2,546 research outputs found

    Quality of a Which-Way Detector

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    We introduce a measure Q of the "quality" of a quantum which-way detector, which characterizes its intrinsic ability to extract which-way information in an asymmetric two-way interferometer. The "quality" Q allows one to separate the contribution to the distinguishability of the ways arising from the quantum properties of the detector from the contribution stemming from a-priori which-way knowledge available to the experimenter, which can be quantified by a predictability parameter P. We provide an inequality relating these two sources of which-way information to the value of the fringe visibility displayed by the interferometer. We show that this inequality is an expression of duality, allowing one to trace the loss of coherence to the two reservoirs of which-way information represented by Q and P. Finally, we illustrate the formalism with the use of a quantum logic gate: the Symmetric Quanton-Detecton System (SQDS). The SQDS can be regarded as two qubits trying to acquire which way information about each other. The SQDS will provide an illustrating example of the reciprocal effects induced by duality between system and which-way detector.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Ditau jets in Higgs searches

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    Understanding and identifying ditau jets -- jets consisting of pairs of tau particles, can be of crucial importance and may even turn out to be a necessity if the Higgs boson decays dominantly to new light scalars which, on the other hand, decay to tau pairs. As often seen in various models of BSM such as in the NMSSM, Higgs portals etc., the lightness of these new states ensures their large transverse momenta and, as a consequence, the collinearity of their decay products. We show that the non-standard signatures of these objects, which can easily be missed by standard analysis techniques, can be superbly exploited in an analysis based on subjet observables. When combined with additional selection strategies, this analysis can even facilitate an early discovery of the Higgs boson. To be specific, a light Higgs can be found with S/B5S/\sqrt{B} \gtrsim 5 from L12fb1\mathcal {L} \simeq 12 fb^{-1} of data. We combine all these observables into a single discriminating likelihood that can be employed toward the construction of a realistic and standalone ditau tagger.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. References added, typos corrected, published versio

    E10 and SO(9,9) invariant supergravity

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    We show that (massive) D=10 type IIA supergravity possesses a hidden rigid SO(9,9) symmetry and a hidden local SO(9) x SO(9) symmetry upon dimensional reduction to one (time-like) dimension. We explicitly construct the associated locally supersymmetric Lagrangian in one dimension, and show that its bosonic sector, including the mass term, can be equivalently described by a truncation of an E10/K(E10) non-linear sigma-model to the level \ell<=2 sector in a decomposition of E10 under its so(9,9) subalgebra. This decomposition is presented up to level 10, and the even and odd level sectors are identified tentatively with the Neveu--Schwarz and Ramond sectors, respectively. Further truncation to the level \ell=0 sector yields a model related to the reduction of D=10 type I supergravity. The hyperbolic Kac--Moody algebra DE10, associated to the latter, is shown to be a proper subalgebra of E10, in accord with the embedding of type I into type IIA supergravity. The corresponding decomposition of DE10 under so(9,9) is presented up to level 5.Comment: 1+39 pages LaTeX2e, 2 figures, 2 tables, extended tables obtainable by downloading sourc

    Interacting Bosons at Finite Temperature: How Bogolubov Visited a Black Hole and Came Home Again

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    The structure of the thermal equilibrium state of a weakly interacting Bose gas is of current interest. We calculate the density matrix of that state in two ways. The most effective method, in terms of yielding a simple, explicit answer, is to construct a generating function within the traditional framework of quantum statistical mechanics. The alternative method, arguably more interesting, is to construct the thermal state as a vector state in an artificial system with twice as many degrees of freedom. It is well known that this construction has an actual physical realization in the quantum thermodynamics of black holes, where the added degrees of freedom correspond to the second sheet of the Kruskal manifold and the thermal vector state is a state of the Unruh or the Hartle-Hawking type. What is unusual about the present work is that the Bogolubov transformation used to construct the thermal state combines in a rather symmetrical way with Bogolubov's original transformation of the same form, used to implement the interaction of the nonideal gas in linear approximation. In addition to providing a density matrix, the method makes it possible to calculate efficiently certain expectation values directly in terms of the thermal vector state of the doubled system.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX. To appear in a special issue of Foundations of Physics in honor of Jacob Bekenstei

