35 research outputs found

    MAC-Sparing Effect of Transdermal Fentanyl in Sevoflurane-Anesthetized Sheep

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    Abstract Transdermal fentanyl allows for consistent plasma concentrations of a potent synthetic μ-opioid receptor agonist and can provide constant post-operative analgesia for up to 72 h. The aim of this study was to determine the reduction of the minimum alveolar concentration of sevoflurane (MACSEVO) by transdermal fentanyl in nonpregnant ewes. Nine sheep were mask induced with sevoflurane (SEVO in oxygen). MACSEVO determinations involved electrical current applied to the lateral metacarpus as a supramaximal stimulus and measurements in duplicate. Seven days later, a fentanyl patch (75 μg/h) was applied to each sheep and 15.1 ± 1.8 h later the MAC re-determined (MACSF). MACSF was 1.99 ± 0.32 %, corresponding to 25.6 ± 8.1 % reduction from MACSEVO (P < 0.001). Transdermal fentanyl produces a significant MACSEVO-sparing effect with minimal effect on cardiovascular parameters

    Il Seminoma nel cavallo. Studio retrospettivo ed esperienza clinica

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    Clinical, echographic and histopathological aspects of monolateral seminoma in a horse are reported. The subject showed reduced libido and abnormal spermatogram, the affected testicle was smaller compared with the controlateral and hypoechoic areas were present in the parenchima. Histological examination confirmed the presumptive diagnosis of seminoma

    Treatment with embryonic stem-like cells into osteochondral defects in sheep femoral condyles

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    Background Articular cartilage has poor intrinsic capacity for regeneration because of its avascularity and very slow cellular turnover. Defects deriving from trauma or joint disease tend to be repaired with fibrocartilage rather than hyaline cartilage. Consequent degenerative processes are related to the width and depth of the defect. Since mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) deriving from patients affected by osteoarthritis have a lower proliferative and chondrogenic activity, the systemic or local delivery of heterologous cells may enhance regeneration or inhibit the progressive loss of joint tissue. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are very promising, since they can self-renew for prolonged periods without differentiation and can differentiate into tissues from all the 3 germ layers. To date only a few experiments have used ESCs for the study of the cartilage regeneration in animal models and most of them used laboratory animals. Sheep, due to their anatomical, physiological and immunological similarity to humans, represent a valid model for translational studies. This experiment aimed to evaluate if the local delivery of male sheep embryonic stem-like (ES-like) cells into osteochondral defects in the femoral condyles of adult sheep can enhance the regeneration of articular cartilage. Twenty-two ewes were divided into 5 groups (1, 2, 6, 12 and 24 months after surgery). Newly formed tissue was evaluated by macroscopic, histological, immunohistochemical (collagen type II) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) assays. Results Regenerated tissue was ultimately evaluated on 17 sheep. Samples engrafted with ES-like cells had significantly better histologic evidence of regeneration with respect to empty defects, used as controls, at all time periods. Conclusions Histological assessments demonstrated that the local delivery of ES-like cells into osteochondral defects in sheep femoral condyles enhances the regeneration of the articular hyaline cartilage, without signs of immune rejection or teratoma for 24 months after engraftment.</br

    Tumore venereo trasmissibile: una patologia sempre attuale

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    Gli Autori analizzano i risultati ottenuti nel trattamento del Tumore Venereo Trasmissibile del cane mediante l'impiego della terapia chirurgica o della chemioterapia con vincristina. In caso di TVT molto esteso o a carico di particolari distretti anatomici la chirurgia è stata considerata aggressiva e la ricostruzione tessutale complessa se non impossibile. La principale complicanza a lungo termine è stata la stenosi uretrale. Il 25% dei casi ha presentato recidiva entro 12 mesi darintervento. La chemioterapia con vincristina ha determinato la scomparsa della neoplasia in tempi brevi, senza alcun segno di tossicità né recidive

    clinical evolution of cerebral coenurosis from invasive to chronic infection in sheep and a goat

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    This survey describes the evolution in vivo of Coenurus cerebralis in small ruminants. At presentation, neurological signs and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) features were suggestive of multifocal or diffuse inflammatory reaction. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) captured the transition between the invasive and quiescent phase of the infection, revealing the concurrent presence of meningitis and small cysts. During the quiescent phase, in all animals, neurological symptoms disappeared, and cerebrospinal fluid was unremarkable while cysts grew progressively. Subsequently, the onset of neurological symptoms coincided with MRI signs of diffuse or localized increase of intracranial pressure, as confirmed by direct intracranial pressure measuring. All the animals had an excellent post-surgical recovery. This is the first report describing the evolution of coenurosis in vivo. Sequential imaging allowed describing interesting such as the death of some coenuri and different parasite growth rate in the same host

    sj-docx-1-sci-10.1177_00368504221150071 - Supplemental material for Student insights towards animal welfare science and law. Survey results from Sassari University, Italy

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-sci-10.1177_00368504221150071 for Student insights towards animal welfare science and law. Survey results from Sassari University, Italy by Maria V Varoni, Pier A Serra and Eraldo Sanna Passino in Science Progress</p

    La RM nella diagnostica della cenurosi cerebrale ovina

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    La cenurosi cerebrale è una malattia ad esito letale che colpisce prevalentemente gli ovini; è sostenuta dalla forma larvale (Coenurus cerebralis) della parassita Taenia multiceps. Il ciclo solitamente è di tipo rurale: l’infestione si trasmette dal cane alla pecora e viceversa. Fino ad oggi la diagnosi in vita si è basata sull’esame neurologico che, pur caratteristico, non è patognomonico. Dato che la terapia è esclusivamente chirurgica appare chiaro che, oggi, l’impiego della RM o della TAC costituiscono un ausilio essenziale per una adeguata pianificazione chirurgica oltreché per individuare cisti multiple. Scopo di questo lavoro è presentare gli aspetti clinici, in RM e chirurgici di due ovini affetti da cisti multiple di Coenurus cerebralis.</i