerous past studies that have reported positive outcomes regarding the effects of interest rate liberalisation on economic growth. The paper thus concludes that interest rate liberalisation polices, together with other real sector policies, have a positive impact on economic growth in the countries under review. However, policy makers should put in place alternative policies in order to deal with any possible challenges that may occur as a consequence of the implementation of interest rate liberalisation in these countries.U ovom se radu razmatraju izazovi i posljedice liberalizacije kamatnih stopa u nekim zemljama Zapadne Afrike. Pregled dosadašnje literature ukazuje da su ishodi liberalizacije kamatnih stopa pozitivni u slučaju Nigerije, Gane i Obale Bjelokosti. Primjena ove politike pokazala se u nekim slučajevima izazovnom za neke druge sektore gospodarstva. Stoga se u radu upozorava na potrebu opreznog postupanja pri uvođenju politike liberalizacije kamatnih stopa u zemljama u razvoju, a to je posebno važno za zemlje izvoznice roba, kao što su Nigerija, Gana i Obala Bjelokosti. Za sve tri navedene države rezultati provođenja ovih politika potvrđuju brojne ranije studije koje su ustanovile da postoje pozitivni rezultati uvođenja liberalizacije kamatnih stopa na ekonomski rast. U ovom se radu također zaključuje da politike liberalizacije kamatnih stopa zajedno s drugim politikama usmjerenim prema realnom sektoru imaju pozitivan učinak na gospodarski rast navedenih država. Također se upozorava nositelje ekonomske politike na potrebu razmatranja alternativnih politika, kako bi se moglo postupati u slučaju mogućih posljedica pri uvođenju liberalizacije kamatnih stopa u tim zemljama

    The Dynamics Of Financial Liberalisation In Ghana

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    This paper examines the role of financial liberalisation policies in Ghana and it finds that financial liberalisation policies have had positive effects in Ghana. However, the paper also finds that the same financial liberalisation policies have brought with them a number of interrelated problems that should be addressed by the country. These include the large interest rate spread, an increase in foreign currency deposits, constant depreciation of the domestic currency, a drastic increase in imports, and the reduction of credits to the productive sectors of the economy, as well as the problem of high lending rates which has discouraged investment in the productive sectors of the economy. The extent to which the government should intervene in the financial market to “guide” credit is still under discussion. The paper concludes that, on the whole, financial liberalisation policies have had beneficial effects in Ghana

    Knowledge sharing for the development of service learning champions

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    Published ArticleChampions engage in knowledge sharing within triad service learning partnerships. However, the role of knowledge sharing in the development of champions needs further exploration. This qualitative study within a constructivist paradigm, shares the effect of mutual learning at the University of the Free State in the nursing education field. Selected international, national, regional and local champions shared perceptions through semi-structured interviews, indicating that: (1) champions could be situated in any sector of the triad model; (2) sharing different kinds of knowledge develop different domains; and (3) connection, collaboration and continuous communication should guide knowledge sharing towards societal change and reciprocal empowerment