46 research outputs found

    Anomalous atmospheric circulation and large winter floods in six subregions of the southwestern United States

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    EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): We examined atmospheric circulation conditions conducive to occurrence of winter floods that exceed the 10-year peak discharge on rivers in six hydroclimatic subregions in Arizona, southern Utah, Nevada, and California. ... This relationship between flooding and broad-scale atmospheric patterns in the modern record will aid in paleoclimatic interpretations of paleoflood records over the last few thousand years

    Both differential and equatorial heating contributed to African monsoon variations during the mid-Holocene

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    The Sahara was significantly greener 11-5 kya and during multiple earlier interglacial periods. But the mechanisms related to the greening of the Sahara remain uncertain as most climate models severely underestimate past wet conditions over north Africa. The variations in the African monsoon related to the greening of the Sahara are thought to be associated with the variations in the inter-hemispheric differential heating of Earth, caused by orbital variations. However, how orbital variations affect regional climate is not well understood. Using recent theory that relates the position of the tropical rain belt to the atmospheric energy budget, we study the effect of orbital forcing during the mid-Holocene on the African monsoon in simulations provided by the third phase of the Paleo Model Intercomparison Project (PMIP3). We find that energy fluxes in the African sector are related to orbital forcing in a complex manner. Contrary to generally accepted theory, orbital modulation of seasonal differential heating alone is shown to be a weak driver of African monsoon variations. Instead, net atmospheric heating near the equator, which modulates the intensity and extent of seasonal migrations of the tropical rain belt, is an important but overlooked driver of African monsoon variations. A conceptual framework that relates African monsoon variations to both equatorial and inter-hemispheric differential solar heating is presented

    Tropical and subtropical moisture and southerly displaced North Pacific storm track: factors in the growth of late Quaternary lakes in the Mojave Desert

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    Historical flood events produced lakes in the Mojave River watershed in southeastern California and represent climatic conditions similar to those in the late Quaternary when perennial lakes formed in the Mojave Desert. Historical lakes are related to tropical and subtropical sources of moisture and an extreme southward shift of storm tracks. It is suggested that this atmospheric pattern occurred frequently during earlier periods with perennial lakes in the Mojave River drainage basin

    Synoptic-scale to mesoscale atmospheric circulation connects fluvial and coastal gravel conveyors and directional deposition of coastal landforms in the Dead Sea basin

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    Streams convey coarse-clastic sediments towards coasts, where interactions with deltaic and coastal processes determine their resultant sedimentology and geomorphology. Extracting hydroclimatic signals from such environments is a desired goal, and therefore studies commonly rely on interpreting available paleoclimatic proxy data, but the direct linking of depositional and geomorphic processes with the hydroclimate remains obscure. This is a consequence of the challenge of linking processes that are often studied separately and span across large spatial and temporal scales, including synoptic-scale hydroclimatic forcing, streamflows, water body hydrodynamics, fluvial and coastal sediment transport, and sedimentation. Here, we explore this chain of connected processes in the unique setting of the Dead Sea basin, where present-day hydroclimatology is closely tied with geomorphic evolution and sediment transport of streams and coasts that rapidly respond to lake-level fall. We use a 5-year (2018-2022) rich dataset of (i) high-resolution synoptic-scale circulation patterns, (ii) continuous wind-wave and rain-flood records, and (iii) storm-scale fluvial and coastal sediment transport of "smart" and marked boulders. We show the significance of Mediterranean cyclones in the concurrent activation of fluvial (floods) and coastal (wind waves) sediment conveyors. These synoptic-scale patterns drive the westerlies necessary for (i) delivering the moisture across the Judean desert, which is transformed into floods, and at the same time, (ii) the coeval, topographically funneled winds that turn into surface southerlies (>10 m s(-1)) along the Dead Sea rift valley. During winter, these mesoscale southerlies generate 10-30 high-amplitude, northward-propagating storm waves, with 5 times more frequent than flash floods, coarse-clastic beach berms and fan deltas are deposited preferentially north of the delivering channel mouths. This asymmetric depositional architecture, controlled by the regional hydroclimatology, is identified for both the modern and late Pleistocene coast and delta environments, implying that the dominance of present-day Mediterranean cyclones also persisted in the region during the late Pleistocene when Lake Lisan occupied the basin.ISSN:2196-632XISSN:2196-631

