10 research outputs found


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    Abalon merupakan siput atau gastropoda laut yang bersifat herbivora. Permintaan dunia akan abalon di Indonesia terus meningkat sehingga membahayakan populasi abalon di Indonesia, karena produk abalon di Indonesia sampai saat ini utamanya masih dari hasil tangkapan di alam. Tujuannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pertumbuhan abalon tropis (Haliotis asinina) yang dilakukan dengan pemberian pakan buatan dengan komposisi perbandingan sumber protein yang berbeda serta mengetahui komposisi pakan buatan yang mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan abalon tropis (Haliotis asinina) yang paling baik. Penelitian ini mengenai studi pertumbuhan abalon dengan pemberian pakan buatan yang berbeda yang dilaksanakan di UPT Loka Pengembangan Bio Industri Laut, LIPI Mataram pada bulan Juli-Oktober 2013 dengan metode RAK (Rancang Acak Kelompok). Anakan abalon yang digunakan dengan ukuran rata-rata panjang cangkang ± 25 mm dan berat ± 2 gram. Pengukuran dilakukan panjang dan berat abalon dilakukan tiap 2 minggu (dwiminggu) selama 84 hari dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan yakni : Abalon tropis (Haliotis asinina) yang diberi pakan rumput laut (Gracillaria sp) sebagai kontrol, formulasi pakan A (100% tepung udang), formulasi pakan B (50% tepung udang : 50% tepung ikan) dan formulasi pakan C (100% tepung ikan). Hasil yang diperoleh pertumbuhan panjang cangkang terbaik didapatkan pada pakan B sebesar 3,92 mm. Pertumbuhan berat abalon adalah dengan pemberian pakan A 3,22 gr. Komposisi pakan buatan yang paling baik adalah pakan A dengan komposisi sumber protein 100% tepung udang.KATA KUNCI: Abalon, pakan buatan, pertumbuhan

    Tides Measurement and Tidal Analysis at Jakarta Bay

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    Tides observation conducted for these purposes such as real-time depth of water, determination mean sea level and other tidal datums to establish a system of tidal benchmarks and data for production of tide and tidal current predictions. Center for Marine and Coastal Mapping – Geospatial Information System used water level and tides data mainly to correct the water depth measurement to chart datum. This study uses sea level observation data conducted from 20th February 2018 until 4th April 2018 at Marina Batavia, Jakarta. This study found that tidal types at this location is mixed diurnal using formzahl number. Astronomical and shallow water possible constituent were derived from the harmonic analysis. Fourier analysis gives clearly visual interpretation in frequency perspective. Several constituents inseparable because of short duration records

    Buoy Observasi Data Parameter Oseanografi Dan Meteorologi di Perairan Terumbu Karang : Desain dan Implementasi

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    Dalam studi ini, pengembangan buoy observasi data oseanografi dan meteorologi dilakukan dengan menggunakan wahana bouy yang stabil dan mengambil data dengan akurasi yang baik. Sensor DS18B20 memiliki akurasi 98,82% dengan RMSE 0,54°C, sensor DHT21 memiliki akurasi 99,99% dengan RMSE 0,0013°C, dan sensor kekeruhan memiliki akurasi antara 95,92% hingga 96,76% dengan RMSE 8,7 NTU hingga 46 NTU. Konsumsi daya perangkat 1 jam sebesar 1,85 Wh. Hasil uji lapang menunjukkan variasi pola suhu udara dan permukaan air laut, tingkat kelembaban udara yang lebih tinggi pada malam hari, dan intensitas cahaya matahari yang menurun pada malam hari dengan kenaikan akibat cahaya bulan. Kekeruhan air masih sesuai baku mutu. Baterai 25,2 Wh dan solar panel 4,2 Wp digunakan sebagai pasokan daya


