5 research outputs found

    En socialistisk chimär? En studie om den politiska teorin hos nationalsocialismen

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    This thesis surrounds the political theory of National Socialism and its connections towards other political theories, which more distinctly will be “classic socialism” in this work. The question to be answered is if National Socialism can be seen as a variant of socialism, and to answer this question I will use the seven dimensions of Reidar Larsson as an analytic tool. Which these I form up a political theoretical frame of what I call “classic socialism” which includes revolutionary socialism and reformist socialism, which then will stand as a represent for socialism in general and which the national socialistic theory will be compared to, with the goal of either confirm or deny a connection between the two political theories. The analysis surrounds the core national socialistic political theoretical works, which is Mein Kampf and the The Myth of the Twentieth Century, where I will use an interpretation of text and an analysis of ideas as the methodological choice

    En nyliberal hegemoni?

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    This thesis surrounds the emerging of the neoliberal hegemony in Sweden, and how to describe that emergence with the help of an analysis of ideas along with different types of analytic tools such as ideal types and the concept of hegemony. The research question to be answered is that how one can describe the emerging of the neoliberal hegemony in Sweden, which then naturally also makes this thesis a case study. The very study goes along with observations in the political practice of the Swedish governments from the 70’s until the 10’s, whether if it was social democratic or neoliberal. What concludes the existence of an ideological hegemony is when a government is practicing politics in its governance that is opposite to its ideological platform. This happened in the 70’s when the right-center government more or less was practicing social democratic politics, and when the social democratic governments in the 90’s and 00’s were in many cases neoliberal. In between, the social democratic governments in the 80’s adopted a new form of political governance called “the third way” in which they opened up for neoliberal ideas and softened up the social democratic hegemony – which accelerated with the rise of the right-center government in the early 90’s that had a strong neoliberal agenda and made several political changes in the Swedish society which still clings on until this date

    Fascism i folkhemmet? - En studie om Sverigedemokraternas ideologiska hemvist

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    This thesis is about the political party the Sweden democrats and its ideological residence, trying to answer the question whether it’s correct to define it as fascist or not. Very little previous research has made a deeper analysis into this which makes this study both more interesting and more important. There is a lack of consensus about the definition of fascism among scholars, and especially between historians on the one side and political scientist on the other. In this study I have sided with the political scientists on the fact that the political theory of fascism is the primary factor to define the ideology of fascism and not by the appearance or the attitude of the political movement. In relation to this I have created an ideal type of fascism – based on The Doctrine of Fascism – and used it as an analytical tool to study the manifesto of the Sweden democrats – which will act as the primary raw material for the party’s ideology. To be able to grade the connection between fascism and the Sweden democrats a seven step “ideological circuit diagram” have been constructed and it showed that the ideological connection between fascism and the Sweden democrats is very weak. Although it is necessary to conclude that these results can’t be used to draw the conclusion that the party rather is to be defined as “right-wing populist” – a popular definition within this field of political party research

    Dominobrickan som inte föll - Kuba och regimförändring efter Kalla kriget

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    Det här arbetet handlar om att belysa den kommunistiska regimen på Kuba efter Kalla kriget och varför den överlevde. Uppsatsen kretsar kring centrala statsvetenskapliga begrepp, som legitimitet och regim. Arbetet är metodlogiskt upplagt som en teorikonsumerande fallstudie, då vi använder oss av teorier för att belysa vilka faktorer som är de mest relevanta för att beskriva den kubanska regimens överlevnad. Arbetets struktur är uppdelat kring tre huvudsakliga delar; Empirin, här lyfter vi fram fakta kring olika områden, faktorer, som vi anser kan ha haft en stor betydelse för att beskriva regimens överlevnad; Analysen, här applicerar vi olika teorier, som vi hämtat både från kurslitteraturen och från våra vetenskapliga artiklar, på de olika faktorerna; Diskussionen, här för vi ett subjektivt resonemang kring de olika faktorernas och teoriernas betydelse för att besvara vår frågeställning. Slutligen kommer vi att göra en sammanfattning i form av en slutsats där vi beskriver vad vi har kommit fram till genom vårt arbete, och vad vi inte kommit fram till, för att kunna besvara vår frågeställning