576 research outputs found

    Swedish Farmers’ Acceptance of RCTs and Economic Experiments

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    A shift in the Common European Agriculture (CAP) towards agri-environmental payment schemes meant to incentivise the provision of environmental public goods calls for a diverse set of policy evaluation methods. Economic experiments such as RCTs can be efficient and cost-effective tools for improving and evaluating the effectiveness of these novel policies. However, the randomisation of benefits required in RCTs is controversial and might be ill-regarded among farmers. Despite their potential usefulness, the application of economic experiments remains limited in this context due to potentially low acceptability by farmers for being the subject of such studies. In an online survey with Swedish farmers, we explore the acceptability of two different hypothetical RCT scenarios and the general willingness to participate in an economic experiment using thought experiments. Our results suggest low acceptability of RCTs in which a group of farmers is excluded from receiving a payment. Moreover, we do not find support for an alternative RCT based on randomly varying the amount of payments in a scheme. Additionally, we find that farmers state a higher willingness to participate in economic experiments if aspects of fairness and transparency are highlighted while randomised or unequal payouts are rather ill-regarded. We also find some ambiguity between stated preferences and actual behaviour in regards to the willingness to participate in experimental studies after testing two modes of monetary incentivisation for participation in our study. We conclude that in the context of agricultural policy evaluation, RCTs should only be applied with great care and that future research should focus on finding ways to adapt RCTs in a way that would increase acceptability and that aspects of fairness, transparency, and a desire for equal payments should be considered in the recruitment for economic experiments.Uppsatsen undersöker svenska lantbrukares Äsikter om anvÀndningen av sÄ kallade randomised controlled trials (RCTs) och andra ekonomiska experiment för utvÀrdering av nya politiska styrmedel inom lantbruket. RCT och andra ekonomiska experiment kan effektivt bidra till att förbÀttra miljöprogram som förser lantbrukare med betalningar för att engagera dem i miljövÀnliga jordbruksmetoder. Potentiella anvÀndningen av RCT inom lantbruket skulle innebÀra att slumpmÀssigt inkludera eller exkludera lantbrukare frÄn betalningen av sÄdana program. För att kunna anvÀnda RCT inom lantbruket behövs det svar pÄ frÄgan om acceptansen av sÄna forskningsmetoder. Ytterligare undersöker vi hur man kan uppmuntra fler lantbrukare att delta i ekonomiska experiment. Vi anvÀnder oss av tvÄ tankeexperiment som presenterades i sammanhang med en enkÀt som skickades ut via mejl till lantbrukare i Sverige. Uppsatsens resultat visar att acceptansen för RCT Àr lÄg. Bara 24% av lantbrukarna som deltog tycker det Àr ett acceptabelt sett att bedöma effektiviteten av miljöprogram inom lantbruket. Studien visar ocksÄ att lantbrukare med större sannolikhet deltar i ekonomiska experiment om forskarna framhÄller aspekter sÄsom rÀttvisa och transparens

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    Reply to Shrivastava and Akowuah

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    Reply to Repossini and Bisleri

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    Recent developments for surgical aortic valve replacement: the concept of sutureless valve technology

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    Aortic stenosis has become the most frequent type of valvular heart disease in Europe and North America and presents in the large majority of patients as calcified aortic stenosis in adults of advanced age. Surgical aortic valve replacement has been recognized to be the definitive therapy which improves considerably survival for severe aortic stenosis since more than 40 years. In the most recent period, operative mortality of isolated aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis varies between 1–3% in low-risk patients younger than 70 years and between 4 and 8% in selected older adults. Long-term survival following aortic valve replacement is close to that observed in a control population of similar age. Numerous observational studies have consistently demonstrated that corrective surgery in symptomatic patients is invariably followed by a subjective improvement in quality of life and a substantial increase in survival rates. More recently, transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has been demonstrated to be feasible in patients with high surgical risk using either a retrograde transfemoral or transsubclavian approach or an antegrade, transapical access. Reported 30-day mortality ranges between 5 and 15%) and is acceptable when compared to the risk predicted by the logistic EuroSCORE (varying between 20 and 35%) and the STS Score, although the EuroScore has been shown to markedly overestimate the effective operative risk. One major concern remains the high rate of paravalvular regurgitation which is observed in up to 85% of the patients and which requires further follow-up and critical evaluation. In addition, long-term durability of these valves with a focus on the effects of crimping remains to be addressed, although 3-5 year results are promising. Sutureless biological valves were designed to simplify and significantly accelerate the surgical replacement of a diseased valve and allow complete excision of the calcified native valve. Until now, there are 3 different sutureless prostheses that have been approved. The 3f Enable valve from ATS-Medtronic received CE market approval in 2010, the Perceval S from Sorin during Q1 of 2011 and the intuity sutureless prosthesis from Edwards in 2012. All these devices aim to facilitate valve surgery and therefore have the potential to decrease the invasivness and to shorten the conventional procedure without compromise in term of excision of the diseased valve. This review summarizes the history and the current knowledge of sutureless valve technology

    Entwicklung einer neuartigen Plasmafiltertechnik fĂŒr die Abscheidung defektarmer superharter Kohlenstoffschichten

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Entwicklung eines Plasmafilters fĂŒr die Herstellung defektarmer wasserstofffreier Kohlenstoffschichten (ta-C) auf Basis einer leistungsfĂ€higen gepulsten Vakuumbogentechnologie sowie der Charakterisierung der mit dieser Technologie abgeschiedenen Schichten

    Robuste Produktionsprogrammplanung in der hierarchischen Produktionsplanung fĂŒr in der Industrie eingesetzte operative Produktionsplanungen und -steuerungen

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    Dieser Beitrag basiert auf einer Planungshierarchie zur Produktionsplanung und -steuerung, die ĂŒblicherweise in der industriellen Praxis verwendet wird. In der Produktionsprogrammplanung werden meist deterministische Planungsparameter unterstellt. TatsĂ€chlich sind insbesondere die Bedarfe zum Planungszeitpunkt nicht bekannt und somit unsicher. Zur BerĂŒcksichtigung dieser Unsicherheit wird in der aktuellen Forschung insbesondere die szenariobasierte robuste Optimierung verwendet. In diesem Forschungsvorhaben wird untersucht, wie eine robuste Produktionsprogrammplanung in einer solchen Planungshierarchie eingesetzt werden kann
