121 research outputs found
Inovasi Pembelajaran PAI SD/SMP/SMA (Teori dan Praktik)
Pendidikan dapat dikatakan sebagai katalisator utama dalam pengembangan SDM, dengan anggapan bahwa semakin terdidik seseorang, semakin tinggi pula kesadarannya terhadap segala aspek kehidupan dalam meningkatkan daya saing di era global saat ini, sebagaimana yang diamanatkan oleh Undang-Undang Sisdiknas No. 20 Tahun 2003 yang menyatakan bahwa pendidikan berperan mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, mengembangkan potensi anak agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, mandiri, kreatif, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis dan bertanggung jawab.
Sejalan dengan perkembangan paradigma dunia tentang makna pendidikan, pendidikan dihadapkan pada sejumlah tantangan yang semakin berat. Salah satu tantangannya adalah bahwa pendidikan hendaknya mampu menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang memiliki kompetensi yang utuh, yakni menghasilkan lulusan yang kompetitif, inovatif, kreatif, kolaboratif serta berkarakter.
Proses pembelajaran pendidikan PAI pada tingkat SD/SMP/SMA perlu adanya pembaharuan yang kenyataannya selama ini masih banyak bersifat konvensional, tidak terlihat adanya improvisasi dalam pembelajaran. Melalui buku ini, penulis berusaha untuk memberikan solusi agar pembelajaran PAI diterapkan menggunakan berbagai metode dan dapat dijadikan acuan bagi setiap guru, para pengajar, orang tua, para pemerhati di bidang pendidikan, serta menjadi sumber referensi belajar dan kajian bagi para mahasiswa semester VII untuk dapat dikembangkan sebagai suatu pendekatan yang tepat dan berdaya guna
Development of Aqidah-Morals Comic To Increase Reading Interest and Student Results Fourth Grade Primary School
Learning of aqidah morals at the elementary school is part of the learning of Islam that directs and delivers students have a noble character. Teaching and learning in school during this time, many still rely on textbooks in the form of textbooks, although there have been several variations of the addition of illustrations but neither has a significant influence on the increase reading interest and student learning achievement. From this, appear the idea of researchers to combine an attractive performance of the comic, the plot coherent and easy to understand with textbooks tend textbook. This study aims to produce a attractive Aqidah morals comic, feasible and effective use design research and development include the steps of the research and data collection, planning, early product development, limited testing, and revision of the final product. Techniques validation is performed by materials experts, media experts and learning experts, and conducted limited trials to the students. Collecting data using a questionnaire that accompanied the column. Types of research data includes data quantitative in the form validator based on the scale Likert assessment and qualitative data based on comments and suggestions from the validator. The product final has different characteristics from other comics, they are : delivery of content with simple language and clear with colored animated images, design presentation emphasizes the cartoons, there is a summary of the material and matter
The Guided Inquiry Worksheet: Growing with Scientist in Indonesia Middle School
The purpose of this is to develop and validate a guided inquiry worksheet to improve science process skills and understanding concepts at Indonesia middle school. Our project is based on concrete activities on material temperature and heat linked to the daily life. Actually, the worksheets learning have not been optimally students to abilities in questions, searching, understanding, finalizing answers ‘what’, ‘why’, and ‘how’ a phenomenona by occurring natural through systematic and benefitting in daily activity. In this context, reform that students involved in exploring and understanding how scientists build, evaluate, and apply scientific knowledge in a scientific inquiry context using open-ended questions and experiences in their own
Keywords-inquiry; worksheet; scientist;middle schoo
Teknologi, Informasi, dan Komunikasi (Prinsip dan Aplikasi dalam Studi Pemikiran Islam)
Buku ajar Teknologi, Informasi, dan Komunikasi (Prinsip dan Aplikasi dalam Studi Pemikiran Islam) ini membantu mahasiswa memahami sistem informasi komputer, karena saat ini kehidupan manusia tidak bisa lepas dari perkembangan komputer.
Buku ajar ini lebih khusus diperuntukkan bagi para mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah pembelajaran ICT atau mahasiswa universitas lainnya yang juga mempelajari mata kuliah yang serupa. Oleh karena itu beberapa contoh dan latihan yang ada pada buku ajar ini sebagian diambil dari materi mata kuliah tingkat atas.
Mudah-mudahan dengan mempelajari buku ini, mahasiswa akan mampu menghadapi masalah-masalah atau kesulitan-kesulitan yang timbul dalam pembelajaran dan dengan harapan semoga dapat berinovasi dan berkreasi dengan berbagai potensi yang dimiliki
This research to: (1) assess textbook validity, (2) assess textbook practicality, and (3) measure textbook effectiveness to improve self regulated learning and understanding concepts in 2 Porong Junior high school. The development textbook with problem posing method refers to the Dick and Carey models. Data collected with questionnaires, observations, and pretest posttest which analyzed by t-test. The following results of textbook 3.88 (valid). The result of textbook 3.87 (practical). The results of textbooks 3.89 (effective). The textbook developed can be an alternative teaching material to support student learnin
Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies
This research is developing guided-inquiry worksheet by analysing validity, practicality, and
effectiveness to improve process skills and understanding at seventh-grade junior high school.
