16 research outputs found

    Sector Secundario Nicaraguense : Activida productiva de calzado sintético en Monimbo departamento de Masaya (2011-2015)

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    El sector industrial en Nicaragua representa las actividades económicas dedicadas a la transformación de materia prima en productos. Ejemplo Industria avícola, Industria pesquera, Industria textil, Industria de la construcción, Industria de telecomunicaciones, Industria turística, etc. En la actualidad la industria manufacturera es uno de los sectores de mayor de exportaciones, ingresos fiscales y del empleo formal para la creciente población urbana en el país. La productividad laboral se mantuvo constante entre 2005 y 2009, y aumentó entre 2009 y 2014. Este último aumento hizo que se generara un incremento de la productividad laboral en Nicaragua entre 2005 y 2014. Este incremento se debió fundamentalmente por el aumento de la productividad del trabajo a nivel sectorial entre 2009 y 2014 y no por un cambio estructural en la economía. Consistente con lo anterior, el aumento en la tasa de formalidad en Nicaragua entre 2005 y 2014 se debe principalmente a incrementos en las tasas de formalidad al interior de los sectores productivos, y no por la transformación estructural de la economía. La evidencia indica que los cambios en la estructura económica nicaragüense han sido mínimos. En este documento se aborda el estado actual del sector de calzado sintético en el barrio Monimbó del departamento de Masaya, su creciente evolución en la industria y como los productores han enfrentado muchos obstáculos para su desarrollo. Este sector tiene gran importancia debido a su capacidad en la generación de empleo y por ser proveedora de un artículo de consumo popular que satisface las necesidades de la población. El calzado está dominado por pequeños talleres artesanales los cuales no poseen condiciones de insertarse al mercado de manera competitiva. El barrio indígena de Monimbó, situado en el sur del casco urbano de Masaya, se concentra el mayor número de talleres de producción de calzado los que abastecen el mercado nacional y el centroamericano. Los artesanos están conscientes de los retos a los que se tienen que enfrentar pero no desisten de salir adelante, muchos de ellos solo lo hacen para subsistir pero también existen productores que tienen una visión clara de lo que quieren lograr y se plantean metas a largo plazo. Esta investigación pretende brindarle al lector conocimientos acerca del departamento de Masaya y como esta ciudad ha sido de gran aporte a nivel económico, cultural del país por todas las actividades que se realizan en esta ciudad y como la producción de calzado en esta zona se ha convertido en una fuente de ingreso para los artesanos. Se puede observar como los productores tienen amor por este trabajo y que la mayoría de talleres han venido de generación en generación y están luchando constantemente por imponerse en el mercado lo cual se les dificulta ya que por el libre mercado existe mucha competencia. Se conocerán los procesos de fabricación de calzado, y los retos que los productores enfrentan en este sub sector, además plantearemos recomendaciones para el desarrollo de esta rama. En este estudio se profundizo la actividad productiva de cuero sintético en el departamento de Masaya y busca identificar las fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades, amenazas de la industria de calzado

    Video clips of the Mediterranean Diet on YouTube TM: A social Media Content Analysis

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    Purpose The present study conducted a social media content analysis on videos describing the Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) posted onYouTube. Setting YouTube TM online video sharing and social media platform. Method Three independent content experts evaluated 141 YouTube videos on the MedDiet in August 2020 utilizing standard rubric and protocol. Data abstracted include media source(s) of posted videos, and viewer exposure/engagement metrics. Information quality was measured by each content expert independently through use of the DISCERN instrument, a 16-item tool designed to assess reliability, dependability, and trustworthiness of an online source, scores were then aggregated for analysis. Results A majority of videos (n = 102, 72.3%) were educational in nature. A third of videos were less clear and less credible on information presented (n = 46, 32.6%). Most videos were posted by an individual (n = 79, 56%), and the majority of videos were rated as medium quality (n = 88, 62.4%). Overall level of user engagement as measured by number of “likes,” “dislikes,” and user comments varied widely across all sources of media. Exploratory correlation analysis suggests that the number of a video’s views, comments, likes, and dislikes are not correlated with quality. Conclusion Study findings suggest that MedDiet health promotion and education via YouTube has the potential to reach and inform clients; however, existing video content and quality varies significantly. Future intervention research focused on MedDiet should further examine possible predictors of high quality MedDiet content utilizing diverse online video sharing platforms

