2,764 research outputs found

    A helium-3 refrigerator employing capillary confinement of liquid cryogen

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    A condensation refrigerator suitable for operation in a zero gravity space environment was constructed. The condensed liquid refrigerant is confined by surface tension inside a porous metal matrix. Helium-4 and helium-3 gases were condensed and held in a copper matrix. Evaporative cooling of confined liquid helium-4 resulted in a temperature of 1.4K. Using a zeolite adsorption pump external to the cryostat, a temperature of 0.6 K was achieved through evaporative cooling of liquid helium-3. The amount of time required for complete evaporation of a controlled mass of liquid helium-4 contained in the copper matrix was measured as a function of the applied background power. For heating powers below 18 mW the measured times are consistent with the normal boiling of the confined volume of liquid refrigerant. At background powers above 18 mW the rapid rise in the temperature of the copper matrix the signature of the absence of confined liquid occurs in a time a factor of two shorter than that expected on the basis of an extrapolation of the low power data

    Dirac R-matrix calculations for the electron-impact excitation of neutral tungsten providing noninvasive diagnostics for magnetic confinement fusion

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    Neutral tungsten is the primary candidate as a wall material in the divertor region of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). The efficient operation of ITER depends heavily on precise atomic physics calculations for the determination of reliable erosion diagnostics, helping to characterise the influx of tungsten impurities into the core plasma. The following paper presents detailed calculations of the atomic structure of neutral tungsten using the multiconfigurational Dirac-Fock method, drawing comparisons with experimental measurements where available, and includes a critical assessment of existing atomic structure data. We investigate the electron-impact excitation of neutral tungsten using the Dirac R-matrix method and, by employing collisional-radiative models, we benchmark our results with recent Compact Toroidal Hybrid measurements. The resulting comparisons highlight alternative diagnostic lines to the widely used 400.88nm line.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    The Behavior of Granular Materials under Cyclic Shear

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    The design and development of a parallel plate shear cell for the study of large scale shear flows in granular materials is presented. The parallel plate geometry allows for shear studies without the effects of curvature found in the more common Couette experiments. A system of independently movable slats creates a well with side walls that deform in response to the motions of grains within the pack. This allows for true parallel plate shear with minimal interference from the containing geometry. The motions of the side walls also allow for a direct measurement of the velocity profile across the granular pack. Results are presented for applying this system to the study of transients in granular shear and for shear-induced crystallization. Initial shear profiles are found to vary from packing to packing, ranging from a linear profile across the entire system to an exponential decay with a width of approximately 6 bead diameters. As the system is sheared, the velocity profile becomes much sharper, resembling an exponential decay with a width of roughly 3 bead diameters. Further shearing produces velocity profiles which can no longer be fit to an exponential decay, but are better represented as a Gaussian decay or error function profile. Cyclic shear is found to produce large scale ordering of the granular pack, which has a profound impact on the shear profile. There exist periods of time in which there is slipping between layers as well as periods of time in which the layered particles lock together resulting in very little relative motion.Comment: 10 pages including 12 figure

    Nuclear Shell Model by the Quantum Monte Carlo Diagonalization Method

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    The feasibility of shell-model calculations is radically extended by the Quantum Monte Carlo Diagonalization method with various essential improvements. The major improvements are made in the sampling for the generation of shell-model basis vectors, and in the restoration of symmetries such as angular momentum and isospin. Consequently the level structure of low-lying states can be studied with realistic interactions. After testing this method on 24^{24}Mg, we present first results for energy levels and E2E2 properties of 64^{64}Ge, indicating its large and γ\gamma-soft deformation.Comment: 12 pages, RevTex, 2 figures, to be published in Physical Review Letter

