20 research outputs found

    Ruptured peroneal aneurysm after infrapopliteal prosthetic bypass with Taylor patch

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    AbstractIntroductionA 45-year-old mailman underwent an implantation of a femoro-peroneal polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) bypass with a distal Taylor patch six years prior to admission after two failed autologous reconstructions and extensive fasciotomy. The initial pathology was an acute ischemia due to popliteal entrapment with subsequent popliteal thrombectomy.ReportThe patient was examined because of pain, reduction of walking distance and development of a palpable mass at the medial fasciotomy site. A 6-cm pseudoaneurysm with complete disruption of the suture line of the vein patch was discovered and resected. Arterial continuity with a vein interposition graft was established using non-reversed cephalic vein.ConclusionThe etiology of the aneurysm is not entirely clear. One may argue that the fourth revascularization could have been performed with an arm vein instead of a prosthetic graft with the probability of a better long term patency in a young patient. 15 months after the procedure the bypass is patent and the patient is without any symptoms. This complication of a Taylor patch has not been reported before

    Methanogens: biochemical background and biotechnological applications

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    Abstract Since fossil sources for fuel and platform chemicals will become limited in the near future, it is important to develop new concepts for energy supply and production of basic reagents for chemical industry. One alternative to crude oil and fossil natural gas could be the biological conversion of CO2 or small organic molecules to methane via methanogenic archaea. This process has been known from biogas plants, but recently, new insights into the methanogenic metabolism, technical optimizations and new technology combinations were gained, which would allow moving beyond the mere conversion of biomass. In biogas plants, steps have been undertaken to increase yield and purity of the biogas, such as addition of hydrogen or metal granulate. Furthermore, the integration of electrodes led to the development of microbial electrosynthesis (MES). The idea behind this technique is to use CO2 and electrical power to generate methane via the microbial metabolism. This review summarizes the biochemical and metabolic background of methanogenesis as well as the latest technical applications of methanogens. As a result, it shall give a sufficient overview over the topic to both, biologists and engineers handling biological or bioelectrochemical methanogenesis

    Telomere Biology and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm

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    Ascending aortic aneurysms are mostly asymptomatic and present a great risk of aortic dissection or perforation. Consequently, ascending aortic aneurysms are a source of lethality with increased age. Biological aging results in progressive attrition of telomeres, which are the repetitive DNA sequences at the end of chromosomes. These telomeres play an important role in protection of genomic DNA from end-to-end fusions. Telomere maintenance and telomere attrition-associated senescence of endothelial and smooth muscle cells have been indicated to be part of the pathogenesis of degenerative vascular diseases. This systematic review provides an overview of telomeres, telomere-associated proteins and telomerase to the formation and progression of aneurysms of the thoracic ascending aorta. A better understanding of telomere regulation in the vascular pathology might provide new therapeutic approaches. Measurements of telomere length and telomerase activity could be potential prognostic biomarkers for increased risk of death in elderly patients suffering from an aortic aneurysm

    Acute ischemia of the extremities

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    Die akute Extremitätenischämie ist der häufigste gefäßchirurgische Notfall und bedarf je nach Schweregrad der akuten bis subakuten Versorgung, um den Extremitätenerhalt sicherzustellen. Dieser Artikel bietet eine Übersicht zu Definition, Pathophysiologie und Versorgungslage sowie zur Vielzahl an offen-chirurgischen und endovaskulären Versorgungsmöglichkeiten. Insbesondere die Anzahl an voroperierten Patienten und damit komplexerer Verschlusspathologien nimmt stetig zu. Damit steigt die Bedeutung moderner endovaskulärer Therapien (z. B. Katheterlyse oder perkutane Thrombektomie) sowie der Zu- und Abstromverbesserung mittels Ballonangioplastie oder Stents im Rahmen von Hybrideingriffen. Eine abschließende Bewertung der Verfahren aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht ist aufgrund der aktuellen Datenlage oft nicht möglich, aber dringend nötig. Bis dahin bleibt die Entscheidung über die geeignetste Therapie oft der Erfahrung und den technischen Möglichkeiten des Behandlers vorbehalten

    Oxidative Stress Increases Endogenous Complement-Dependent Inflammatory and Angiogenic Responses in Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Independently of Exogenous Complement Sources.

