48 research outputs found

    Formulación y Optimización del Sistema Flotante de Amoxicilina para el tratamiento efectivo de la infección por Helicobacter pylori

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    The authors thank DST-FIST Lab (RERDS-CPR), R&D Director, for providing necessary facilities and assistance to perform this research work.Introducción: El objetivo del presente estudio fue formular y caracterizar el Sistema Flotante (FRS, siglas en Inglés) de Amoxicilina para prolongar el tiempo de residencia gástrica y liberación del fármaco para el enfoque efectivo del Helicobacter pylori. Método: Para el presente estudio se seleccionaron como factores goma guar, Monoestearato de glicerilo (GMS), carbonato de calcio. Como reacciones, se seleccionaros el período de congelación (h), el lapso de flotación (min), y el porcentaje acumulado de liberación del fármaco (CDR). Para la experimentación se seleccionaron el diseño factorial 23 con réplicas. Resultados: Se observó que la goma guar y el GMS fueron los factores principales que afectaron el período de congelación y mostraron un efecto sinérgico (positivo). Mientras que la goma guar y el carbonato de calcio mostraron un efecto positivo y el GMS mostró un efecto antagónico (negativo) en el lapso de flotación. El porcentaje CDR mostró un efecto antagónico en todos los factores. Se emplearon curvas de nivel para identificar el diseño del espacio, análisis numéricos posteriores produjeron 12 soluciones óptimas en base a la deseabilidad. El FRS mostró un mayor AUCo-t, Cmax, tmaxy t1/2 cuando se comparó con la formulación comercial, aproximadamente 2.30 cambios múltiplos y prolongación con liberación sostenida por más de 24 h que pudo deberse a una mejor congelación. Conclusiones: Se puede concluir que el sistema flotante se desarrolló satisfactoriamente por la aplicación del Diseño de Experimentos (DoE) con menores ensayos y utilizando fácilmente los excipientes disponibles para una mejor flotación, congelación y suministro constante del fármaco.Introduction: The aim of the present study was to develop and to characterize the floating raft system (FRS) of Amoxicillin to enhance gastric residence time and drug release to target Helicobacter pylori effectively. Method: In the present study, guar gum, glyceryl monostearate (GMS), calcium carbonate were selected as factors. Gelation duration (h), floating lag time (min), and % Cumulative drug release (CDR) were selected as responses. 23 factorial design with replicates was selected for experimentation. Results: It was observed that guar gum and GMS were the major factors affecting gelation duration, increase in the quantity of both guar gum and GMS increased gelation duration i.e., sustained gelation period (24 h). Floating time increased with an increase in the amount of guar gum and calcium carbonate, whereas an increase in the quantity of GMS decreased floating time. Guar gum, calcium carbonate, and GMS exhibited an antagonistic effect on % CDR. Contour plots were used to identify design space; further numerical analysis yielded 12 best solutions based on desirability. FRS exhibited greater AUCo-t, Cmax, tmax, and t1/2 when compared to marketed formulation approximately 2.30 folds enhancement and prolongation with a sustained release for greater than 24 h that might be due to better gelation. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the floating raft system was successfully developed by the Design of experiment (DoE) application with fewer trails and by utilizing easily available excipients for better floating, gelation, and sustained delivery of the drug

    Cannabis use in patients with early psychosis is associated with alterations in putamen and thalamic shape

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    Around half of patients with early psychosis have a history of cannabis use. We aimed to determine if there are neurobiological differences in these the subgroups of persons with psychosis with and without a history of cannabis use. We expected to see regional deflations in hippocampus as a neurotoxic effect and regional inflations in striatal regions implicated in addictive processes. Volumetric, T1w MRIs were acquired from people with a diagnosis psychosis with (PwP + C = 28) or without (PwP − C = 26) a history of cannabis use; and Controls with (C + C = 16) or without (C − C = 22) cannabis use. We undertook vertex‐based shape analysis of the brainstem, amygdala, hippocampus, globus pallidus, nucleus accumbens, caudate, putamen, thalamus using FSL FIRST. Clusters were defined through Threshold Free Cluster Enhancement and Family Wise Error was set at p < .05. We adjusted analyses for age, sex, tobacco and alcohol use. The putamen (bilaterally) and the right thalamus showed regional enlargement in PwP + C versus PwP − C. There were no areas of regional deflation. There were no significant differences between C + C and C − C. Cannabis use in participants with psychosis is associated with morphological alterations in subcortical structures. Putamen and thalamic enlargement may be related to compulsivity in patients with a history of cannabis use

    Characterizing domain-specific open educational resources by linking ISCB Communities of Special Interest to Wikipedia

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    Wikipedia is one of the most important channels for the public communication of science and is frequently accessed as an educational resource in computational biology. Joint efforts between the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) and the Computational Biology taskforce of WikiProject Molecular Biology (a group of expert Wikipedia editors) have considerably improved computational biology representation on Wikipedia in recent years. However, there is still an urgent need for further improvement in quality, especially when compared to related scientific fields such as genetics and medicine. Facilitating involvement of members from ISCB Communities of Special Interest (COSIs) would improve a vital open education resource in computational biology, additionally allowing COSIs to provide a quality educational resource highly specific to their subfield.We generate a list of around 1500 English Wikipedia articles relating to computational biology and describe the development of a binary COSI-Article matrix, linking COSIs to relevant articles and thereby defining domain-specific open educational resources. Our analysis of the COSI-Article matrix data provides a quantitative assessment of computational biology representation on Wikipedia against other fields and at a COSI-specific level. Furthermore, we conducted similarity analysis and subsequent clustering of COSI-Article data to provide insight into potential relationships between COSIs. Finally, based on our analysis, we suggest courses of action to improve the quality of computational biology representation on Wikipedia