53 research outputs found

    Galilean Genesis: an alternative to inflation

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    We propose a novel cosmological scenario, in which standard inflation is replaced by an expanding phase with a drastic violation of the Null Energy Condition (NEC): \dot H >> H^2. The model is based on the recently introduced Galileon theories, that allow NEC violating solutions without instabilities. The unperturbed solution describes a Universe that is asymptotically Minkowski in the past, expands with increasing energy density until it exits the regime of validity of the effective field theory and reheats. This solution is a dynamical attractor and the Universe is driven to it, even if it is initially contracting. The study of perturbations of the Galileon field reveals some subtleties, related to the gross violation of the NEC and it shows that adiabatic perturbations are cosmologically irrelevant. The model, however, suggests a new way to produce a scale invariant spectrum of isocurvature perturbations, which can later be converted to adiabatic: the Galileon is forced by symmetry to couple to the other fields as a dilaton; the effective metric it yields on the NEC violating solution is that of de Sitter space, so that all light scalars will automatically acquire a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of perturbations.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure. v2: minor changes, JCAP published versio

    Constraints on Single-Field Inflation

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    Many alternatives to canonical slow-roll inflation have been proposed over the years, one of the main motivations being to have a model, capable of generating observable values of non-Gaussianity. In this work, we (re-)explore the physical implications of a great majority of such models within a single, effective field theory framework (including novel models with large non-Gaussianity discussed for the first time below.) The constraints we apply---both theoretical and experimental---are found to be rather robust, determined to a great extent by just three parameters: the coefficients of the quadratic EFT operators (δN)2(\delta N)^2 and δNδE\delta N \delta E, and the slow-roll parameter ε\varepsilon. This allows to significantly limit the majority of single-field alternatives to canonical slow-roll inflation. While the existing data still leaves some room for most of the considered models, the situation would change dramatically if the current upper limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio decreased down to r<102r < 10^{-2}. Apart from inflationary models driven by plateau-like potentials, the single-field model that would have a chance of surviving this bound is the recently proposed slow-roll inflation with weakly-broken galileon symmetry. In contrast to \textit{canonical} slow-roll inflation, the latter model can support r<102r < 10^{-2} even if driven by a convex potential, as well as generate observable values for the amplitude of non-Gaussianity.Comment: 19+10 pages, 6 figure

    Weakly Broken Galileon Symmetry

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    Effective theories of a scalar ϕ\phi invariant under the internal \textit{galileon symmetry} ϕϕ+bμxμ\phi\to\phi+b_\mu x^\mu have been extensively studied due to their special theoretical and phenomenological properties. In this paper, we introduce the notion of \textit{weakly broken galileon invariance}, which characterizes the unique class of couplings of such theories to gravity that maximally retain their defining symmetry. The curved-space remnant of the galileon's quantum properties allows to construct (quasi) de Sitter backgrounds largely insensitive to loop corrections. We exploit this fact to build novel cosmological models with interesting phenomenology, relevant for both inflation and late-time acceleration of the universe.Comment: 26+8 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Interplay between Black Holes and Ultralight Dark Matter: Analytic Solutions

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    Dark matter (DM) can consist of a scalar field so light that DM particles in the galactic halo are best described by classical waves. We investigate how these classical solutions are influenced by the presence of a non-rotating supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy, using an analytical, albeit approximate, approach. Relying on this analytic control, we examine the consequences of imposing causal boundary conditions at the horizon, which are typically overlooked. First, we examine the scenario where the backreaction of dark matter can be neglected. The scalar field decays like a power law at large distances, thus endowing the black hole with "hair". We derive solutions for the field profile over a wide range of parameters, including cases with rotating dark matter. As a by-product, we extract the dynamical Love numbers for scalar perturbations. Next, we determine the spectrum of bound states and their behaviour. Finally, we incorporate the self-gravity of the scalar field, with a focus on the situation where dark matter forms a soliton (boson star) at the center of the galaxy. We derive an analytical expression for the soliton at every distance from the center. With a solution that remains applicable even at horizon scales, we can reliably compute the accretion rate of the black hole.Comment: 29 pages + appendice

    Stability of Geodesically Complete Cosmologies

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    We study the stability of spatially flat FRW solutions which are geodesically complete, i.e. for which one can follow null (graviton) geodesics both in the past and in the future without ever encountering singularities. This is the case of NEC-violating cosmologies such as smooth bounces or solutions which approach Minkowski in the past. We study the EFT of linear perturbations around a solution of this kind, including the possibility of multiple fields and fluids. One generally faces a gradient instability which can be avoided only if the operator  (3)RδN ~^{(3)}{R} \delta N~ is present and its coefficient changes sign along the evolution. This operator (typical of beyond-Horndeski theories) does not lead to extra degrees of freedom, but cannot arise starting from any theory with second-order equations of motion. The change of sign of this operator prevents to set it to zero with a generalised disformal transformation.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. v2: minor changes; references added; version published in JCA

