187 research outputs found

    Overadjustment Bias and Unnecessary Adjustment in Epidemiologic Studies

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    Overadjustment is defined inconsistently. This term is meant to describe control (eg, by regression adjustment, stratification, or restriction) for a variable that either increases net bias or decreases precision without affecting bias. We define overadjustment bias as control for an intermediate variable (or a descending proxy for an intermediate variable) on a causal path from exposure to outcome. We define unnecessary adjustment as control for a variable that does not affect bias of the causal relation between exposure and outcome but may affect its precision. We use causal diagrams and an empirical example (the effect of maternal smoking on neonatal mortality) to illustrate and clarify the definition of overadjustment bias, and to distinguish overadjustment bias from unnecessary adjustment. Using simulations, we quantify the amount of bias associated with overadjustment. Moreover, we show that this bias is based on a different causal structure from confounding or selection biases. Overadjustment bias is not a finite sample bias, while inefficiencies due to control for unnecessary variables are a function of sample size

    Time-modified Confounding

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    According to the authors, time-modified confounding occurs when the causal relation between a time-fixed or time-varying confounder and the treatment or outcome changes over time. A key difference between previously described time-varying confounding and the proposed time-modified confounding is that, in the former, the values of the confounding variable change over time while, in the latter, the effects of the confounder change over time. Using marginal structural models, the authors propose an approach to account for time-modified confounding when the relation between the confounder and treatment is modified over time. An illustrative example and simulation show that, when time-modified confounding is present, a marginal structural model with inverse probability-of-treatment weights specified to account for time-modified confounding remains approximately unbiased with appropriate confidence limit coverage, while models that do not account for time-modified confounding are biased. Correct specification of the treatment model, including accounting for potential variation over time in confounding, is an important assumption of marginal structural models. When the effect of confounders on either the treatment or outcome changes over time, time-modified confounding should be considered

    A simulation study of finite-sample properties of marginal structural Cox proportional hazards models

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    Motivated by a previously published study of HIV treatment, we simulated data subject to time-varying confounding affected by prior treatment to examine some finite-sample properties of marginal structural Cox proportional hazards models. We compared (a) unadjusted, (b) regression-adjusted, (c) unstabilized and (d) stabilized marginal structural (inverse probability-of-treatment [IPT] weighted) model estimators of effect in terms of bias, standard error, root mean squared error (MSE) and 95% confidence limit coverage over a range of research scenarios, including relatively small sample sizes and ten study assessments. In the base-case scenario resembling the motivating example, where the true hazard ratio was 0.5, both IPT-weighted analyses were unbiased while crude and adjusted analyses showed substantial bias towards and across the null. Stabilized IPT-weighted analyses remained unbiased across a range of scenarios, including relatively small sample size; however, the standard error was generally smaller in crude and adjusted models. In many cases, unstabilized weighted analysis showed a substantial increase in standard error compared to other approaches. Root MSE was smallest in the IPT-weighted analyses for the base-case scenario. In situations where time-varying confounding affected by prior treatment was absent, IPT-weighted analyses were less precise and therefore had greater root MSE compared with adjusted analyses. The 95% confidence limit coverage was close to nominal for all stabilized IPT-weighted but poor in crude, adjusted, and unstabilized IPT-weighted analysis. Under realistic scenarios, marginal structural Cox proportional hazards models performed according to expectations based on large-sample theory and provided accurate estimates of the hazard ratio

    Linear Regression With an Independent Variable Subject to a Detection Limit

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    Linear regression with a left-censored independent variable X due to limit of detection (LOD) was recently considered by 2 groups of researchers: Richardson and Ciampi, and Schisterman and colleagues
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