101 research outputs found

    “Wow! You Look Stunning!”: A Cross-Cultural Study of Compliment Responses Among Tribal Filipino Youth

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    This qualitative – phenomenological study aimed toexamine the different compliment responses employed byMandaya, Manobo, and Bagobo Filipino tertiary students. Thedata were collected through in-depth interview and writtendiscourse completion task (DCT) wherein a total of 30 Filipinotertiary students participated in this study; 12 underwent indepthinterview while 18 answered the DCT. Using the Miles andHuberman framework, data revealed that participants opted tofollow the trend from previous researches: accept, reject, andmitigate patterns. However new schemes were also revealed inthe micro level, such as the intensifying response and reject +comment. It was also revealed that both Mandaya and Bagoboparticipants mostly preferred mitigate strategies. On thecontrary, the Manobo participants used the accept strategy.Results also showed that all participants preferred opting-outstrategy of the Mitigate macro level. Further studies arewarranted

    D'Sambal Shoppe / Arlinah Jamal... [et al.]

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    Our company name is "D 'Sambal Shoppe". We called that because our company is one the company that produce and sell 'sambal' as our main product. Why do we choose this product? This is because of this food is one of the I Malaysia food. Why is that? Because samba! is eat by everybody in Malaysia, Malay, and Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Than and others. Not only that, every level of age also ate sambal, kids, adults, teenagers, elders' people and many more. It is one of the product which loved by most people. Apart from that, we choose this product is because it is one of the opportunity in business venture. As Malaysian entrepreneur, we have the courage to bring this traditional food to the people out there. In future, we may also sell this product out from the Malaysia. Furthermore, to eat sambal, we do not need certain celebration to celebrate. People can eat sambal wherever and whenever they want. The only problem is certain people is not have time to make it and some don't even know how to make it

    Alien Registration- Martel, Ephraem (Biddeford, York County)

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    Seni Tari Klasik merupakan seni tradisi yang hadir dalam tengah-tengah masyarakat. Seni tari klasik harus dilestarikan karena merupakan warisan adat istiadat kerajaan Mataram. Kerajaan Mataram terpecah menjadi Kasultanan Yogyakarta dan Kesuhunan Surakarta, sehingga Seni Tari Klasik pun juga dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu Seni Tari Klasik Gaya Yogyakarta dan Seni Tari Klasik Gaya Surakarta. Karena di kota Yogyakarta, maka akan dibahas karakteristik Seni Tari Klasik Gaya Yogyakarta yang menjadi dasar dari perkembangan Seni Tari Klasik di Kota Kebudayaan tersebut. Seni Klasik ini dulu berkembang hanya dikalangan keraton, karena merupakan tarian kebangsawanan dan tidak sembarang orang boleh menarikan tari klasik tersebut. Dengan berkembangnya jaman, seiring dengan Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII mendirikan Paguyuban tari klasik yang memperbolehkan masyarakat kalangan bawah untuk mempelajari Seni tari tersebut, maka banyak pula di Yogyakarta berdiri banyak Paguyuban Seni Tari Klasik untuk melestarikan kebudayaan ini. Seni tari klasik gaya Yogyakarta juga mulai dapat diselenggarakan diluar keraton, sehingga masyarakat mengerti arti dan makna dari filosofis Seni Tari Klasik ini. Untuk mendukung banyaknya paguyuban seni tari klasik dan banyaknya peminat dalam Seni Tari Klasik ini, maka perlu didirikan atau direncanakan sebuah wadah ekspresi dan wadah bagi peminat Seni Tari Klasik yaitu sebuah Gedung Pertunjukan Seni Tari Klasik Gaya Yogyakarta, selain untuk wadah kesenian juga secara tidak langsung juga ikut andil dalam pelestarian kebudayaan Mataram yaitu kebudayaan Seni Tari Klasik Gaya Yogyakarta


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    The title of this thesis is "Coordinating Investigator Police and the Public Prosecutor in the control of corruption in Klaten District Court jurisdiction". With the formulation of the problem as follows: How to coordinate national police investigators and prosecutors in the control of corruption in the jurisdiction of the District Court of Klaten and whether obstacles in coordinating national police investigators and prosecutors in the control of corruption in the jurisdiction of the District Court of Klaten. This research is a normative legal research studies that focus on the provisions of the applicable legislation. Source of data in this study consisted of secondary data and primary data. Corruption regulated in Law No. 31 of 1999 in conjunction with Law No. 20 Year 2001 on Corruption Eradication. The conclusion that the investigating police and the public prosecutor in conducting the control of corruption to coordinate start of the investigation by the investigators reported the results of investigations to the Attorney to circulate Notice of commencement of Investigation (SPDP), then if the investigation is completed Investigators give the case file to the Attorney as Public Prosecutor to make the indictment which was then immediately transferred to the Court. Investigators and prosecutors are expected always to coordinate more fully because corruption is a crime that is difficult pembuktiaannya. In addition, a National Police investigators and prosecutors who become designated as a public prosecutor must be a really expert in corruption cases as evidence in cases of corruption is difficult. Limitations tool to examine the evidence also become one of the obstacles in the completion of corruptio

    Chrestomathia Syriaca Sive S. Ephraemi Carmina Selecta : Praemissae Sunt Observationes Prosodicae

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    Ediderunt Notis Criticis Philologicis Historicis Et Glossario Locupletissimo Illustraverunt Augustus Hahn ... Et Friedricus Ludovicus Sieffert ...Lipsiae, ... Sumtibus Frid. Chr. G. VogeliiTeilw. in altsyr. Schr

    Select metrical hymns and homilies of Ephraem Syrus

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    transl. from the original Syriac, with an introd. and historical and philological notes by Henry Burgess[engl.
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