13,421 research outputs found

    Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction with Structured Memory Hierarchies

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    This paper presents a novel framework for human trajectory prediction based on multimodal data (video and radar). Motivated by recent neuroscience discoveries, we propose incorporating a structured memory component in the human trajectory prediction pipeline to capture historical information to improve performance. We introduce structured LSTM cells for modelling the memory content hierarchically, preserving the spatiotemporal structure of the information and enabling us to capture both short-term and long-term context. We demonstrate how this architecture can be extended to integrate salient information from multiple modalities to automatically store and retrieve important information for decision making without any supervision. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed models on a novel multimodal dataset that we introduce, consisting of 40,000 pedestrian trajectories, acquired jointly from a radar system and a CCTV camera system installed in a public place. The performance is also evaluated on the publicly available New York Grand Central pedestrian database. In both settings, the proposed models demonstrate their capability to better anticipate future pedestrian motion compared to existing state of the art.Comment: To appear in ECML-PKDD 201

    Measuring public perceptions of sex offenders: reimagining the Community Attitudes Toward Sex Offenders (CATSO) scale

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    The Community Attitudes Toward Sex Offenders (CATSO) scale is an 18-item self-report questionnaire designed to measure respondents’ attitudes toward sex offenders. Its original factor structure has been questioned by a number of previous studies, and so this paper sought to reimagine the scale as an outcome measure, as opposed to a scale of attitudes. A face validity analysis produced a provisional three-factor structure underlying the CATSO: ‘punitiveness,’ ‘stereotype endorsement,’ and ‘risk perception.’ A sample of 400 British members of the public completed a modified version of the CATSO, the Attitudes Toward Sex Offenders scale, the General Punitiveness Scale, and the Rational-Experiential Inventory. A three-factor structure of a 22-item modified CATSO was supported using half of the sample, with factors being labeled ‘sentencing and management,’ ‘stereotype endorsement,’ and ‘risk perception.’ Confirmatory factor analysis on data from the other half of the sample endorsed the three-factor structure; however, two items were removed in order to improve ratings of model fit. This new 20-item ‘Perceptions of Sex Offenders scale’ has practical utility beyond the measurement of attitudes, and suggestions for its future use are provided

    Two decades of pulsar timing of Vela

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    Pulsar timing at the Mt Pleasant observatory has focused on Vela, which can be tracked for 18 hours of the day. These nearly continuous timing records extend over 24 years allowing a greater insight into details of timing noise, micro glitches and other more exotic effects. In particular we report the glitch parameters of the 2004 event, along with the reconfirmation that the spin up for the Vela pulsar occurs instantaneously to the accuracy of the data. This places a lower limit of about 30 seconds for the acceleration of the pulsar to the new rotational frequency. We also confirm of the low braking index for Vela, and the continued fall in the DM for this pulsar.Comment: Isolated Neutron Stars conference, London, April 24-28 200

    Energy Density-Flux Correlations in an Unusual Quantum State and in the Vacuum

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    In this paper we consider the question of the degree to which negative and positive energy are intertwined. We examine in more detail a previously studied quantum state of the massless minimally coupled scalar field, which we call a ``Helfer state''. This is a state in which the energy density can be made arbitrarily negative over an arbitrarily large region of space, but only at one instant in time. In the Helfer state, the negative energy density is accompanied by rapidly time-varying energy fluxes. It is the latter feature which allows the quantum inequalities, bounds which restrict the magnitude and duration of negative energy, to hold for this class of states. An observer who initially passes through the negative energy region will quickly encounter fluxes of positive energy which subsequently enter the region. We examine in detail the correlation between the energy density and flux in the Helfer state in terms of their expectation values. We then study the correlation function between energy density and flux in the Minkowski vacuum state, for a massless minimally coupled scalar field in both two and four dimensions. In this latter analysis we examine correlation functions rather than expectation values. Remarkably, we see qualitatively similar behavior to that in the Helfer state. More specifically, an initial negative energy vacuum fluctuation in some region of space is correlated with a subsequent flux fluctuation of positive energy into the region. We speculate that the mechanism which ensures that the quantum inequalities hold in the Helfer state, as well as in other quantum states associated with negative energy, is, at least in some sense, already ``encoded'' in the fluctuations of the vacuum.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures; published version with typos corrected and one added referenc

    Gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries: Energy loss and waveform to second--post-Newtonian order

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    Gravitational waves generated by inspiralling compact binaries are investigated to the second--post-Newtonian (2PN) approximation of general relativity. Using a recently developed 2PN-accurate wave generation formalism, we compute the gravitational waveform and associated energy loss rate from a binary system of point-masses moving on a quasi-circular orbit. The crucial new input is our computation of the 2PN-accurate ``source'' quadrupole moment of the binary. Tails in both the waveform and energy loss rate at infinity are explicitly computed. Gravitational radiation reaction effects on the orbital frequency and phase of the binary are deduced from the energy loss. In the limiting case of a very small mass ratio between the two bodies we recover the results obtained by black hole perturbation methods. We find that finite mass ratio effects are very significant as they increase the 2PN contribution to the phase by up to 52\%. The results of this paper should be of use when deciphering the signals observed by the future LIGO/VIRGO network of gravitational-wave detectors.Comment: 43 pages, LaTeX-ReVTeX, no figures

    The influence of the Lande gg-factor in the classical general relativistic description of atomic and subatomic systems

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    We study the electromagnetic and gravitational fields of the proton and electron in terms of the Einstenian gravity via the introduction of an arbitrary Lande gg-factor in the Kerr-Newman solution. We show that at length scales of the order of the reduced Compton wavelength, corrections from different values of the gg-factor are not negligible and discuss the presence of general relativistic effects in highly ionized heavy atoms. On the other hand, since at the Compton-wavelength scale the gravitational field becomes spin dominated rather than mass dominated, we also point out the necessity of including angular momentum as a source of corrections to Newtonian gravity in the quantum description of gravity at this scale.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Gravitational field and equations of motion of spinning compact binaries to 2.5 post-Newtonian order

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    We derive spin-orbit coupling effects on the gravitational field and equations of motion of compact binaries in the 2.5 post-Newtonian approximation to general relativity, one PN order beyond where spin effects first appear. Our method is based on that of Blanchet, Faye, and Ponsot, who use a post-Newtonian metric valid for general (continuous) fluids and represent pointlike compact objects with a delta-function stress-energy tensor, regularizing divergent terms by taking the Hadamard finite part. To obtain post-Newtonian spin effects, we use a different delta-function stress-energy tensor introduced by Bailey and Israel. In a future paper we will use the 2.5PN equations of motion for spinning bodies to derive the gravitational-wave luminosity and phase evolution of binary inspirals, which will be useful in constructing matched filters for signal analysis. The gravitational field derived here may help in posing initial data for numerical evolutions of binary black hole mergers.Comment: 18 pages, no figur
