2,316 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Temporal Dynamics of Strongly Coupled Quantum Dot-Cavity System

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    We theoretically analyze and simulate the temporal dynamics of strongly coupled quantum dot-cavity system driven by a resonant laser pulse. We observe the signature of Rabi oscillation in the time resolved response of the system (i.e., in the numerically calculated cavity output), derive simplified linear and non-linear semi-classical models that approximate well the system's behavior in the limits of high and low power drive pulse, and describe the role of quantum coherence in the exact dynamics of the system. Finally, we also present experimental data showing the signature of the Rabi oscillation in time domain

    Theory of Pump Depletion and Spike Formation in Stimulated Raman Scattering

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    By using the inverse spectral transform, the SRS equations are solved and the explicit output data is given for arbitrary laser pump and Stokes seed profiles injected on a vacuum of optical phonons. For long duration laser pulses, this solution is modified such as to take into account the damping rate of the optical phonon wave. This model is used to interprete the experiments of Druhl, Wenzel and Carlsten (Phys. Rev. Lett., (1983) vol. 51, p. 1171), in particular the creation of a spike of (anomalous) pump radiation. The related nonlinear Fourier spectrum does not contain discrete eigenvalue, hence this Raman spike is not a soliton.Comment: LaTex file, includes two figures in LaTex format, 9 page

    First-principles method for high-QQ photonic crystal cavity mode calculations

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    We present a first-principles method to compute radiation properties of ultra-high quality factor photonic crystal cavities. Our Frequency-domain Approach for Radiation (FAR) can compute the far-field radiation pattern and quality factor of cavity modes 100\sim 100 times more rapidly than conventional finite-difference time domain calculations. It also provides a simple rule for engineering the cavity's far-field radiation pattern

    High-dimensional unitary transformations and boson sampling on temporal modes using dispersive optics

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    A major challenge for postclassical boson sampling experiments is the need for a large number of coupled optical modes, detectors, and single-photon sources. Here we show that these requirements can be greatly eased by time-bin encoding and dispersive optics-based unitary transformations. Detecting consecutively heralded photons after time-independent dispersion performs boson sampling from unitaries for which an efficient classical algorithm is lacking. We also show that time-dependent dispersion can implement general single-particle unitary operations. More generally, this scheme promises an efficient architecture for a range of other linear optics experiments.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (Grant FA9550-14-1-0052

    An integrated source of spectrally filtered correlated photons for large scale quantum photonic systems

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    We demonstrate the generation of quantum-correlated photon-pairs combined with the spectral filtering of the pump field by more than 95dB using Bragg reflectors and electrically tunable ring resonators. Moreover, we perform demultiplexing and routing of signal and idler photons after transferring them via a fiber to a second identical chip. Non-classical two-photon temporal correlations with a coincidence-to-accidental ratio of 50 are measured without further off-chip filtering. Our system, fabricated with high yield and reproducibility in a CMOS process, paves the way toward truly large-scale quantum photonic circuits by allowing sources and detectors of single photons to be integrated on the same chip.Comment: 4 figure