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    This study investigated the effects of the addition of coral rubble and polyvinylchloride (PVC) guttering as substrates on the growth of donkey-ear abalone (Haliotis asinina) reared in a flow-through water system. The tanks were100 cm long x 50 cm wide x 40 cm deep, filled with sea water up to 30 cm high. Hatchery-produced abalone with a mean initial shell length of 30.9 ± 0.1 mm and wet weight of 5.5 ± 0.1 g were stocked at 25 individuals/tankthat corresponded to stocking densities of ca. 50 abalone/m2 of the bottom area of the tank. Juvenile abalonewere provided with an excess red seaweed Gracilaria spp daily over 175 days. The results show that growth and growth rates in shell length and wet body weight were not significantly different between treatments (P>0.05). Survival rates of juveniles reared in the tank with the addition of coral rubble and/or PVC guttering were 100%, but 98% for juveniles in the tank without the addition of substrate. The average daily growth rates of shell length and wet body weight were 0.087+0.037 mm and 0.088+0.044 g for juveniles reared in the tank with the addition of coral rubble; 0.081+0.030 mm and 0.077+0.032 g for juveniles reared in the tank with the addition of PVC guttering; and 0.082+0.032 mm and 0.078+0.039 g for juveniles reared in tank without addition of substrates


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    Abalone is one of the most prized sea delicacies in the world. In Indonesia, although donkey ear abalone (Haliotis asinina) forms a valuable fishery, little is known about its culture techniques. A study has been conducted to find out the most suitable technique for ongrowing donkey ear abalone, for to the local farmer in Indonesia. Juveniles used in study were collected from the southern Lombok coastal waters. They were reared in different type of structure (CNC = circular net cage and TNC = tyre net cage) and set at different depths. Juveniles were fed ad-libitum by macroalgae, Gracilaria spp. Results of the study showed that juveniles of donkey ear abalone have a better growth when cultured offshore in a TNC than in CNC. To gain a better growth, juveniles abalone need to be reared in cages which provided more shelter and less light. Donkey ear abalone was considered a hardy species, survival rate was not influenced by the type of structure (CNC or TNC) and setting position (depths)

    An Overview of the Indonesian Abalone Industry: Production, Market, Challenges, and Opportunities

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    The Indonesian abalone industry has been experiencing growth in recent years and holds significant potential for further expansion. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the current state of the abalone industry in Indonesia, including production processes, markets, and trade, as well as the challenges and opportunities faced by the industry. The study found that the growth of the Indonesian abalone industry is driven by both the domestic market and the increasing demand for Indonesian abalone in international markets. Despite these opportunities, the industry faces various challenges, such as illegal fishing practices, intense competition, and fluctuating prices. The Indonesian government has implemented regulations to promote sustainable harvest and trade practices to address these challenges. The industry is focused on producing high-quality abalone to maintain its competitive position in the global market. The Indonesian abalone industry needs to overcome these challenges To sustain its growth in the future, expand its market reach through international trade, and continuously produce high-quality products. This review provides valuable insights into the Indonesian abalone industry and highlights potential future directions for growth. The findings of this study could be useful for industry players, policymakers, and researchers interested in the development of the Indonesian abalone industry

    Shell morphology and size distribution of Turbo spp in Sepanjang Beach by shell collecting: An Initial Survey

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    Turbo spp. in Sepanjang Beach, Gunung Kidul, Indonesia, are at risk of depletion due to their popularity for consumption and decoration. Protecting this species demands sustainable management practices. This initial survey aimed to examine the shell morphology, size distribution, and shell growth patterns of Turbo spp. at Sepanjang Beach, Indonesia, to establish baseline data for future research. A total of 233 shells were collected randomly and analyzed for morphological parameters. Shell dimensions exhibited variations in size, shape, color, and whorl features. Shells ranged from 7.59 to 60.96 mm in length and 7.47 to 52.43 mm in width. Operculum dimensions varied from 3.14 to 29.75 mm in length and 3 to 22 mm in width. Size frequency distributions highlighted a peak at 30-35 mm shell length. The right-skewed size distribution indicated a prevalence of smaller individuals, possibly influenced by the environmental and genetic factors. Positive correlations between shell and operculum dimensions suggested an isometric growth pattern, implying symmetrical shell development. These insights are crucial for developing effective conservation strategies for Sepanjang Beach. Further research, including species genetics, size at first gonadal maturity, and environmental influences, is recommended for a comprehensive understanding of Turbo spp. sustainability in the region