    Lake levels and sequence stratigraphy of Lake Lisan, the late Pleistocene precursor of the Dead Sea

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    Lake Lisan, the late Pleistocene precursor of the Dead Sea, existed from ∼70,000 to 15,000 yr B.P. It evolved through frequent water-level fluctuations, which reflected the regional hydrological and climatic conditions. We determined the water level of the lake for the time interval ∼55,000-15,000 cal yr B.P. by mapping offshore, nearshore, and fan-delta sediments; by application of sequence stratigraphy methods; and by dating with radiocarbon and U-series methods. During the studied time interval the lake-level fluctuated between ∼340 and 160 m below mean sea level (msl). Between 55,000 and 30,000 cal yr B.P. the lake evolved through short-term fluctuations around 280-290 m below msl, punctuated (at 48,000-43,000 cal yr B.P.) by a drop event to at least 340 m below msl. At ∼27,000 cal yr B.P. the lake began to rise sharply, reaching its maximum elevation of about 164 m below msl between 26,000 and 23,000 cal yr B.P., then it began dropping and reached 300 m below msl at ∼15,000 cal yr B.P. During the Holocene the lake, corresponding to the present Dead Sea, stabilized at ca. 400 m below msl with minor fluctuations. The hypsometric curve of the basin indicates that large changes in lake area are expected at above 403 and 385 m below msl. At these elevations the lake level is buffered. Lake Lisan was always higher than 380 m below msl, indicating a significantly large water contribution to the basin. The long and repetitious periods of stabilization at 280-290 m below msl during Lake Lisan time indicate hydrological control combined with the existence of a physical sill at this elevation. Crossing this sill could not have been achieved without a dramatic increase in the total water input to the lake, as occurred during the fast and intense lake rise from ∼280 to 160 m below msl at ∼27,000 cal yr B.P. C 2002 University of Washington

    Magnitude and frequency of Holocene palaeofloods in the southwestern United States: A review and discussion of implications

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    Data about the magnitude and time of occurrence of palaeofloods from the lower Colorado River basin enable us to test two long-standing hypotheses which have affected many studies and applications in the field of flood hydrology. The two hypotheses are (a) the existence of an upper boundary to flood magnitudes and whether there is a possibility of determining it from the existing data, and (b) the random occurrence versus clustering of the large floods through time. Earlier observations on regional flood envelope curves indicated the existence of an upper limit for flood magnitudes, but these studies limited their conclusions because of the short length of the systematic gauged data. This limitation is overcome here because palaeoflood data cover a much longer period of observation. Palaeoflood studies provide information about the largest individual floods experienced in many rivers in a specific region occurring over the last millennia. In the southwestern US, this information demonstrates that, even when the length of observational data increases to centuries and millennia, there is no change in the stabilized, regional envelope curves constructed from gauged and historical flood records. This pattern supports the hypothesis of an upper limit to flood magnitudes and points to a method for testing this hypothesis in other regions. There are surprising similarities between the envelope curve of the palaeoflood data and the envelope curve for the gauged and historical data in the lower Colorado River basin. These similarities indicate that in regions of the world where flood data is sparse envelop curves based on palaeoflood studies can provide basic data for engineering design purposes and other hydrological applications. The random occurrence of large floods in time is tested by constructing chronologies for the largest palaeofloods in several basins in the lower Colorado River basin. These chronologies indicate a clustering of the large floods in specific time periods. The similarity between the various time periods characterized by high- and low-flooding and other palaeoclimatic indicators from the southwestern United States seems best explained by a climatic control on flood frequency over the last 5000 years