151 research outputs found

    Contributions of flavor violating couplings of a Higgs boson to ppWWpp\to WW

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    We study contributions to ppW+Wννpp\to W^+W^- \to \ell\nu_\ell \ell^\prime\nu_{\ell^\prime} in models with a new Higgs boson, HH, and a neutral lepton, ν4\nu_{4}, with couplings Hν4νμH-\nu_{4}-\nu_{\mu} and Wν4μW-\nu_{4}-\mu through the process ppHν4νμWμνμνμνμpp \to H \to \nu_4 \nu_\mu \to W \mu \nu_\mu \to \ell\nu_\ell \mu \nu_\mu. Contrary to naive expectations, we find that contributions to ppWWpp\to WW can be very large while satisfying constraints from standard HWWH\to WW and HγγH\to\gamma\gamma searches. Even the excess observed by ATLAS in ppWWpp\to WW, if taken at face value, can be easily accommodated. The various kinematic distributions fit nicely the experimentally determined ones. This scenario can arise for example in a two Higgs doublet model with vectorlike leptons.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Emerging lattice approach to the K-Unitarity Triangle

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    It has been clear for past many years that in low energy observables new physics can only appear as a perturbation. Therefore precise theoretical predictions and precise experimental measurements have become mandatory. Here we draw attention to the significant advances that have been made on the lattice in recent years in KππK\to \pi \pi, ΔMK\Delta M_K, the long-distance part of ε\varepsilon and rare K-decays. Thus, in conjunction with experiments, the construction of a unitarity triangle purely from Kaon physics should soon become feasible. Along with the B-unitarity triangle, this should allow for more stringent tests of the Standard Model and tighter constraints on new physics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Version to appear on PL

    Pojavljanje pajka Amaurobius ferox v jamah

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    Subterranean habitats house a wide range of species which show a number of adaptations to prevailing ecological conditions. Spiders are among the most abundant predators in caves; however, most studies on cave spiders focus on species adapted to these habitats. This is the first study related to the occurrence of the Black lace-weaver spider, Amaurobius ferox, in caves. The species lacks adaptations to the subterranean habitats and has been observed within meters from the cave entrance all year round, except in late winter until early spring. Furthermore, its occupancy is positively related to the presence of other three cave-dwelling spiders: Metellina merianae, Meta menardi and Tegenaria sp.V različnih podzemnih habitatih živijo številne živalske vrste, ki so bolj ali manj prilagojene na razmere tamkajšnjega okolja. V jamah so pajki med najštevilčnejšimi plenilci, a večina študij je omejenih na tiste vrste, ki so že izrazito prilagojene na podzemlje. Pajek Amaurobius ferox ne sodi mednje, v študiji pa je obravnavano njegovo pojavljanje vzdolž jam. Ta površinska vrsta se pojavlja le v vhodih delih jam v vseh letnih časih, z izjemo pozne zime do začetka pomladi. Njeno pojavljanje v teh delih je povezano s prisotnostjo treh v jamah prebivajočih vrst, in sicer pajkov Metellina merianae, Meta menardi in Tegenaria sp

    Summary of the CKM 2016 working group on rare decays

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    Rare BB, DD, and KK decays offer unique opportunities to probe for evidence of new particles from physics beyond the Standard Model at mass scales extending from the electroweak scale to well above those directly accessible at the LHC. We review a selection of theoretical and experimental results on rare BB, DD, and KK decays illustrating the progress made during the past two years.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle, Nov 28- Dec 2 2016, Mumba