    G+++ Invariant Formulation of Gravity and M-Theories: Exact BPS Solutions

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    We present a tentative formulation of theories of gravity with suitable matter content, including in particular pure gravity in D dimensions, the bosonic effective actions of M-theory and of the bosonic string, in terms of actions invariant under very-extended Kac-Moody algebras G+++. We conjecture that they host additional degrees of freedom not contained in the conventional theories. The actions are constructed in a recursive way from a level expansion for all very-extended algebras G+++. They constitute non-linear realisations on cosets, a priori unrelated to space-time, obtained from a modified Chevalley involution. Exact solutions are found for all G+++. They describe the algebraic properties of BPS extremal branes, Kaluza-Klein waves and Kaluza-Klein monopoles. They illustrate the generalisation to all G+++ invariant theories of the well-known duality properties of string theories by expressing duality as Weyl invariance in G+++. Space-time is expected to be generated dynamically. In the level decomposition of E8+++ = E11, one may indeed select an A10 representation of generators Pa which appears to engender space-time translations by inducing infinite towers of fields interpretable as field derivatives in space and time.Comment: Latex 45 pages, 1 figure. Discussion on pages 19 and 20 altered. Appendix B amplified. 4 footnotes added. 2 references added. Acknowledgments updated. Additional minor correction

    Hierarchy of inequalities for quantitative duality

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    We derive different relations quantifying duality in a generic two-way interferometer. These relations set different upper bounds to the visibility V of the fringes measured at the output port of the interferometer. A hierarchy of inequalities is presented which exhibits the influence of the availability to the experimenter of different sources of which-way information contributing to the total distinguishability D of the ways. For mixed states and unbalanced interferometers an inequality is derived, V^2+ Xi^2 \leq 1, which can be more stringent than the one associated with the distinguishability (V^2+ D^2 \leq 1).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Black Hole Horizon Fluctuations

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    It is generally admitted that gravitational interactions become large at an invariant distance of order 11 from the black hole horizon. We show that due to the ``atmosphere'' of high angular particles near the horizon strong gravitational interactions already occur at an invariant distance of the order of M3\sqrt[3]{M}. The implications of these results for the origin of black hole radiation, the meaning of black hole entropy and the information puzzle are discussed.Comment: Latex, 22 pages (minor corrections and precisions added

    Simulation of cosmic irradiation conditions in thick target arrangements

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    One approach to simulate 2-pi irradiation conditions of planetary surfaces which has been widely applied in the past are bombardments of so called thick targets. A very large thick target was exposed recently to 2.1 GeV protons at the Bevatron-Bevalac in Berkeley. In a 100x100x180 cm steel-surrounded granodiorite target radioactive medium and high energy spallation products of the incident primary and of secondary particles were analyzed along the beam axis down to depths of 140 g/cm(2) in targets such as Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, T, Si, SiO2 and Al. Activities of these nuclides were exclusively determined via instrumental gamma-ray spectroscopy. Relative yields of neutron capture and spallation products induced in Co and Cu targets during the thick target bombardment are shown as a function of depth. The majority of the medium energy products such as Co-58 from Co targets exhibit a maximum at shallow depths of 40-60 g/cm(2) and then decrease exponentially. In a comparable 600 MeV proton bombarded thick target such a slight maximum for medium energy products was not observed. Rather, Co-58 activities in Co decreased steadily with the highest activity at the surface. The activities of the n-capture product Co-60 increase steadily starting at the surface. This indicates the rapidly growing flux of low energy neutrons within the target

    QCD Corrections to Vector-Boson Fusion Processes in Warped Higgsless Models

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    We discuss the signatures of a representative Higgsless model with ideal fermion delocalization in vector-boson fusion processes, focusing on the gold- and silver-plated decay modes of the gauge bosons at the CERN-Large Hadron Collider. For this purpose, we have developed a fully-flexible parton-level Monte-Carlo program, which allows for the calculation of cross sections and kinematic distributions within experimentally feasible selection cuts at NLO-QCD accuracy. We find that Kaluza-Klein resonances give rise to very distinctive distributions of the decay leptons. Similar to the Standard Model case, within the Higgsless scenario the perturbative treatment of the vector-boson scattering processes is under excellent control.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figure