    Reporting on the Status of Nutrition Programs of Higher Education in the Syrian Arab Republic: A Current Snapshot

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    Background: The Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) is experiencing high rates of malnutrition. While many adults experience overweight and obesity, as a direct result of the continuing conflict, SAR is also noted as one of the most food-insecure regions in the Arab world. To combat the health impacts and outcomes related to diet and dietary behaviors, trained nutrition professionals are needed. We aimed to examine current nutrition-affiliated programs offered in post-secondary institutions in the SAR. Methods: The search was conducted between Jan and Feb 2021. An electronic review of universities and colleges’ websites, department webpages, and academic programs’ homepages and resources of all the private and public universities in SAR was conducted to find programs related to nutrition, nutrition sciences, and dietetics. Results: Only 13%, or 4 out of 30 SAR colleges and universities had bachelor’s programs in nutrition or nutrition science, and none had nutrition programs at the graduate or terminal degree levels. Conclusion: A pathway for integration of graduates from nutrition sciences into the healthcare and public health workforce should be defined and an understanding of the value of those with a degree in nutrition should be cultivated in clinical and community care settings. Partnering with existing or creating independent organizations charged with defining the scope of practice and ensuring educational quality and competence of graduating students, as well as readiness to practice as part of a healthcare team or in a public health nutrition role will be integral to moving the nutrition profession forward in the SAR

    Health Literacy among Medically Underserved: The Role of Demographic Factors, Social Influence, and Religious Beliefs

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    The current study examined the sociodemographic and psychosocial variables that predicted being at risk for low health literacy among a population of racially and ethnically diverse patients accessing primary care services at community-based clinics. Participants (N = 416) were aged 50-75 years, currently not up-to-date with colorectal cancer (CRC) screening, at average CRC risk, and enrolled in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) aimed at promoting CRC screening. Participants completed a baseline interview that assessed health literacy as measured by Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine-Revised, sociodemographic factors, and psychosocial variables (e.g., health beliefs) prior to randomization and receipt of an intervention. Thirty-six percent of the participants were found to be at risk for low health literacy. Sociodemographic and psychosocial variables were assessed as predictors of being at risk for low health literacy using logistic regression. In the final model, predictors were male gender, being from a racial/ethnic minority group, being unable to work, having higher social influence scores, and having higher religious belief scores. These findings suggest several patient characteristics that may be associated with low health literacy, and highlight the importance of supporting all patients through simplified and clear communications and information to improve understanding of CRC screening information

    Video clips of the Mediterranean Diet on YouTube(TM): A social Media Content Analysis.

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    PURPOSE: The present study conducted a social media content analysis on videos describing the Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) posted onYouTube. SETTING: YouTube TM online video sharing and social media platform. METHOD: Three independent content experts evaluated 141 YouTube videos on the MedDiet in August 2020 utilizing standard rubric and protocol. Data abstracted include media source(s) of posted videos, and viewer exposure/engagement metrics. Information quality was measured by each content expert independently through use of the DISCERN instrument, a 16-item tool designed to assess reliability, dependability, and trustworthiness of an online source, scores were then aggregated for analysis. RESULTS: A majority of videos (n = 102, 72.3%) were educational in nature. A third of videos were less clear and less credible on information presented (n = 46, 32.6%). Most videos were posted by an individual (n = 79, 56%), and the majority of videos were rated as medium quality (n = 88, 62.4%). Overall level of user engagement as measured by number of "likes," "dislikes," and user comments varied widely across all sources of media. Exploratory correlation analysis suggests that the number of a video's views, comments, likes, and dislikes are not correlated with quality. CONCLUSION: Study findings suggest that MedDiet health promotion and education via YouTube has the potential to reach and inform clients; however, existing video content and quality varies significantly. Future intervention research focused on MedDiet should further examine possible predictors of high quality MedDiet content utilizing diverse online video sharing platforms

    Effectiveness of school-based nutrition interventions promoted in the League of Arab States: a systematic review.