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    Oxidative stress-induced damage of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and chronic inflammation have been suggested as major contributors to a range of retinal diseases. Here, we examined the effects of oxidative stress on endogenous complement components and proinflammatory and angiogenic responses in RPE cells. ARPE-19 cells exposed for 1-48 h to H2O2 had reduced cell-cell contact and increased markers for epithelial-mesenchymal transition but showed insignificant cell death. Stressed ARPE-19 cells increased the expression of complement receptors CR3 (subunit CD11b) and C5aR1. CD11b was colocalized with cell-derived complement protein C3, which was present in its activated form in ARPE-19 cells. C3, as well as its regulators complement factor H (CFH) and properdin, accumulated in the ARPE-19 cells after oxidative stress independently of external complement sources. This cell-associated complement accumulation was accompanied by increased nlrp3 and foxp3 expression and the subsequently enhanced secretion of proinflammatory and proangiogenic factors. The complement-associated ARPE-19 reaction to oxidative stress, which was independent of exogenous complement sources, was further augmented by the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor olaparib. Our results indicate that ARPE-19 cell-derived complement proteins and receptors are involved in ARPE-19 cell homeostasis following oxidative stress and should be considered as targets for treatment development for retinal degeneration

    Detection of Chlamydia and complement factors in neovascular membranes of patients with age-related macular degeneration

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    PURPOSE To investigate whether Chlamydia pneumoniae and complement factors were present in surgically removed choroidal neovascular membranes (CNV) of patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). METHODS Paraffin sections of 26 CNV were stained for C. pneumoniae or the complement factors H (CFH) and C5, whereas macrophages were identified by positive CD68 staining. Clinical characteristics have been correlated to the immunohistochemical findings. RESULTS C. pneumoniae was found in 68% of the investigated membranes, and 88% of these membranes were also positive for CD68. Staining for CFH and C5 gave a positive reaction in 68 and 41% of the membranes, respectively. Patients with C5-positive membranes had significantly larger CNV mean area and were younger than patients with CFH-positive membranes at the operation time point. CONCLUSIONS Correlations between clinical symptoms and complement factor C5 could be shown. The results strengthen the hypothesis of an involvement of the complement system in AMD

    Nanoparticles and their influence on radionuclide mobility in deep geological formations

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    International audienceThis article gives an overview of the current status of knowledge concerning the role of nanoparticles (inorganic and organic) in deep geological host rocks and the potential influence of these nanoparticles on radionuclide migration in far-field systems. The manuscript is not intended to be a full review paper or overview paper concerning nanoparticles, here the intention is to refer to recent publications but to highlight the progress made in the 6th framework project IP FUNMIG (Fundamental processes of radionuclide migration) and the open literature over the past 5 a concerning the process understanding of nanoparticle related issues in the three host rock formations investigated, namely: claystones, crystalline rocks and salt rock overburden. The results show inter alia that the inorganic nanoparticle concentration in deep groundwaters of advection dominated systems rarely exceeds 1 mg L (1) and is expected to be in the ng L (1) range in diffusion controlled systems. For organic nanoparticles DOC concentrations up to tens of milligrams in diffusion-controlled indurated clays with molecular sizes mostly <500 Da have been found. Fulvic acid type organics have been identified in crystalline environments and plastic Clay formations (Boom Clay) with molecular sizes <= 300 kDa. Additional sources of inorganic nanoparticles from the repository near-field (compacted bentonite) were identified and the initial erosion rates were determined. The results indicate under stagnant conditions similar to 38 mg cm (2) a (1) for bi-distilled water, similar to 20 mg cm (2) a (1) for glacial melt water (Grimsel groundwater) and very low rates similar to 0.02 mg cm (2) a (1) for 5 mM CaCl2 contact water. The low critical coagulation concentration (CCC) indicative for purely diffusion controlled coagulation of 1 mM L (1) Ca2+ found in bentonite nanoparticle stability analysis matches the low nanoparticle mobilization from compacted bentonite found in these systems

    Impacts of Telomeric Length, Chronic Hypoxia, Senescence, and Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype on the Development of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm

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    Thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA) is an age-related and life-threatening vascular disease. Telomere shortening is a predictor of age-related diseases, and its progression is associated with premature vascular disease. The aim of the present work was to investigate the impacts of chronic hypoxia and telomeric DNA damage on cellular homeostasis and vascular degeneration of TAA. We analyzed healthy and aortic aneurysm specimens (215 samples) for telomere length (TL), chronic DNA damage, and resulting changes in cellular homeostasis, focusing on senescence and apoptosis. Compared with healthy thoracic aorta (HTA), patients with tricuspid aortic valve (TAV) showed telomere shortening with increasing TAA size, in contrast to genetically predisposed bicuspid aortic valve (BAV). In addition, TL was associated with chronic hypoxia and telomeric DNA damage and with the induction of senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). TAA-TAV specimens showed a significant difference in SASP-marker expression of IL-6, NF-&kappa;B, mTOR, and cell-cycle regulators (&gamma;H2AX, Rb, p53, p21), compared to HTA and TAA-BAV. Furthermore, we observed an increase in CD163+ macrophages and a correlation between hypoxic DNA damage and the number of aortic telocytes. We conclude that chronic hypoxia is associated with telomeric DNA damage and the induction of SASP in a diseased aortic wall, promising a new therapeutic target