745 research outputs found

    Magnetic phase diagram of three-dimensional diluted Ising antiferromagnet Ni0.8_{0.8}Mg0.2_{0.2}(OH)2_{2}

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    HH-TT diagram of 3D diluted Ising antiferromagnet Nic_{c}Mg1βˆ’c_{1-c}(OH)2_{2} with cc = 0.8 has been determined from measurements of SQUID DC magnetization and AC magnetic susceptibility. At HH = 0, this compound undergoes two magnetic phase transitions: an antiferromagnetic (AF) transition at the N\'{e}el temperature TNT_{N} (= 20.7 K) and a reentrant spin glass (RSG) transition at TRSGT_{RSG} (β‰ˆ\approx 6 K). The HH-TT diagram consists of the RSG, spin glass (SG), and AF phases. These phases meet a multicritical point PmP_{m} (HmH_{m} = 42 kOe, TmT_{m} = 5.6 K). The irreversibility of susceptibility defined by Ξ΄\delta (= Ο‡FCβˆ’Ο‡ZFC\chi_{FC} - \chi_{ZFC}) shows a negative local minimum for 10 ≀H≀\leq H \leq 35 kOe, suggesting the existence of possible glassy phase in the AF phase. A broad peak in Ξ΄\delta and Ο‡β€²β€²\chi^{\prime \prime} at Hβ‰₯H \geq 20 kOe for TN(c=0.8,H)≀T≀TN(c=1,H=0)T_{N}(c=0.8,H) \leq T \leq T_{N}(c=1,H=0) (= 26.4 K) suggests the existence of the Griffiths phase.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures; J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 73 (2004) No. 1 issue, in pres

    Gravitational Waves from Supermassive Black Hole Coalescence in a Hierarchical Galaxy Formation Model

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    We investigate the expected gravitational wave emission from coalescing supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries resulting from mergers of their host galaxies. When galaxies merge, the SMBHs in the host galaxies sink to the center of the new merged galaxy and form a binary system. We employ a semi-analytic model of galaxy and quasar formation based on the hierarchical clustering scenario to estimate the amplitude of the expected stochastic gravitational wave background owing to inspiraling SMBH binaries and bursts owing to the SMBH binary coalescence events. We find that the characteristic strain amplitude of the background radiation is hc(f)∼10βˆ’16(f/1ΞΌHz)βˆ’2/3h_c(f) \sim 10^{-16} (f/1 \mu {\rm Hz})^{-2/3} for f≲1ΞΌHzf \lesssim 1 \mu {\rm Hz} just below the detection limit from measurements of the pulsar timing provided that SMBHs coalesce simultaneously when host galaxies merge. The main contribution to the total strain amplitude of the background radiation comes from SMBH coalescence events at 0<z<10<z<1. We also find that a future space-based gravitational wave interferometer such as the planned \textit{Laser Interferometer Space Antenna} ({\sl LISA}) might detect intense gravitational wave bursts associated with coalescence of SMBH binaries with total mass Mtot<107MβŠ™M_{\rm tot} < 10^7 M_{\odot} at z≳2z \gtrsim 2 at a rate ∼1.0yrβˆ’1 \sim 1.0 {\rm yr}^{-1}. Our model predicts that burst signals with a larger amplitude hburst∼10βˆ’15h_{\rm burst} \sim 10^{-15} correspond to coalescence events of massive SMBH binary with total mass Mtot∼108MβŠ™M_{\rm tot} \sim 10^8 M_{\odot} at low redshift z≲1 z \lesssim 1 at a rate ∼0.1yrβˆ’1 \sim 0.1 {\rm yr}^{-1} whereas those with a smaller amplitude hburst∼10βˆ’17h_{\rm burst} \sim 10^{-17} correspond to coalescence events of less massive SMBH binary with total mass Mtot∼106MβŠ™M_{\rm tot} \sim 10^6 M_{\odot} at high redshift z≳3 z \gtrsim 3.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 11 pages, 7 figure

    Spin-stripe density varies linearly with hole content in single-layer Bi2201 cuprate