    Freshly Formed Dust in the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant as Revealed by the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    We performed Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph mapping observations covering nearly the entire extent of the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant (SNR), producing mid-infrared (5.5-35 micron) spectra every 5-10". Gas lines of Ar, Ne, O, Si, S and Fe, and dust continua were strong for most positions. We identify three distinct ejecta dust populations based on their continuum shapes. The dominant dust continuum shape exhibits a strong peak at 21 micron. A line-free map of 21 micron-peak dust made from the 19-23 micron range closely resembles the [Ar II], [O IV], and [Ne II] ejecta-line maps implying that dust is freshly formed in the ejecta. Spectral fitting implies the presence of SiO2, Mg protosilicates, and FeO grains in these regions. The second dust type exhibits a rising continuum up to 21 micron and then flattens thereafter. This ``weak 21 micron'' dust is likely composed of Al2O3 and C grains. The third dust continuum shape is featureless with a gently rising spectrum and is likely composed of MgSiO3 and either Al2O3 or Fe grains. Using the least massive composition for each of the three dust classes yields a total mass of 0.02 Msun. Using the most-massive composition yields a total mass of 0.054 Msun. The primary uncertainty in the total dust mass stems from the selection of the dust composition necessary for fitting the featureless dust as well as 70 micron flux. The freshly formed dust mass derived from Cas A is sufficient from SNe to explain the lower limit on the dust masses in high redshift galaxies.Comment: 8 figures: Accepted for the publication in Ap

    The Middle Way: East Asian masters students’ perceptions of critical argumentation in U.K. universities.

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    The paper explores the learning experiences of East Asian masters students in dealing with Western academic norms of critical thinking in classroom debate and assignment writing. The research takes a cultural approach, and employs grounded theory and case study methodology, the aims being for students to explain their perceptions of their personal learning journeys. The data suggest that the majority of students interviewed rejected full academic acculturation into Western norms of argumentation. They instead opted for a ‘Middle Way’ that synergizes the traditional cultural academic values held by many East Asian students with those elements of Western academic norms that are perceived to be aligned with these. This is a relatively new area of research which represents a challenge for British lecturers and students

    Quantitation of CD8+ T Cell Responses to Newly Identified HLA-A*0201–restricted T Cell Epitopes Conserved Among Vaccinia and Variola (Smallpox) Viruses

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    Immunization with vaccinia virus resulted in long-lasting protection against smallpox and was the approach used to eliminate natural smallpox infections worldwide. Due to the concern about the potential use of smallpox virus as a bioweapon, smallpox vaccination is currently being reintroduced. Severe complications from vaccination were associated with congenital or acquired T cell deficiencies, but not with congenital agammaglobulinemia, suggesting the importance of T cell immunity in recovery from infection. In this report, we identified two CD8+ T cell epitopes restricted by the most common human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I allele, HLA-A*0201. Both epitopes are highly conserved in vaccinia and variola viruses. The frequency of vaccinia-specific CD8+ T cell responses to these epitopes measured by interferon (IFN)-γ enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay and HLA/peptide tetramer staining peaked 2 wk after primary immunization and then declined, but were still detectable 1 to 3 yr after primary immunization. 2 wk after immunization, IFN-γ–producing cells specific to these two epitopes were 14% of total vaccinia virus-specific IFN-γ–producing cells in one donor, 35% in the second donor, and 6% in the third donor. This information will be useful for studies of human T cell memory and for the design and analyses of the immunogenicity of experimental vaccinia vaccines

    Modern Management of Localized Renal Cell Carcinoma— Is Ablation Part of the Equation?

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    While the gold-standard for management of localized renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is partial nephrectomy, recent ablative strategies are emerging as alternatives with comparable rates of complications and oncologic outcomes. Thermal ablation, in the form of radiofrequency ablation and cryoablation, is being increasingly accepted by professional societies, and is particularly recommended in patients with a significant comorbidity burden, renal impairment, old age, or in those unwilling to undergo surgery. Maturation of long-term oncologic outcomes has further allowed increased confidence in these management strategies. New and exciting ablation technologies such as microwave ablation, stereotactic body radiotherapy, and irreversible electroporation are emerging. In this article, we review the existing management options for localized RCC, with specific focus on the oncologic outcomes associated with the various ablation modalities
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