67 research outputs found

    Mortality study of a cohort of chemical workers producing perfluorinated derivatives and other chemicals

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    Since 1968 a single factory (Veneto Region, Italy) has been the largest manufacturer of perfluorinated derivates (PF) in UE. Intermediates for pharmaceutical and crop protection chemicals have been also produced. In total 609 subjects have been employed since production began. PF are manufactured by electrochemical fluorination. Higher homologues are no longer produced since 2012. Nowadays, a groundwater pollution of PF is involving the water supplies for a population of about 1 10 000 inhabitants. As a first step for an evaluation of long-term health effects, we conducted a retrospective cohort mortality study on male employees, hired before year 2004, at work for at least one year, followed up until June 2016 (415 subjects), using the regional mortality rates as a reference. High serum levels of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) have been detected since year 2000 covering 121 workers (median PFOA concentration, 1817 ng/g; range, 166 ng/g for nonexposed workers to 5101 ng/g for directly exposed workers). The cohort as a whole (12,449 PYs, 79 deaths) expresses an unexpected over-mortality (SMR: 1.07; 95% CI: 0.86– 1.34), mainly due to liver cirrhosis and liver tumours. The subset of employees with a certain exposure to PFOA (plant operator, maintenance and laboratory workers) (2,351 PYs, 22 deaths) shows an higher overall mortality (SMR=1.48 95% CI 0.98–2.33) and a statistically significant excess of deaths from diseases of the circulatory system (infarct; SMR: 7.21; 95% CI: 1.80–28.85) and diabetes (SMR: 6.75; 95% CI: 1.69–26.99). The study suffers from the limited size, and mortality is not an appropriate end-point for some diseases of interest

    Past trends and future prediction of mesothelioma incidence in an industrialized area of Italy, the Veneto Region

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    Background Malignant Mesothelioma (MM) is so associated with (professional, familial or environmental) asbestos exposure that trends in incidence and mortality parallel, after 30–40 years, the trend in asbestos consumption. In recent decades, the industrialized countries have witnessed a steady growth of pleural MM (MPM), following a stabilization or decline in rates in the countries that first adopted restrictive policies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the temporal variations of pleural MM incidence in the Veneto Region of Italy in the period 1987–2010. Methods We included only MPM with histological or cytological diagnosis. Age-Period-Cohort (APC) models were used to assess the trend in the incidence of MPM in both genders. Future predictions were evaluated by using a Bayesian APC model. Results In the period 1987–2010, 1600 MPMs have occurred. We observe a positive trend in the incidence in the whole period considered. The APC model showed that in both genders the cohort at higher risk is the one born between the years 1940–1945. Future projections indicate that the trend will decrease after the incidence peak of 2010; yet 1234 men are expected to develop a mesothelioma between 2011 and 2026. Among women, the future MPM rates will be stable or slightly decreasing. Conclusions The asbestos ban introduced in Italy in the year 1992 as a prospective result will certainly determine a decreasing incidence. However, the extremely long latency of MPM means that its influence is not yet observable

    Residual fibre lung burden among patients with pleural mesothelioma who have been occupationally exposed to asbestos

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    Objectives To evaluate the lungs asbestos fibres concentration in participants with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) who have been occupationally exposed. Methods The lung samples were obtained from pleuropneumonectomies or autopsies of 271 male MPMs. The lung samples were examined through scanning electron microscopy. Retrospective assessment was used to assess for asbestos exposure. This study includes 248 MPMs with an occupational exposure defined as either ‘definite’ or ‘probable’ or ‘possible’. Results The participants had finished working in asbestos exposure conditions more than 20 years ago (on average 26.1±11.0 years). The fibre burden resulted with a geometric mean equal to 2.0 (95% CI 1.6 to 2.4) million fibres per gram of dry lung tissue. The burden was higher among participants employed in asbestos textiles industry and in shipyards with insulation material, if compared with construction workers or non-asbestos textile workers or participants working in chemicals or as auto mechanics. 91.3% of MPMs had a detectable amount of amphibole fibres. A strong lung clearance capability was evident among workers exposed to chrysotile fibres. Owing to that, the 1997 Helsinki Criteria for occupational exposure were reached in <35% of cases among participant working in construction, in metallurgical industry, in chemical or textile industry and among those performing brake repair activities. Conclusions The MPM cases are now occurring in Italy in participants who ceased occupational asbestos exposure decades before the analysis. A large majority still shows a residual content of amphibole fibres, but given the lung clearance capability, attribution to occupational exposure cannot rely only on fibres detection

    Risk of pleural mm and residual asbestos burden in the lung: a retrospective case-control study