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    Arab countries are doubly burdened with undernutrition as well as overweight and obesity. To provide guidance to those looking to address concerns of obesity and overweight among children in this region, the current review bridges an existing knowledge gap and systematically characterizes and evaluates the available scientific evidence pertaining to school-based nutrition interventions completed to date across the Arab world. Using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines and relevant keywords, terms and phrases, a search of the literature across 14 databases for school-based nutrition interventions implemented in this region was conducted. Out of 1568 articles from 14 databases, 38 full-text articles meeting the inclusion criteria were retrieved. Further assessment for eligibility excluded 23 articles and included one article from hand-searching references, leaving 16 articles in the final analysis. Most articles (n = 7) with the implementation of 5 months or longer found strong positive and significant impacts on limiting sweets consumption, increased dietary knowledge, self-efficacy, breakfast and fruit and vegetable consumption, among others. We also found evidence (n = 5) that teachers trained by experts such as dietitians and pediatricians can effectively implement nutrition interventions that achieve the intended outcomes. Training teachers to implement theory-based nutrition and health promotion curricula serves as a potential solution to improving nutrition knowledge, health behaviors and dietary practices among children living in Arab countries. Appropriately designed and implemented nutrition interventions can positively impact nutrition knowledge, health and diet-related behaviors in children and adolescents in this region

    Types and Factors Associated With Online Health Information Seeking Among College Men in Latino Fraternities: A Qualitative Study

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    Despite the fact that a large percentage of Americans go online to seek health information, literature pertaining to online health information (OHI) seeking among college men in Latino fraternities (CMLF) has been nonexistent. Thus, the purpose of this study was to (a) identify the types of OHI that CMLF seek and (b) to determine the factors motivating OHI seeking among CMLF. Four 1- to 1.5-hour focus groups were conducted in two public universities in Florida with 41 college-aged Latino males in an established Latino fraternity. E-mails were used to recruit fraternity members. Qualitative analysis of the focus group transcripts identified that CMLF search for a variety of OHI types including searches on symptoms, diagnoses, weight loss, and treatments for conditions or diseases among other types of OHI. Factors motivating OHI seeking included informational needs of others and concerns for others, worries due to lack of health insurance, preoccupations with health condition, concerns over physical appearance, and clarification through social media. CMLF may be elicited to serve as information conduits to increase access to health information on chronic diseases for older non-English-speaking Latino adults. Lack of health insurance along with other factors in this segment of the population have led to self-diagnosis and self-treatment of illness. Thus, empirical research and health promotion on the potential risks due to self-diagnosing and self-treatment of illness is warranted among CMLF

    American Association for Health Education (AAHE) 2011 Membership Survey: Summary of Findings

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    The American Association for Health Education (AAHE), a national health education organization with the mission of advancing the profession of health education, launched the 2011 AAHE membership survey between October 13, 2011 and November 1, 2011, under the leadership of the AAHE Board of Directors and AAHE Staff. The primary objective of the survey was to provide insight into the perspectives of AAHE members on several important issues facing the organization including: AAHE exiting its parent organization, the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) and the proposed modified merger with the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE), another national health education organization. A total of 240 AAHE members completed the survey. A majority of respondents were university members in health education, and results provide keen insight into AAHE members\u27 perspectives on the AAHE-SOPHE modified merger

    Video clips of the Mediterranean Diet on YouTube TM: A social Media Content Analysis

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    Purpose The present study conducted a social media content analysis on videos describing the Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) posted onYouTube. Setting YouTube TM online video sharing and social media platform. Method Three independent content experts evaluated 141 YouTube videos on the MedDiet in August 2020 utilizing standard rubric and protocol. Data abstracted include media source(s) of posted videos, and viewer exposure/engagement metrics. Information quality was measured by each content expert independently through use of the DISCERN instrument, a 16-item tool designed to assess reliability, dependability, and trustworthiness of an online source, scores were then aggregated for analysis. Results A majority of videos (n = 102, 72.3%) were educational in nature. A third of videos were less clear and less credible on information presented (n = 46, 32.6%). Most videos were posted by an individual (n = 79, 56%), and the majority of videos were rated as medium quality (n = 88, 62.4%). Overall level of user engagement as measured by number of “likes,” “dislikes,” and user comments varied widely across all sources of media. Exploratory correlation analysis suggests that the number of a video’s views, comments, likes, and dislikes are not correlated with quality. Conclusion Study findings suggest that MedDiet health promotion and education via YouTube has the potential to reach and inform clients; however, existing video content and quality varies significantly. Future intervention research focused on MedDiet should further examine possible predictors of high quality MedDiet content utilizing diverse online video sharing platforms