18 research outputs found

    IgG-mediated immune suppression in mice is epitope specific except during high epitope density conditions

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    Abstract Specific IgG antibodies, passively administered together with erythrocytes, suppress antibody responses against the erythrocytes. Although used to prevent alloimmunization in Rhesus (Rh)D-negative women carrying RhD-positive fetuses, the mechanism behind is not understood. In mice, IgG suppresses efficiently in the absence of Fcγ-receptors and complement, suggesting an Fc-independent mechanism. In line with this, suppression is frequently restricted to the epitopes to which IgG binds. However, suppression of responses against epitopes not recognized by IgG has also been observed thus arguing against Fc-independence. Here, we explored the possibility that non-epitope specific suppression can be explained by steric hindrance when the suppressive IgG binds to an epitope present at high density. Mice were transfused with IgG anti-4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenylacetyl (NP) together with NP-conjugated sheep red blood cells (SRBC) with high, intermediate, or low NP-density. Antibody titers and the number of single antibody-forming cells were determined. As a rule, IgG suppressed NP- but not SRBC-specific responses (epitope specific suppression). However, there was one exception: suppression of both IgM anti-SRBC and IgM anti-NP responses occurred when high density SRBC-NP was administered (non-epitope specific suppression). These findings answer a longstanding question in antibody feedback regulation and are compatible with the hypothesis that epitope masking explains IgG-mediated immune suppression