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    Introduction Results of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) occurrence (mortality and incidence) by cumulative exposure dose clearly showed a proportional relation of MPM risk with dose, confirmed among studies by fibre burden. We evaluated the association between residual fibre content and MPM risk by circumstance of asbestos exposure. Methods and materials Lung samples obtained from pleuropneumonectomies or autopsies (349 MPMs, and 41 controls) among subjects investigated for probability and circumstance of asbestos exposure were examined through Scanning Electron Microscopy; 291 cases had an occupational asbestos exposure, 38 MPMs a non-occupational exposure (familiar or environmental), whereas among 20 MPM an asbestos exposure was not identified. The MPM risk was evaluated by means of Odds Ratio (OR). Results The residual asbestos fibre burden was higher among MPMs occupationally exposed (Geometric Mean:2.10 Million fibres/gram of dried tissue; 95% CI:1.5–2.58) in comparison with non-occupational (GM:0.66 Mff/gdt; 95% CI:0.47–0.95) or with unknown exposures (GM:0.59 Mff/gdt; 95% CI:0.34– 1.03) and controls (GM:0.26 Mff/gdt; 95% CI:0.20–0.34). Among occupationally exposed, the MPM risk increased according to the asbestos fibre burden reaching an OR of 36.8 (95%CI:11.9–113.5) for concentrations higher than 1 Mff/g dt, compared to the reference level (<0.25 Mff/gdt). Higher ORs were observed at any concentration of amphibole fibres in comparison those for chrysotile fibres. Conclusions The MPM risk was strongly associated to the residual asbestos fibre lung burden. The MPM risk due to non-occupational exposure shows a magnitude comparable with that with unknown asbestos exposures. The residual lung burden of chrysotile is strongly influenced by clearance and time since exposures ceased

    Ricostruzione retrospettiva della dose interna in una coorte lavorativa esposta a PFOA

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    Introduzione La ditta MITENI di Trissino (VI), già attiva fin dal 1960 con il nome RIMAR, è stata la maggiore produttrice di perfluorurati (PF) in Europa. I dipendenti sono stati esposti a sostanze perfluorurate, in particolare a PFOA (acido perfluorottanoico) e le misurazioni delle concentrazioni ematiche cominciate dal 2000 hanno rilevato alti livelli di PFOA tra i lavoratori analizzati (n=123). Sulla base di questi valori, l’obiettivo è di stimare una dose cumulativa sierica di PFOA per tutti circa i 700 soggetti che sono stati dipendenti della ditta RIMAR-MITENI. Metodi Dal 2000 sono disponibili i livelli sierici di PFOA (in ng/mL) dei lavoratori inclusi nella sorveglianza aziendale annuale. Un totale di 693 campioni di sangue sono stati prelevati dal 2000 al 2013 da 123 lavoratori (Media Geometrica (MG): 4003 ng/mL; min-max: 19-91900 ng/mL); i livelli più elevati riguardano gli addetti ai PFOA (MG: 8826 ng/mL), i manutentori (MG: 1970 ng/mL), i magazzinieri (MG: 1107 ng/mL) e i tecnici di laboratorio (MG: 1084 ng/mL). Ogni dipendente è stato classificato in tre categorie mutuamente esclusive: “Ever PF” con 497 misure su 55 lavoratori, “Never PF” con 177 misure e 60 lavoratori ed infine "Uffici" con 19 misure tra 8 lavoratori. Per ogni categoria è stato stimato un modello di regressione lineare robusto ad effetti misti modellando il logaritmo dei valori sierici di PFOA del periodo 2000-2013 ed includendo le covariate più significative. La robustezza è stata ottenuta con uno stimatore di Huber con parametri k=1.345 e s=10 che garantiscono un'efficienza del 95%. Risultati A seconda del modello sono state incluse le covariate risultate significative: l’anno di rilevazione, la durata lavorativa nei PF, in altri dipartimenti o in ufficio; la produzione media annuale di PFOA dell’azienda nel periodo 2000-2013; il tempo dall’ultimo lavoro ai PF; l'assunzione dopo il 2005; lavori occasionali presso il reparto PF ed il lavoro come addetto alla manutenzione. I fattori fissi spiegano una discreta quota di variabilità (R² marginale "Ever PF": 42,1%; "Never PF": 47,6%; "Uffici": 59,1%). Attraverso il calcolo iterativo delle covariate tempo dipendenti è stato possibile stimare la concentrazione sierica di PFOA nel periodo 1970-2013 per tutti i lavoratori. Conclusioni L’attività di ricostruzione retrospettiva della dose di PFOA ha permesso di attribuire ad ogni dipendente RIMAR/MITENI una concentrazione sierica di PFOA permettendo il calcolo di una dose cumulativa. Come conseguenza della presenza di valori anomali, l’utilizzo di modelli robusti porta a minor adattamento del modello ai dati rispetto ai modelli classici, tuttavia le stime sono influenzate in maniera minore dalla presenza di valori anomali

