624 research outputs found

    Optical angular momentum transfer to trapped absorbing particles

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    Particle rotation resulting from the absorption of light carrying angular momentum has been measured. When absorbing CuO particles (1-5ÎŒm) were trapped in a focused ‘‘donut’’ laser beam, they rotated, due to the helical phase structure of the beam. Changing the polarization of the light from plane to circular caused the rotation frequency to increase or decrease, depending on the sense of the polarization with respect to the helicity of the beam. Rotation frequencies were obtained by Fourier analysis of amplitude fluctuations in the backscattered light from the particles. © 1996 The American Physical Society

    BPS branes in discrete torsion orbifolds

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    We investigate D-branes in a Z_3xZ_3 orbifold with discrete torsion. For this class of orbifolds the only known objects which couple to twisted RR potentials have been non-BPS branes. By using more general gluing conditions we construct here a D-brane which is BPS and couples to RR potentials in the twisted and in the untwisted sectors.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe

    Fractional two-branes, toric orbifolds and the quantum McKay correspondence

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    We systematically study and obtain the large-volume analogues of fractional two-branes on resolutions of orbifolds C^3/Z_n. We study a generalisation of the McKay correspondence proposed in hep-th/0504164 called the quantum McKay correspondence by constructing duals to the fractional two-branes. Details are explicitly worked out for two examples -- the crepant resolutions of C^3/Z_3 and C^3/Z_5.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX (JHEP3 style); (v2) typos corrected; (v3) sec 3 reorganise

    Gauge theories from wrapped and fractional branes

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    We compare two applications of the gauge/gravity correspondence to a non conformal gauge theory, based respectively on the study of D-branes wrapped on supersymmetric cycles and of fractional D-branes on orbifolds. We study two brane systems whose geometry is dual to N=4, D=2+1 super Yang-Mills theory, the first one describing D4-branes wrapped on a two-sphere inside a Calabi-Yau two-fold and the second one corresponding to a system of fractional D2/D6-branes on the orbifold R^4/Z_2. By probing both geometries we recover the exact perturbative running coupling constant and metric on the moduli space of the gauge theory. We also find a general expression for the running coupling constant of the gauge theory in terms of the "stringy volume" of the two-cycle which is involved in both types of brane systems.Comment: AMS-LaTeX, 35 pages, no figures. Minor typos corrected, version to appear in NP

    Infrasound initiates directional fast-start escape responses in juvenile roach Rutilus rutilus

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    Acoustic stimuli within the sonic range are effective triggers of C-type escape behaviours in fish. We have previously shown that fish have an acute sensitivity to infrasound also, with acceleration thresholds in the range of 10(-5) m s(-2). In addition, infrasound at high intensities around 10(-2) m s(-2) elicits strong and sustained avoidance responses in several fish species. In the present study, the possible triggering of C-escapes by infrasonic single-cycle vibrations was examined in juvenile roach Rutilus rutilus. The fish were accelerated in a controlled and quantifiable manner using a swing system. The applied stimuli simulated essential components of the accelerations that a small fish would encounter in the hydrodynamic flow field produced by a predatory fish. Typical C- and S-type escape responses were induced by accelerations within the infrasonic range with a threshold of 0.023 m s(-2) for an initial acceleration at 6.7 Hz. Response trajectories were on average in the same direction as the initial acceleration. Unexpectedly, startle behaviours mainly occurred in the trailing half of the test chamber, in which the fish were subjected to linear acceleration in combination with compression, i.e. the expected stimuli produced by an approaching predator. Very few responses were observed in the leading half of the test chamber, where the fish were subjected to acceleration and rarefaction, i.e. the stimuli expected from a suction type of predator. We conclude that particle acceleration is essential for the directionality of the startle response to infrasound, and that the response is triggered by the synergistic effects of acceleration and compression

    Defect Perturbations in Landau-Ginzburg Models

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    Perturbations of B-type defects in Landau-Ginzburg models are considered. In particular, the effect of perturbations of defects on their fusion is analyzed in the framework of matrix factorizations. As an application, it is discussed how fusion with perturbed defects induces perturbations on boundary conditions. It is shown that in some classes of models all boundary perturbations can be obtained in this way. Moreover, a universal class of perturbed defects is constructed, whose fusion under certain conditions obey braid relations. The functors obtained by fusing these defects with boundary conditions are twist functors as introduced in the work of Seidel and Thomas.Comment: 46 page

    B-type defects in Landau-Ginzburg models

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    We consider Landau-Ginzburg models with possibly different superpotentials glued together along one-dimensional defect lines. Defects preserving B-type supersymmetry can be represented by matrix factorisations of the difference of the superpotentials. The composition of these defects and their action on B-type boundary conditions is described in this framework. The cases of Landau-Ginzburg models with superpotential W=X^d and W=X^d+Z^2 are analysed in detail, and the results are compared to the CFT treatment of defects in N=2 superconformal minimal models to which these Landau-Ginzburg models flow in the IR.Comment: 50 pages, 2 figure

    Matrix Factorizations and Homological Mirror Symmetry on the Torus

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    We consider matrix factorizations and homological mirror symmetry on the torus T^2 using a Landau-Ginzburg description. We identify the basic matrix factorizations of the Landau-Ginzburg superpotential and compute the full spectrum, taking into account the explicit dependence on bulk and boundary moduli. We verify homological mirror symmetry by comparing three-point functions in the A-model and the B-model.Comment: 41 pages, 9 figures, v2: reference added, minor corrections and clarifications, version published in JHE

    Permutation branes and linear matrix factorisations

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    All the known rational boundary states for Gepner models can be regarded as permutation branes. On general grounds, one expects that topological branes in Gepner models can be encoded as matrix factorisations of the corresponding Landau-Ginzburg potentials. In this paper we identify the matrix factorisations associated to arbitrary B-type permutation branes.Comment: 43 pages. v2: References adde