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    We present the density, diversity, and environmental conditions of gastropods in the Watukarung intertidal zone ? a coastal region of Pacitan Regency, Indonesia, adjoining the Indian Ocean. Gastropods play an important role in coastal ecosystems. In Watukarung, the local people collect marine organisms, including gastropods during low tide to supplement their income. Baseline information on the presence and abundance of gastropods in Watukarung are not available. Our survey collected 173 individuals of gastropod in the intertidal area of Watukarung that represent 8 families, 9 genera, and 13 species. Gastropod diversity index (H') in the three beaches (Ngalorombo, Pasir Putih, and Kasap) show varying values from the categories of low and medium species diversity. Although the data suggest that there should be a dominant species in the ecosystem (E < 0.5), there are no strong dominance species in the community (C < 0.5). Watukarung coastal waters are still in good condition for marine organisms with salinity > 31‰, DO > 8.1 mg/L, and pH > 8. The substrate is dominated by coarse sand. The total organic matter is relatively low (< 2.6%) due to characteristics of the substrate that is dominated by a rocky and sandy substrate. Based on the results, we suggest that Kasap beach can be established as a core zone considering its high diversity and density of gastropods as well as being distant from any residential area, whereas Ngalorombo and Pasir Putih beaches are suitable as usage zones for surfing tourism. We highlight the need for the local community, government, and private sector need to work together to encourage sustainably tourism while reducing environmental impacts in Watukarung

    Differences in Swim Bladder Histology of <i>Anguilla bicolor bicolor</i> at Various Stages of Sexual Maturity

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    The current study observed the histological differences of the swim bladder of the tropical eel, Anguilla bicolor bicolor, as an adaptation resulting from hydrostatic change. A total of 15 eels were collected from Pasir Puncu, Keburuhan, Purworejo and Segara Anakan, Cilacap, Indonesia in June 2017, September 2020, and April 2021. The eels were grouped into 4 stages based on the silvering stage and sex, namely: yellow undifferentiated, yellow female, silver male, and silver female. The average length and body weight of yellow undifferentiated eels were 255.07 ± 45.91 mm and 13.66 ± 8.5 g, respectively; for yellow female, the values were 374.35 ± 41.51 mm and 56.5 ± 12.02 g; for silver male, the values were 432.43 ± 15.15 mm and 140.29 ± 13.85 g; and for silver female were 702 ± 0.00 mm and 545 ± 11.31 g. The present study successfully recorded the histological structure of the swim bladder of A. bicolor bicolor in silver male and silver female stages. Silver males and females displayed a greater significant development of the swim bladder than yellow stages in the gas gland, mucosa, and submucosa layers. These results suggest that an increase in the gas gland thickness allows a greater contribution from gas to gas secretion, the mucosa exerts a mechanical effect on the newly formed gas bubbles, and the submucosa thickness reduces gas conductivity from the swim bladder wall

    The Transformation of Rice Crop Technology in Indonesia: Innovation and Sustainable Food Security

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    The growth of the Indonesian population has led to an increase in the demand for rice, which the country has yet to satisfy. Indonesia needs a comprehensive strategy that integrates meaningful efforts to increase its agricultural production. This study aims to review the examined trends in rice yield in Indonesia for 70 years after Indonesia’s independence (1945–2016) followed by the identification of the application technology and factors that contribute to increasing rice yields to forecast sustainable food security scenarios up to 2030. This article reviews the results of research on rice production technology in Indonesia from 1945 to 2016, and the outlook for 2030. This paper examines the main points of the Indonesian transformation of rice technology: improvement of rice varieties, integrated crop management, innovations in agricultural machinery, and the Integrated Cropping Calendar Information System (ICCIS). We found that transformation has helped Indonesia increased its rice yields from 3 t ha−1 prior to 1961 to 4.6 t ha−1 in 1985, stagnated in 1990, and increased again in 2017 to 5.46 t ha−1. The increase in yield was sustained by an increase in the harvested area owing to cropping index (CI) innovation. Food security and sustainable development remain the primary goals of Indonesia’s agricultural sector. The application of appropriate technologies and institutional innovations can assist Indonesia in achieving its food security. Therefore, the transformation of technological innovations will continue to be an essential driver of future agricultural growth, including greater use of crop varieties, machinery, and land/institutional reforms