    0203 The lung burden of Asbestos Fibres (AF) and Asbestos Bodies (AB) and the risk of mesothelioma (MM) for exposures ceased 30 years ago

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    Objectives To estimate the risk of MM according to AF and AB in the lungs. Method Freeze dried lung samples from 309 MM and 41 controls have been analysed for AF (Scanning Electronic Microscopy) and AB (Optical Microscopy) from subjects investigated and classified for probability and circumstances of asbestos exposure. Odds Ratios (OR) were obtained using logistic regression. Results 254 (82%) MMs have been classified as occupationally and 25 (8%) as non-occupationally exposed: Geometric Mean (GM) for AF burden was 1 950 000 and 608 000 ff/g dlt, respectively; and 39 300 and 3300 for AB. 75% and 58% of the AF respectively were amphibole. Controls reported a GM of 269 000 AF and 28 of AB g/dlt. For any increase of 100.000 ff/g dlt, we computed an OR of 1.7 (1.3–2.3) for amphibole, 1.1 (1.0–1.3) for chrysotile, among occupational MMs; an OR of 1.3 (1.0–1.7) and 1.1 (1.0–1.1) among non-occupational MMs. The 1997 Helsinki criteria for attribution to occupational exposure would have excluded more than 30% of MMs under study: here occupational exposures ceased on average 26 years before the disease, and therefore clearance and time since last exposure must be taken into account because are relevant determinants of the retained amount of fibres. Conclusions The risk of MM increases with the amount of retained amphibole, and to a lesser extent, of chrysotile fibres. Because occupational and non-occupation asbestos exposures have been to mixture of fibres, the lungs of MM patients are still loaded with amphibole AF

    Increased risk of mesothelioma and lung cancer among workers exposed to asbestos who could require an anticipated retirement

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    OBJECTIVES: to assess the association among malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) and lung cancer (LC) among workers who have been exposed to asbestos and have or not have required an anticipated leave from work, a possibility offered by the 1992 law banning asbestos in Italy, in the framework of the health surveillance programmes on going in the Veneto Region (Northern Italy). SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: a cohort of asbestos workers derived from the rosters of selected factories and alive in 1992, followed from 1992 to 2012.MPMcases have been identified through the Regional Mesothelioma Registry, while LC cases through a link with the Regional Cancer Registry, hospital discharges, and death certificates. Risks related to asbestos exposure were calculated by mixed effects Poisson regression model. RESULTS: the risk of MPMand LC increases at any additional duration of work, up to very high values for long term durations of work for MPM, and up to a three fold increase for LC. Early retirements have been requested by a fraction only in the position of submitting it. CONCLUSION: subjects who have been exposed to asbestos should be the target of a post-occupational surveillance, and further work is suggested to identify subjects at high risk of LC because of smoking habits and more heavy exposure to asbestos, in order to develop programmes for primary and secondary cancer prevention

    Assessment of death risk for asbestos cancers using functional regression models among dockworkers exposed to asbestos in northeastern Italy

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    The retrospective assessment of individual exposure in occupational settings often derives from the association of individual work histories with quantitative and semi-quantitative exposure information. In absence of information on exposure, researchers commonly employed proxy variables, but with strong assumptions and some limitations. In the present work, we propose a new method to estimate the time-varying exposure risk associated to outcomes of interest considering functional regression models and individual work periods. As an illustrating example to understand the potentiality of the method, we analysed a cohort of dock workers occupationally exposed to asbestos in Italy

    La mortalità degli addetti alla Compagnia Lavoratori Portuali (CLP) di Venezia e indici di esposizioni ad amianto