Developed worksheet expected to connect and reflect "educator" and "learner". Learning science
by worksheet using integrates learning from actual hands-on activities and minds-on activities. The
data collected by questionnaires and practical observation analysed with the t-test. The result of
validity is 3.83, and the practical observation means 3,87 showed of 0,000 <0,005 which was
significantly from conventional ones. Teachers who want to improve the skills and concept must
use guided inquiry worksheet developed in this research.
Keywords:Guided inquiry worksheet; process skills; concept understanding
Pengembangan Media Cerita Bergambar Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Siswa Sekolah Dasar
The research of developing this media can communicate clear, strong facts and ideas via words and pictures elaboration. Developing procedure research of Dick’s model, Carey and Carey. This developing research delivers a product such picture story media. The next the product is done in trial-run to get data used to revise the product so the developed product becomes an effective, efficient and interesting product.
For utilization and next developing of teacher’s creativity in teaching is very-very important for learners’ progress at school. In this case it’s caused by visualization tries to describe a massage truth in a form as the real condition. Learning media such picture story has characteristic of a simple massage delivery, understood by students clearly and easily. The human brain has special spot for several learning called long-term memory. Hopefully by using teaching media as picture story media is able to improve studying-teaching quality, at last it can influence students study result
Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Salat Menggunakan Media Ular Tangga Digital
The problem examined in this study is due to the learning outcomes of students who have not reached school standards related to prayer material. To increase student engagement in the classroom, this study introduces the use of fun and attention-grabbing digital snakes and ladders media. This media is based on one of the traditional games favored by children. This study aims to evaluate changes in students\u27 learning outcomes on the topic of prayer in accordance with Islamic law before and after the application of digital snakes and ladders game media during PAI lessons. This research implements Classroom Action Research (PTK) implemented at SD Hang Tuah 9 with the subject of 16 students of class III-B. Data collection includes interviews with third grade PAI teachers, observation sheets, tests, and documentation. The results of the study were that in the pre-cycle the students\u27 learning outcomes were obtained with an average of 61, then increased in cycle I, namely 75.38, because it had not met the target of the minimum criteria completeness value set by the school (76), so it was continued to cycle II which obtained a KKM score of 95.15. This indicates that digital snakes and ladders media can improve student learning outcomes
In a country with a majority Muslim population such as Indonesia, there are still many children, adolescents, to adults whose ability to read the Qur’an is still low. The use of the method is predicted to be one that has a considerable influence on the success of children in learning the Qur’an. The Yanbu’a method is the right choice to be used as an approach to learning to read and write Qur’an. Where this method is indeed prepared for anyone who wants to learn to read and write the Qur’an. This article discusses the Use of the Yanbu’a Method as an Approach to Learning to Read and Write the Qur’an. This study aims to find out how the implementation of the Yanbu’a method in learning to read and write the Qur’an. The type of method used is qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques using observation, intervies, and documentation. The validity test of data through triangulation and research subjects was carried out in one of the Qur’an Education Parks located in Cangkringmalang Beji Pasuruan Village. The result showed that: First, learning with the Yanbu’a method was carried out two times in one day, namely afternoon and evening. Second, the response of students related to learning with the Yanbu’a method is very varied. Third, there are supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of Qur’anic literacy learning
Teknologi, Informasi, dan Komunikasi (Prinsip dan Aplikasi dalam Studi Pemikiran Islam)
Buku ajar Teknologi, Informasi, dan Komunikasi (Prinsip dan Aplikasi dalam Studi Pemikiran Islam) ini membantu mahasiswa memahami sistem informasi komputer, karena saat ini kehidupan manusia tidak bisa lepas dari perkembangan komputer.
Buku ajar ini lebih khusus diperuntukkan bagi para mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah pembelajaran ICT atau mahasiswa universitas lainnya yang juga mempelajari mata kuliah yang serupa. Oleh karena itu beberapa contoh dan latihan yang ada pada buku ajar ini sebagian diambil dari materi mata kuliah tingkat atas.
Mudah-mudahan dengan mempelajari buku ini, mahasiswa akan mampu menghadapi masalah-masalah atau kesulitan-kesulitan yang timbul dalam pembelajaran dan dengan harapan semoga dapat berinovasi dan berkreasi dengan berbagai potensi yang dimiliki
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