17 research outputs found

    Survey of the amphibians in “Fânațele Clujului – Copârșaie”, part of the “Dealurile Clujului de Est” (ROSCI0295) Natura 2000 protected area

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    As habitat loss poses challenge to conservation, it is becoming increasingly important to address questions about the extent to which connectivity between habitat patches is changing, and how this affects the local population of different species in these patches. The objective of our research was to monitor ponds and the pond-breeding amphibian species in a protected area. Therefore, we conducted day and night surveys, and compare the data collected in 2022 with the results of the latest available survey (2019), to simulate the patch occupancy of amphibian species over a 25-year timeframe. We found that combining the species occupancy data collected from both day and night surveys lead to higher patch occupancy values and higher number of registered individuals, compared to data collected only during daytime. The number of ponds decreased from 2019 to 2022, and further habitat loss could result in the disappearance of the local population if the area continues to dry out. Climate and landscape change could be major contributors to habitat loss in the future, therefore, in order to ensure the persistence of these local populations, we recommend the development of climate and habitat scenarios, and the planning of conservation measures based on these scenarios

    Középfül-haemangioma endoszkópos műtéti megoldása és irodalmi áttekintése = Endoscopic removal of middle ear haemangioma and review of the literature

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    Absztrakt: Az endoszkópos középfülsebészet mint új műtéti technika csak az elmúlt pár évben jelent meg hazánkban, és jelenleg is csak néhány fülsebészeti központban érhető el. A módszer tagadhatatlan vívmánya a látható metszés hiánya és az igen széles látótér, melynek segítségével a középfül eddig beláthatatlan területei váltak egyszerre megjeleníthetővé. Esettanulmányunkban egy középfül-kapilláris haemangioma endoszkópos eltávolítását mutatjuk be, mely még nemzetközi viszonylatban is igazi raritásnak számít. Általában az ilyen éreredetű daganatok a belső hallójáratban vagy a ganglion geniculi tájékán fordulnak elő, míg ezen elváltozás a csontos dobkeret alsó részének belfelszínéről eredt. Ezt követően összefoglaljuk a kapilláris haemangiomákkal kapcsolatos differenciáldiagnosztikai problémákat, a képalkotó vizsgálatok diagnosztikus nehézségeit és a felmerülő terápiás lehetőségeket. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(41): 1639–1643. | Abstract: The endoscopic middle ear surgery as a new technique has been introduced during the past few years in our country and it is available in only a few hospitals. Beyond the lack of external incision, endoscopic transcanal approach provides wide field of view to previously hidden middle ear spaces compared to the traditional microscopic technique. In this case report, we present an endoscopic surgery of middle ear capillary haemangioma that is a rare entity in tympanic cavity, therefore little has been published in the literature. Generally, these kind of vascular tumours occur in the internal auditory canal or in the perigeniculate ganglion area while this lesion originated from the inner surface of the inferior part of the bony tympanic ring. We discuss the difficulties in differential diagnosis and imaging tests then the treatment options. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(41): 1639–1643

    Environmental and spatial drivers of beta diversity components of chironomid metacommunities in contrasting freshwater systems

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    Partition of beta diversity into components is a modern method that allows inferences about the underlying processes driving metacommunities. Based on two alternative approaches, we examined the patterns of beta diversity components of chironomids in relation to environmental and spatial gradients in three contrasting freshwater ecosystems. Beta diversity and its replacement component increased from environmentally less heterogeneous lake, through more complex wetland to stream network. Constrained ordination revealed that environmental heterogeneity and spatial processes explain some variation of the patterns of pairwise beta diversity components. Both beta diversity partitioning approaches emphasised the importance of habitat structure and food resource in structuring chironomid metacommunities. However, concurrent approaches provided contrasting results regarding the relative role of underlying mechanisms related to species replacement and richness. Therefore, further research is needed to clarify which of the beta diversity partitioning approaches should be preferred more widely in ecological studies