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    Introduzione Dal 1960 al 1980 al porto di Venezia sono state scaricate 142.000 tonnellate di amianto, la cui movimentazione al porto è svolta unicamente dagli addetti della Compagnia Lavoratori Portuali (CLP), tutti di genere maschile. Il lavoro, impegnativo dal punto di vista fisico, poteva essere sostenuto solo da soggetti di elevata prestanza fisica. Le tipologie di imballaggio e movimentazione dell’amianto sono variate: inizialmente per mezzo di sacchi in juta, poi di carta o plastica; nelle prime fasi la movimentazione era manuale, successivamente attraverso imbragatura e gru. La movimentazione è sempre stata svolta in assenza di sistemi di protezione. L’intensità dell’esposizione non è stata documentata. Obiettivi Valutare la mortalità degli addetti alla movimentazione di amianto al Porto di Venezia in funzione di indici di intensità e probabilità di esposizione sulla base dei dati relativi all’approdo di navi contenenti amianto. Metodi Viene svolto uno studio mortalità sulla coorte degli addetti della CLP, identificati attraverso i Libri Matricola, al lavoro dal 1960, assunti prima del 1992 per almeno 6 mesi. Lo stato in vita è stato ricostruito fino al 31 Dicembre 2017, calcolando Rapporti Standardizzati di Mortalità (RSM) sui tassi della popolazione del Veneto e i relativi Intervalli di Confidenza al 95% (IC 95%). Le informazioni riguardanti le date di carico/scarico di amianto e la relativa quantità scaricata hanno permesso di calcolare indici di probabilità e di intensità di esposizione ad amianto. L’andamento della mortalità per tutte le cause e per le malattie asbesto correlate (mesotelioma e tumore del polmone) viene analizzata per latenza ed indici di esposizione ad amianto. Risultati Sono inclusi nello studio 1892 soggetti dei quali 1109 sono deceduti al termine del follow-up. I valori di RSM per tutte le cause è maggiore dell’atteso (RSM: 1,14; IC 95%: 1,07-1,21), con un deficit di mortalità per malattie cardiovascolari (RSM: 0,89; IC 95%: 0,79-1,00). Vi è un eccesso statisticamente significativo di decessi per tumore primitivo pleurico (26 decessi; RSM,10; IC 95%: 5,95-13,34) e per tumori del polmone (171 decessi; RSM 1,58; IC 95%: 1,35-1,84). Non sono presenti decessi per asbestosi. L’analisi per indici di esposizione ad amianto e latenza conferma la maggior mortalità per tumore primitivo pleurico e tumore del polmone tra i lavoratori più esposti ad amianto. La presenza di 2 decessi per tumore primitivo pleurico con latenza inferiore a 20 anni conferma la presenza di esposizioni riconducibili a precedenti attività lavorative esponenti ad amianto. Conclusioni Lo studio ha permesso di stimare alcuni indici di esposizione basati sulle attività di movimentazione dell’amianto al porto. L’esposizione ad amainto ha influito negativamente sulla mortalità determinando un importante numero di decessi per tumore primitivo pleurico ed un eccesso di mortalità per tumore polmonare

    Italian pool of asbestos workers cohorts: mortality trends of asbestos-related neoplasms after long time since first exposure

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    Objective Asbestos is a known human carcinogen, with evidence for malignant mesothelioma (MM), cancers of lung, ovary, larynx and possibly other organs. MM rates are predicted to increase with a power of time since first exposure (TSFE), but the possible long-term attenuation of the trend is debated. The asbestos ban enforced in Italy in 1992 gives an opportunity to measure long-term cancer risk in formerly exposed workers. Methods Pool of 43 previously studied Italian asbestos cohorts (asbestos cement, rolling stock, shipbuilding), with mortality follow-up updated to 2010. SMRs were computed for the 1970–2010 period, for the major causes, with consideration of duration and TSFE, using reference rates by age, sex, region and calendar period. Results The study included 51 801 subjects (5741 women): 55.9% alive, 42.6% died (cause known for 95%) and 1.5% lost to follow-up. Mortality was significantly increased for all deaths (SMR: men: 1.05, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.06; women: 1.17, 95% CI to 1.12 to 1.22), all malignancies combined (SMR: men: 1.17, 95% CI to 1.14 to 1.20; women: 1.33, 95% CI 1.24 to 1.43), pleural and peritoneal malignancies (SMR: men: 13.28 and 4.77, 95% CI 12.24 to 14.37 and 4.00 to 5.64; women: 28.44 and 6.75, 95% CI 23.83 to 33.69 and 4.70 to 9.39), lung (SMR: men: 1.26, 95% CI 1.21 to 1.31; women: 1.43, 95% CI 1.13 to 1.78) and ovarian cancer (SMR=1.38, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.87) and asbestosis (SMR: men: 300.7, 95% CI 270.7 to 333.2; women: 389.6, 95% CI 290.1 to 512.3). Pleural cancer rate increased during the first 40 years of TSFE and reached a plateau after. Discussion The study confirmed the increased risk for cancer of the lung, ovary, pleura and peritoneum but not of the larynx and the digestive tract. Pleural cancer mortality reached a plateau at long TSFE, coherently with recent reports