4,784 research outputs found

    Analysis of air quality management with emphasis on transportation sources

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    The current environment and practices of air quality management were examined for three regions: Denver, Phoenix, and the South Coast Air Basin of California. These regions were chosen because the majority of their air pollution emissions are related to mobile sources. The impact of auto exhaust on the air quality management process is characterized and assessed. An examination of the uncertainties in air pollutant measurements, emission inventories, meteorological parameters, atmospheric chemistry, and air quality simulation models is performed. The implications of these uncertainties to current air quality management practices is discussed. A set of corrective actions are recommended to reduce these uncertainties

    Spectroscopic test of Bose-Einstein statistics for photons

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    Using Bose-Einstein-statistics-forbidden two-photon excitation in atomic barium, we have limited the rate of statistics-violating transitions, as a fraction ν\nu of an equivalent statistics-allowed transition rate, to ν<4.0×10−11\nu<4.0\times10^{-11} at the 90% confidence level. This is an improvement of more than three orders of magnitude over the best previous result. Additionally, hyperfine-interaction enabling of the forbidden transition has been observed, to our knowledge, for the first time

    Willingness to Pay for Emission Reductions with E85

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    This study examines consumers' WTP for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from E85 as opposed to gasoline. Data were collected via a contingent choice exercise in a 2009 national online survey. As part of the fuel choice exercise, several fuel attributes were allowed to vary including emission reductions, import level, proximity of fuel availability, price, and fuel blend (E85 or regular gasoline). A random parameters model with demographics and attitudes interacted with emission reductions was estimated. The resulting estimates suggest that, overall the WTP for an emission reduction is not statistically significant. However, for some demographic and attitudinal profiles, the WTP is significant. An example profile includes younger age, female, concerned about climate change, not supportive of additional drilling, supportive of farmland being used for fuel, own or are likely to own a FlexFuel vehicle, and primary vehicle not an SUV.Willingness to Pay, Emission Reductions, E85, Consumer/Household Economics, Environmental Economics and Policy, Q41, Q51,

    Hyperfine-interaction- and magnetic-field-induced Bose-Einstein-statistics suppressed two-photon transitions

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    Two-photon transitions between atomic states of total electronic angular momentum Ja=0J_a=0 and Jb=1J_b=1 are forbidden when the photons are of the same energy. This selection rule is analogous to the Landau-Yang theorem in particle physics that forbids decays of vector particle into two photons. It arises because it is impossible to construct a total angular momentum J2Îł=1J_{2\gamma}=1 quantum-mechanical state of two photons that is permutation symmetric, as required by Bose-Einstein statistics. In atoms with non-zero nuclear spin, the selection rule can be violated due to hyperfine interactions. Two distinct mechanisms responsible for the hyperfine-induced two-photon transitions are identified, and the hyperfine structure of the induced transitions is evaluated. The selection rule is also relaxed, even for zero-nuclear-spin atoms, by application of an external magnetic field. Once again, there are two similar mechanisms at play: Zeeman splitting of the intermediate-state sublevels, and off-diagonal mixing of states with different total electronic angular momentum in the final state. The present theoretical treatment is relevant to the ongoing experimental search for a possible Bose-Einstein-statistics violation using two-photon transitions in barium, where the hyperfine-induced transitions have been recently observed, and the magnetic-field-induced transitions are being considered both as a possible systematic effect, and as a way to calibrate the measurement

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Farmers’ Willingness to Adopt Switchgrass Production

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    In the United States, biomass is the largest source of renewable energy accounting for over 3 percent of the energy consumed domestically and is currently the only source for liquid, renewable, transportation fuels. Continued development of biomass as a renewable energy source is being driven in large part by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which mandates that by 2022 at least 36 billion gallons of fuel ethanol be produced, with at least 16 billion gallons being derived from cellulose, hemi-cellulose, or lignin. However, the market for cellulosic biofuels is still under development. As such, little is known about producer response to feedstock prices paid for dedicated energy crops. While there have been some studies done on factors that determine farmers’ willingness to produce switchgrass, these have been very regional in nature. This study will provide information regarding potential switchgrass adoption by agricultural producers in twelve southeastern states. The objectives of this research are 1) to determine the likelihood of farmers growing switchgrass as a biomass feedstock and the acres they would be willing to devote to switchgrass production and 2) to evaluate some of the factors that are likely to influence these decisions, including the price of switchgrass.Switchgrass, Farmer Adoption, Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q12, Q16,

    Factors Influencing Consumer Likelihood of Purchasing a Flexible-Fuel or Hybrid Automobile

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    Developing fuels and vehicles that reduce our reliance on fossil fuels has become a priority due to the threat of global climate change and desire for reduced dependence on oil imports. Flexible-fuel vehicles that can run on ethanol/gasoline blends of up to 85% ethanol and hybrid electric vehicles present two such opportunities. While production of both flexible-fuel and hybrid vehicles is increasing, there is still a great deal of uncertainty about how consumers will respond to these products. To address this uncertainty, data was collected through an online survey of automobile owners that asked respondents how likely they were to choose either a flexible-fuel or hybrid vehicle as their next vehicle. A bivariate probit model was used to jointly analyze responses to these two questions. The results show that, while there was some overlap in the factors correlated with perceived likelihood of choosing one of these two types of automobiles, there were also clear differences. These results should benefit policymakers, marketers and academics seeking a better understanding of the respective markets for these vehicles.flexible-fuel vehicles, ethanol, E85, hybrid electric vehicles, Demand and Price Analysis, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Geographical Analysis of US Green Sector Industry Concentration

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    This paper analyzes the geographic distribution of “green energy” sector clustering in the lower 48 United States using recent developments in industry concentration analysis. Evidence suggests that the ten green energy subsectors and the aggregate of the firms comprising the green energy sector are regionally concentrated. Positive changes in industry concentration from 2002 to 2006 tended to be greatest in non-metropolitan counties, suggesting comparative advantage with respect to site location for the composite of firms making up these sectors.Agglomeration, Location Quotient, Renewable Energy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Industrial Organization, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,
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