    Large Non-Gaussianity in Slow-Roll Inflation

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    Canonical models of single-field, slow-roll inflation do not lead to appreciable non-Gaussianity, unless derivative interactions of the inflaton become uncontrollably large. We propose a novel slow-roll scenario where scalar perturbations propagate at a subluminal speed, leading to sizeable equilateral non-Gaussianity, fNLequil1/cs4f^{\rm equil}_{\rm NL}\propto 1/c_s^4, largely insensitive to the ultraviolet physics. The model is based on a low-energy effective theory characterized by weakly broken invariance under internal galileon transformations, ϕϕ+bμxμ\phi\to\phi+b_\mu x^\mu, which protects the properties of perturbations from large quantum corrections. This provides the unique alternative to models such as DBI inflation in generating strongly subluminal/non-Gaussian scalar perturbations.Comment: 5 page

    Effective two-body approach to the hierarchical three-body problem : quadrupole to 1PN

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    Many binary systems of interest for gravitational-wave astronomy are orbited by a third distant body, which can considerably alter their relativistic dynamics. Precision computations are needed to understand the interplay between relativistic corrections and three-body interactions. We use an effective field theory approach to derive the effective action describing the long-timescale dynamics of hierarchical three-body systems up to 1PN quadrupole order. At this level of approximation, computations are complicated by the backreaction of small oscillations on orbital timescales as well as deviations from the adiabatic approximation. We address these difficulties by eliminating the fast modes through the method of near-identity transformations. This allows us to compute for the first time the complete expression of the 1PN quadrupole cross terms in generic configurations of three-body systems. We numerically integrate the resulting equations of motion and show that 1PN quadrupole terms can affect the long term dynamics of relativistic three-body systems

    Subluminal Galilean Genesis

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    We put forward an improved version of the Galilean Genesis model that addresses the problem of superluminality. We demote the full conformal group to Poincare symmetry plus dilations, supplemented with approximate galilean shift invariance in the UV and at small field values. In this way fluctuations around the NEC-violating cosmological background are made substantially subluminal, and superluminality cannot be reached by any small change of the solution, in contrast with the original model. Dilation invariance still protects the scale-invariance of correlation functions of a massless test scalar - which is the source of the observed cosmological fluctuations - but the explicit breaking of the conformal group can be potentially observed in higher-order correlators. We also highlight a subtlety in matching the NEC-violating phase with the standard cosmological evolution, and discuss the possible couplings of the Galileon to gravity.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    The galileon as a local modification of gravity

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    In the DGP model, the ``self-accelerating'' solution is plagued by a ghost instability, which makes the solution untenable. This fact as well as all interesting departures from GR are fully captured by a four-dimensional effective Lagrangian, valid at distances smaller than the present Hubble scale. The 4D effective theory involves a relativistic scalar \pi, universally coupled to matter and with peculiar derivative self-interactions. In this paper, we study the connection between self-acceleration and the presence of ghosts for a quite generic class of theories that modify gravity in the infrared. These theories are defined as those that at distances shorter than cosmological, reduce to a certain generalization of the DGP 4D effective theory. We argue that for infrared modifications of GR locally due to a universally coupled scalar, our generalization is the only one that allows for a robust implementation of the Vainshtein effect--the decoupling of the scalar from matter in gravitationally bound systems--necessary to recover agreement with solar system tests. Our generalization involves an internal ``galilean'' invariance, under which \pi's gradient shifts by a constant. This symmetry constrains the structure of the \pi Lagrangian so much so that in 4D there exist only five terms that can yield sizable non-linearities without introducing ghosts. We show that for such theories in fact there are ``self-accelerating'' deSitter solutions with no ghost-like instabilities. In the presence of compact sources, these solutions can support spherically symmetric, Vainshtein-like non-linear perturbations that are also stable against small fluctuations. [Short version for arxiv]Comment: 35 pages; minor modifications, a typo corrected in eq. (114

    Nonlinear Quasi-Normal Modes: Uniform Approximation

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    Recent works have suggested that nonlinear effects in black hole perturbation theory may be important for describing a black hole ringdown. We show that the technique of uniform approximations can be used to accurately compute 1) nonlinear amplitudes at large distances in terms of the linear ones, 2) linear (and nonlinear) quasi-normal mode frequencies, 3) the wavefunction for both linear and nonlinear modes. Our method can be seen as a generalization of the WKB approximation, with the advantages of not losing accuracy at large overtone number and not requiring matching conditions. To illustrate the effectiveness of this method we consider a simplified source for the second-order Zerilli equation, which we use to numerically compute the amplitude of nonlinear modes for a range of values of the angular momentum number.Comment: 17 pages + appendice