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    We have performed inelastic neutron scattering measurements on the single-layer cuprate Bi2+xSr2-xCuO6+y (Bi2201) with x=0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5, a doping range that spans the spin-glass (SG) to superconducting (SC) phase boundary. The doping evolution of low energy spin fluctuations was found to be characterized by a change of incommensurate modulation wave vector from the tetragonal [110] to [100]/[010] directions, while maintaining a linear relation between the incommensurability and the hole concentration, delta p. In the SC regime, the spectral weight is strongly suppressed below 4 meV. Similarities and differences in the spin correlations between Bi2201 and the prototypical single-layer system La2-xSrxCuO4 are discussed.Comment: 5 page,4 figure

    Neutron-scattering study of spin correlations in La1.94-xSrxCe0.06CuO4

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    We performed a neutron-scattering experiment to investigate the effect of distortion of CuO2 planes on the low-energy spin correlation of La1.94-xSrxCe0.06CuO4 (LSCCO). Due to the carrier-compensation effect by co-doping of Sr and Ce, LSCCO has a smaller orthorhombic lattice distortion compared to La2-xSrxCuO4 (LSCO) with comparable hole concentration p. A clear gap with the edge-energy of 6~7 meV was observed in the energy spectrum of local dynamical susceptibility c"(w) for both x=0.18 (p~0.14) and x=0.24 (p~0.20) samples as observed for optimally-doped LSCO (x=0.15~0.18). For the x=0.14 (p~0.10) sample, in addition to the gap-like structure in c"(w) we observed a low-energy component within the gap which develops below 2~3meV with decreasing the energy. The low-energy component possibly coincides with the static magnetic correlation observed in this sample. These results are discussed from a view point of relationship between the stability of low-energy spin fluctuations and the distortion of CuO2 planes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, proceeding for SNS2007 conferenc

    Hidden itinerant-spin phase in heavily-overdoped La2-xSrxCuO4 revealed by dilute Fe doping: A combined neutron scattering and angle-resolved photoemission study

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    We demonstrated experimentally a direct way to probe a hidden propensity to the formation of spin density wave (SDW) in a non-magnetic metal with strong Fermi surface nesting. Substituting Fe for a tiny amount of Cu (1%) induced an incommensurate magnetic order below 20 K in heavily-overdoped La2-xSrxCuO4 (LSCO). Elastic neutron scattering suggested that this order cannot be ascribed to the localized spins on Cu or doped Fe. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), combined with numerical calculations, revealed a strong Fermi surface nesting inherent in the pristine LSCO that likely drives this order. The heavily-overdoped Fe-doped LSCO thus represents the first plausible example of the long-sought "itinerant-spin extreme" of cuprates, where the spins of itinerant doped holes define the magnetic ordering ground state. This finding complements the current picture of cuprate spin physics that highlights the predominant role of localized spins at lower dopings. The demonstrated set of methods could potentially apply to studying hidden density-wave instabilities of other "nested" materials on the verge of density wave ordering.Comment: Abstract and discussion revised; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Superconductivity and spin-glass like behavior in system with Pd sheet sandwiched between graphene sheets

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    Pd-metal graphite (Pd-MG) has a layered structure, where each Pd sheet is sandwiched between adjacent graphene sheets. DC magnetization and AC magnetic susceptibility of Pd-MG have been measured using a SQUID magnetometer. Pd-MG undergoes a superconducting transition at TcT_{c} (=3.63Β±0.04= 3.63 \pm 0.04 K). The superconductivity occurs in Pd sheets. The relaxation of MZFCM_{ZFC} (aging), which is common to spin glass systems, is also observed below TcT_{c}. The relaxation rate S(t)S(t) shows a peak at a characteristic time tcrt_{cr}, which is longer than a wait time twt_{w}. The irreversibility between Ο‡ZFC\chi_{ZFC} and Ο‡FC\chi_{FC} occurs well above TcT_{c}. The susceptibility Ο‡FC\chi_{FC} obeys a Curie-Weiss behavior with a negative Curie-Weiss temperature (βˆ’13.1β‰€Ξ˜β‰€βˆ’5.4-13.1 \leq \Theta \leq -5.4 K). The growth of antiferromagnetic order is limited by the disordered nature of nanographites, forming spin glass-like behavior at low temperatures in graphene sheets.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures; submitted to J. Phys.: Condensed Matte

    Reduction of eddy current loss in magnetoplated wire

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    Reduction of proximity effect in coil using magnetoplated wire

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    This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.ArticleIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. 43(6): 2654-2656 (2007)journal articl
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